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Everything posted by welsh1

  1. Gurkhas Loyal, fearless, truly amazing soldiers. You don't want to know they are your enemy.
  2. She told them about it on her application, and they still invited her to an interview, look on the positive side, they are interested enough to meet her. Hope her interview goes well.
  3. Always take my marttiini mfk-1t folding knife,nice and compact and very sharp,does the job. Also carry my gerber suspension,an indispensable tool,was gutted when i lost it for a week,turned up under the chair where i always sit No Deer down my way so no real need for a big fixed blade.
  4. Fantastic videos,what a worker. My Brittany jogs along sniffing things out and going to point,and only goes into fast mode on the retrieve,i am amazed at the speed Brook covers the ground,a credit to you,Great to watch. :good:
  5. Here is the oath for those interested. “ I swear by almighty God that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, her heirs and successors and that I will as in duty bound honestly and faithfully defend her Majesty, her heirs and successors in person, crown and dignity against all enemies and will observe and obey all orders of her Majesty, her heirs and successors and of the generals and officers set over me.” 1 Irrespective of private beliefs, this Oath embodies the context within which the British Army fights and operates. It expresses the loyalty of every soldier to the Sovereign as Head of State. These relationships find expression in the Colours, Standards and other emblems of Regimental and Corps spirit, which derive from the Sovereign. Personal commitment is the foundation of military service. Soldiers must be prepared to serve whenever and wherever required and to do their best at all times. This means putting the needs of the mission and of the team before personal interests. 1 Those who do not believe in God “Solemnly, sincerely and truly declare and affirm
  6. The first point is that those willing to enter the military actually LOSE their voice,no unions,no striking. Secondly the contract is a little different to your normal contract,you agree to serve Her Majesty,Her heirs and successors,and Her government,it doesn't say you start a 8 and finish at 5 and get every other monday off,the only company car you may get will have 4x4 capability. My point is that the military is a unique institution,and you can be walked all over,there needs to be some unwritten rules so everyone knows the score. Just a few examples of unfairness, Soldiers posted overseas still had to pay council tax,even though they had no choice of where they are posted(civilians who go abroad can stop council tax) When posted overseas the exchange rate can be bad for your pound,so the government used to pay you a bit extra to meet that difference,thats kind of them.When the first gulf war started and a soldier with a wife and 2 kids was sent to the gulf to fight,his wife and kids lost that bit extra,they still had to buy the local food,but were disadvantaged because the husband/dad was up to his neck in sand wondering if he would get killed the next day. The above examples were to a point changed because people spoke up for the military,and the government were shamed into changing them. There are a lot more things wrong,like soldiers with no limbs getting a pittance of a pension,and having to go to charities to help them out with basic things to help them try to lead a "normal" life,they do not complain,that's not the military way,but it takes charities and relatives to bring the government to account. There are thousands of troops that will not know the hell of PTSD until they have left the military,and most will be treated by the courts as unruly drunks or to quote a post on here"shaven headed thugs"the lucky ones will be directed to CHARITIES like COMBAT STRESS,the military will not offer them help,their local authority will put them on the bottom of the list,below alcoholics and drug users,IS THAT FAIR,it was not their doing that they saw mates blown up,children thrown into cellars and burnt in the balkans. I have bored you enough now,but please don't think the forces want special treatment,they just want FAIR treatment,and despite a lot of the perception of the forces,the large majority do very skilled jobs(we will discount the RA ) and just want to know that when they do the bidding of the government,that government will in return look after them. Most Soldiers only want to be treated fairly,and to know if it all goes tits up,their families will be taken care of.
  7. Nice one, and that pie looks great.
  8. You are missing the point, about 3 years service and not seeing conflict, that person volunteered and then was at the bidding of the military system, 24/7 365 days a year, if they wanted to send him to some cess pit country, he goes, it's not debatable. The pay back for giving your life over by signing on and taking the "queens shilling" is that you will be taken care of. In periods of calm the armed forces don't do much in the way of war, but as can be seen now they are stretched to the limit, the government could not commit these troops if there were no volunteers. It's a scratch my back and I will scratch yours scenario, but in this game you are volunteering to ultimately lose your life in the protection of your country. I think the government have a duty to honour this unsaid covenant for all troops, but as we have seen spineless politicians have ignored the forces for far to long, while demanding more and more.
  9. It should make no difference if you have done 2 weeks or 22years,you should be treated the same. And a lot of soldiers leave at the 3-6-9-12-22 year points as this is in their terms of service,again it should not matter,they did what their contract asked them to do for a specified time. Your statement is saying that a young soldier who has been in the army for lets say 3 years,who then sees a couple of his mates,die in IED incidents, and still had the nerve to do two tours of Afghanistan,leaves at his 3 year point,but then discovers he has PTSD(not wounded) should not be entitled to preferential treatment.
  10. You may well volunteer for up to 22 years,but some of the injuries that some personnel get they have for life,and that could be a life of severe pain. I hope this is a good solid law and not a smoke and mirrors law to make the government look good. I believe that military and ex military should get preferential treatment for any medical problem that can be attributed to military service,this is meant to happen now,but most local authorities don't give a dam.
  11. Are you mad,who would do the washing up then
  12. My wife decided to bottle feed both my boys,and they have turned into 6'well behaved,and bright young men. When she had my second son she was pestered in hospital,and this continued when the midwife visited,the midwife had a vicious tongue on her and spouted out a load of tripe about how my son would have all sorts wrong with him,and would not be that intelligent,my wife calmly stood up and told the midwife to get out and never come back,the midwife was so shocked at this she left without a word and that was the last we saw of her. My son who should be sub normal according to the mid wife, is now very fit and healthy,was the top of his school in the exam table for gcse,and is doing 4 a levels,and his teachers are predicting a* results. You have to do as a mother what you feel is right for your child,and if you don't want to breast feed then you don't have to. Some of our friends breast fed their kids for about a year each,but have fed their kids on junk food ever since,and their kids look pasty,overweight and have complexions like the moon. I firmly believe what you feed your kids over a lifetime is what is important,good fresh food,and a good variety of food.
  13. Nice one ,just goes to show how different people have different interpretations of what is safe and what's not. All those bunnies and foxes that think they are safe because no one ever shoots at them are in for a shock
  14. She is laughing her head off,but said you should stick to the pics of the food.
  15. It was ,but i thought i would be polite and show pre-lick
  16. My lovely Wife cooked a game pie for my tea,there was Pigeon,Woodcock,Teal,Snipe and some bacon,in a lovely red wine sauce with mushrooms,and a perfect puff pastry topping. And there was half a bottle of red wine left over,which was very nice Looks tasty Was tasty I recommend this
  17. Nice one, always nice to see a good retrieve.
  18. Unfortunately for people like myself who work in the real world,i have to pay to subsidise your pension. Work out how much you pay into your pension pot,then how much you get back each year as you draw your pension,and you will see a point in your future where your pot is empty,thats where your pension becomes subsidised. Stop winging,most of us work a dam sight harder,cannot afford to accumulate a pension pot to equal the one you have,do not get the sickness perks,the extended holidays etc. The country is bankrupt,you can thank the politicians for that,and cuts are being made. Try self employed for a while,holidays if i'm lucky,sickness pay don't make me laugh,job security non existent,regular wage ha ha. And you want my sympathy because you can retire at least 10 years before before me.
  19. In season there is a very large"pond" with geese and ducks on about 300yds further down
  20. I know nothings being shot,but i was out with the dog and shotgun,it was nice just sitting there waiting for pigeons,i thought i would share it. Link changed,should work for everyone now. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nr9PTQn4940
  21. Open google home page,click on maps,this will bring up google maps,one of the toggles along the top will say NEW (its in red on mine)click on that and a load of options pop up,enable the distance measuring tool,click save changes. When you zoom in on the map to a field you have been in,in the bottom left corner is a little ruler,click on it and it opens a side bar,you can change to any measurement you want,yards is always good then just click on map from your start point(where you shot from) and then click on your end point (shot rabbit). It is very handy for looking at set distances around your permissions,i know if i walk down the centre of one fairway on a golf course it is 40yds to one side and 70yds to the other side,or marking your favourite spot and working out distances to set objects,comes in handy at night when squeaking foxy in.
  22. Nice bag for a mornings work
  23. Rifle is a cz .17hmr, a good solid workhorse, it likes hornaday 17g blue tips.
  24. Keep an eye out for second hand, you can half that price and a bit, but you take a risk about the tube being in good condition.
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