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Everything posted by radio1ham

  1. well just thought id put a pic on here top one is my new addition the remmington model 7 in 243 cal bottom one cz452 22 rim fire
  2. radio1ham


    i watched an episode the other day and i was shocked was when rodney went to get a shoutgun from the cabinet in home farm`s office and i noticed the gun cabinet was a free standing one (should of been bolted to the wall ) there was about a half inch gap between the cabinet and the wall he opened it and it wobbled i thought christ so much for sercurity wonder who was their feo he should be sacked wonder if anyone else noticed that
  3. maybe a good idea to let people know what area you are in , and welcome to the site
  4. ok thanks chaps il see if i can put my hands on one
  5. ive got the deben atom tracer lamp which mounts on to the scope and has battery pack that goes on to stock of gun and has a dimmer on it aswell allowing to get closer to bunnys etc but they are around a £100 but they good all the same i think the battery pack will last about an hour or so so i use a 12volt 7amp battery and that seems to last all night check around dont buy the first one you see if you just after a cheap hand held lamp check my posts as i have one there that i paid £14 for from rs trade counter and a set of filters for about £5 from maplins a cheap lamping set up had it for about 4 years now and still going strong
  6. hello everyone im just wondering if there is another type of scope mount for my rem model 7 it currently has the burris mount on it and was wondering if there is any other type i can put on it as the scope i origianaly wanted to put on it i cant as the rings are to far apart maybe a dove tail type of mount
  7. yes the rem model 7in .243 lovely little rifle a wolf in sheeps clothing (im a proud owner of one) yes a lovely light rifle to carry about but like stuart says a bit hairy they do pack a bit of a punch to the shoulder not reccomended for people that dont like recoil :yp:
  8. well i got the cz452 rf with mod for shooting rabbits etc (execelent gun ) and now got the remmington model 7 .243 for fox and deer so i guess those 2 calibers pretty much do all the work price of 22 ammo is a lot cheaper then 243 but you dont do plinking shots with a 243 but with 22 ammo around £30 per 500 you can afford you use them more but if you get into stalking deer a shot from the 243 will more than pay for it self for your frezer best if you like your mates gun then consider getting one the same
  9. well took about 5mins to get in car as i dont have a spare key but guess il get one and leave it with farmer so if happens again itl be alright
  10. well i done it yep locked my keys in the boot of my car silly me took a while to get into car without having to break a window wonder if anyone else has done the same guess il have them on a chain next time around my neck so as not to do it again
  11. hi hodge try gettin a few decoys out that will help
  12. looks like im the only person to own one lol
  13. hi everyone just wondering if anyone else owns one of these i bought mine a few weeks ago and cant fault it just wondering what anyone else thinks of them
  14. radio1ham

    5 people

    ive just looked on ebay why is it they can still sell knives on there as some of them are not hunting knives i seen one witha 13 inch blade (listed as a hunting knife) would you use that for skinning rabbits etc i think not maybe its about time they were told to stop selling them as there is no age restrictions to who may buy them any kids could send a postal order and then they will be able to purchase one of these so called hunting knives its rediculous when gun laws etc changed ebay was told no firearms to be sold in the uk isnt it about time they were told the same about knives aswell just a thought
  15. the gamekeeper was on tv a few years ago wish i still had it on video he was called charlie pirrie
  16. before binning them take the lead shot out of them as there is always a use for the lead shot then if the rest of case is no good soak in oil before chucking them in the bin as you dont want any going bang in the bin wagon or worse still someone finding them and trying to use them
  17. well maybe the dog thinks you telling him/her to get out of a room for instance and he/she getting confused as when out in fields dog maybe thinking which room so just sits there not knowing what to do maybe try another command like i did with our tess(bless her soul lost last year to cancer) like go find she took to that straight away
  18. i currently shoot on about 500 acres and as for foxes it warrented me to get a 243 rifle so still a few about and no doubt there will be more on neighbouring lands so plenty more to be had id say
  19. well i must admit not owning a 17 but own a 22 and have had many rabbits with it aswell some being well over a 100 yds aswell using sub sonic ammo in my cz452 with mod its a very effective tool and also the ammo is much less cost aswell but i guess it up to the person who is going to be using the gun but the 22 will do a good job for me as im sure others will agree aswell altho the 17 may be flatter to shoot with less bullet drop , once you get the hang of using a 22 getting used to the different drops of the bullet at different distances it will be just as good as the 17 any way i zero the scope on my 22 rimmy for 100 yrds and have never complained nor have the quarry that i shoot as it says on the box of ammo these are dangerous for upto 1.5 miles im sure their is plenty of punch in them at distances of 100 yards + anyway just my opinion also when i had my henry lever action 22 fitted with my vomz pilad scope i was popping rabbits at around 200 paces so im going to be putting that scope on my cz452
  20. like bobs says he pretty much covered it all maybe find someone near to you to show you how to go on with reloading your own im sure someone will be willing to show you the ropes just ask anyone that you go shooting with or maybe any keepers etc someone somewhere near you will have experiance good luck with it anyway
  21. well you can try 2 loud claps of your hands and which ever one pricks up his/her ears maybe be a good working dog it half the battle if they not scrared of the loud clap from your hands
  22. well do you get sick of them aswell a few weeks ago i had one fone me telling me i needed a mobile fone who is he to tell me what i need? i already have a mobile fone i told him but he insisted that i still need one why is it he could not get the grasp that i already have one anyway i just hung fone up on him guess he wont be happy about that its so annoying when someone that doesnt know you trys to tell you what you need
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