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Everything posted by radio1ham

  1. how about the anti poaching alarms that work from a 12 guage blank plenty loud aswell fasten it to fence post about 40 yards from gate and tie trigger line to gate when gate open 12 guage blank is fired most gun shops sell them for about 13 quid i think any poachers wouldnt be to keen to hang around as they will think some one is there shooting at them try here http://images.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=h...26safe%3Dactive
  2. well you not the only one i also had mine reduced from a 1000 .22 to 600 and my .243 lifted from 100 upto 200 but i guess thats life and not alot we can do about it something to do with new homeoffice guidelines so i was told on the phone and also with my new cert a letter inside with it saying had been reduced but im happy either way at least we still have our fac`s also sounds like you restricted to as where you can shoot if it states in the conditions land deemed suitable by cheif of police for your area you are restricted to that land only and on ranges i had the restricion lifted on mine at time of renewal as for doing fox control with the .243 and licensed for the shooting of deer aswell and the .22 aswell for vermin but if you have other land to shoot on get permission letters and post them in to fac officer showing you have more land to shoot on and they will either pass it or they wont and they will let you know its ok dont go assuming once you hold an fac you can go anywhere even if you have permission as if you got pulled on the land that had not been deemed suitable you could risk loosing you fac but if you go shooting say with a friend on his permission and has been passed for firearms .22 etc you should be ok but make sure it has been passed and that you have lawfull authority to shoot there best be safe than sorry
  3. well met him yesterday sunday a real good lad thanks again richard
  4. i think as most of them are seriously explosive shouldnt they be only available to organised events as they can kill like real bombs and should only be available to those holding an explosives license this way none of the idiots can get their hands on them and anyone caught selling them or posessing them without a license should face the same penaltys as anyone holding illeagal firearms etc wouldnt you think the way things have been over the past few years the penny would drop (divvy gov) fireworks altho entertaining they are still explosives and can serously injure or kill some fireworks will hold upto a 1lb if not more gunpowder and the idiots can buy them its the most dangerous combination one idiot and one big firework = trouble its simple maths shame the goverment cant do simple sums anyway thats my opinion
  5. hi there have you tryed guntrader.co.uk i use a little remington model 7 but like you say you have used a certain one maybe worth seeing if anyone got one for sale on guntrader second hand im allowed to hold 200 and buy 100 rounds i think that is ok aswell also you may be restricted as to where you can use it aswell eg: zeroing on ranges and also land deemed suitable by cheif of police for your area ive had the restricion lifted off my fac so i can shoot pretty much anywhere providing i have the lawfull authority to shoot there if you going to be doing alot of shooting with it it may be worth while considering loading your own as a box of 20 rounds up here is around the 20quid mark so if you do alot of shooting with it , it can put a pretty hole in your wallet
  6. they`l all look even better on the plate with vegis (a nice sundays dinna )
  7. well here we go again i was looking at the price of fuel yesterday and yes the same garage (same company sainsbury`s ) in 2 different places are charging 2 different prices for their fuel one at team valley in gateshead charge 118.9 per litre and their garage at whitley bay charge 115.9 per litre , i know its only 3p difference per litre but shouldnt they be the same price what is your thoughts are we still being ripped off
  8. maybe worth having word with people in gun shops as i guess they will know more folk that do the shooting around here maybe try at local clay shooting clubs as there is a few of them dotted around the north east but keep trying as you will hit lucky
  9. got mine back within a week when i had my variation for .243 also just renewed aswell and that was done within a week aswell super fast from northumbria police it also now an open ticket
  10. I hate zeroing larger rifles. The gun dosn't go *bang* just a ''Chur-ching* sound, as you feel your wallet get lighter and lighter totally agree with the above i was paying 20 quid a box maybe worth while thinking of reloading your own
  11. i got remington model 7 great little rifle in .243 very light to carry all day not sure if theres anything lighter for stalking i even take the rem with me when out and about with the shotgun aswell just incase i come across any foxes i just put the sling on and over my shoulder and i dont even feel it when walking around
  12. well look great to me ,good to see folk making their own gear top marks
  13. well said daz i too have been slated on here, but take it with a pinch of salt as i do
  14. a very nice rifle you have there im sure you will enjoy using it just like i enjoy using my rem model 7 and no doubt you will be getting in to reloading your own aswell good luck with it
  15. will take some doing to find the pots of gold then
  16. well 70-80 yards with a .22 shot through the chest of one them in to another to shoot a fox at that distance with a .22 isnt the best thing to be doing seeing as you hold an fac why not get a rifle that is suitable for the job something like a .222 -.243 which will do the job properly if you going to continue shooting them with a .22 why not squeek them in to about 40 yards then do a head shot im sure a lot of people will agree with me im not saying you cant kill foxes with a ,22 just get them closer so you can do it more humanely with a clean head shot as shooting them in the chest they can run off and you will spend a good while looking for it (if you bother to )
  17. try get some 58 webbing ammo pouches with the belt aswell wish i still had mine
  18. well im one of the lucky fella`s i used the yellow pages and now shoot on 2 farms in northumberland dont be put off by knock backs as im sure you will get plenty time and patience always pays off i must pass another 4 farms on way to where i shoot and not ever seen anyone shooting there so may call in one when im passing just to let them know that i shoot local to them and if they have any problems with vermin leave my fone numbers with them im sure you will get some shooting just keep trying or when you out and about driving around just knock on the door and be polite youve got nothing to loose and leave your number with them you never know you may get a call out of the blue
  19. anyway not to stray away from the topic excelent pictures drut well done
  20. hi harv well how way surely to god you can tell the difference between a badger and a raccoon i guess im not the only person that has picked up on you calling a badger a raccoon
  21. let see hmmm , anyone else seen a racoon like this one didnt know we had them up here in north east for all those that think its a racoon well sorry to disapoint you but its a BADGER come on harv anyone can see what it is its not that hard to tell its a badger even my 4 year old neice can tell the difference just for you harv ive put on a picture of a racoon so now you will be able to tell the difference, wouldnt want you shooting a badger thinking it was a racoon maybe its time to get your eyes tested harv, wonder how much youve shot thinking it was ok to shoot and finding out it wasnt ok to shoot it maybe with shooting season open now we should put pictures on for harv so he can tell the difference between what to shoot and what not to shoot, or maybe he shouldnt be shooting at all maybe his eyesight not as good as it was as he cant tell difference between a badger and a raccoon
  22. i know il get slated for this but here goes anyway why not use the gun you have been using for clays if you own that gun no doubt you hit the clay pigeons with it so why not use if for shooting pigeons my o/u is a clay trap gun and gets used for everything from pigeon,rabbit,fox, crows and geese now never actually shot clays before
  23. well my parker and hale mod is proof marked so i would expect and thing with fac to be proofed are you sure he hasnt gave you an air rifle one by mistake maybe worth finding out as mistakes can happen
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