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Everything posted by radio1ham

  1. i wouldnt call any gun a toy anyone who regards guns as toys should never be allowed to own one
  2. hi steve very true , but also have permission to shoot roe deer aswell so i went for the min cal which is the 243 like you say i wont be shooting everything with it only fox and roe deer price of 243 bullets is 16quid for 20 so they will not be getting wasted either
  3. i hope not northumbria are pretty ok never had any problems with them in the past
  4. well all paper work sent off yesterday just a matter of waiting now hopefully fingers crossed all should be ok
  5. well i would be biting mad it should of been firearms officers that take your guns away not normal pc plod as they are NOT qualified to ensure the safety of the guns so if they not firearms plod i would complain just hope it wasnt some plonkers posing as police as it has been known to happen anyway good luck hope you get them back i would strike your neigbour off christmas card list period
  6. well i tryed squeeking and they werent having anything to do with it but i guess time will tell and il get them one way or another
  7. well thought i would go shooting and so i did was lovely hot day in northumberland thought i would get me self a couple of rabbits anyway got to the fields where i usually shoot them and guess what not a rabbit to be had due to seeing 5 yes 5 foxes in the fields which pretty much dampened my rabbit shooting so i pretty much gave up after seeing them running around so roll on to when and if im alowed to have a 243 rifle then il get rid of them just a matter of catching farmer to sign my letter for using a 243 already have one farmers signature on a letter so wont be long now with any luck then il be rid of them foxes try to get close to them with the shot gun but could not get anywhere near them so back to the car for a drink of juice and a bite to eat before setting of back home well atleast i had a nice drive and a walk around the fields whislt getting my juice and chicken and bacon pie out the boot of my car the farmers collie sneaked into me car and just lay on the floor on passenger side of car (cheeky little bliter) and went to sleep aswell so just left her there for a while till i decided to drive back home
  8. thanks chaps il be going for a 243 if all goes ok got one letter signed for using 243 just need my other letter signed then will be in post to flo
  9. wonder if llidl have a game license to sell game meats :blink:
  10. the saddley and gun room will do it for you but not sure how much they charge
  11. im not a drinker but i do like a tipple of whiskey my self now and then
  12. well just a matter of waiting for paper work now hopefully should turn up today with any luck
  13. yep i remember that one bob shooting from the waist at the clays and hit them
  14. good one henry well i guess i put my fair shair up on the sky aswell aswell of in the ground
  15. well chaps whats your favourite tipple
  16. well in my opinion the slr 7.62mm was the most reliable rifle sa80 i think is only for close combat shooting as the slr7.62 mm was better by far at further ranges they should of stuck with it as the sa80 well in iraq and the gulf war they were getting jammed up by the sand dust as my mate told me they are **** even the lee enfield .303 knocks spots off the sa80 5.56mm even tho it was a much heavier rifle anyway thats my opinion having fired all 3 of them i prefer the slr 7.62mm even the .22 conversion of the slr is better than the sa80
  17. well chaps foned my local firearms dept and the land i shoot on only one of them has only been approved for a .22 so they will need to inspect the both lands i shoot on , one of the lands in considerly smaller than the other but thats where most of the foxes are day and night so im just waiting for the paperwork to come out to fill in and have to get letters off the land owners another thing shal i just wait till my fac runs out in december and get the variation then or get it now i explained to firearms dept i only want a rifle for fox but they still say i need good reason for wanting the rifle so i guess il just put on the form fox control as im not to bothered a bout the deer yet but i guess i should put that on aswell as looks like il be going for the .243 as i think it will be a good allrounder and its in my price bracket aswell so looks like il be going up to the farms soon to get the new letters of permission if i get the variation now i guess it will be an early xmas present getting the .243 rifle sssshhhhh dont tell the wife hopefully all will be ok
  18. hi bob and henry well been looking at prices of the guns and the 243 seems to be the cheapest calibre going at the moment also the .270 is cheap aswell but not sure if i would be alowed the .270 as its a big cal rifle maybe to big for what i need the 243 may be best for me as there is roe deer aswell where i shoot and also have land owners permission to shoot them if i want but mainly i was wanting for fox would the .270 be over kill for fox i wonder and wether northumbria police would let me have a slot for the .270 its all to do with the price of the gun itself as it wont be used everytime i go out and dont want to spend a fortune on the gun as it will only be used maybe a couple a times a month thanks again bob and henry maybe il fone the firearms dept and see what they say
  19. hi henry not sure about those calibres just was thinking of the 243 as a good all rounder
  20. hello everyone just a quick question im thinking on getting a 243 rifle but its the price of the ammo puts me off (would be ideal for foxes at a longer range than my 22 or shot gun ) just wondering if any one reloads their own or was even looking at a .270 rifle but that may be to big for fox control (maybe over kill) anyone got any opinions thanks all
  21. well i used to live in a place where you could leave your doors open and car open aswell mind you thats going back a good few years but now its used as a dumping ground for the local council somewhere to put the problem familys as it was out the way in the countryside i had lived there all my life 40years and i was glad to get a new house and away from the place as over the passed 10-15years the local council started dumping all the **** there and the place just went down hill now most of the decent folk i know from that place are also trying to move out so i guess i am one of the lucky ones that has moved away from that place
  22. radio1ham


    well good on ya nice to see someone getting permission as we all know its hard to come by hope you enjoy your self
  23. any will do as long as they go bang and they chuck the shot out the barrell mind you once filled one with confetti a while ago and put it my mates gun what a laugh i had and so did the rabbits laugh at him
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