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Everything posted by ditchman

  1. i was given a roll of weird tape, its the same size as gaffer tape but thicker and stickier and has a bituminous look to it, i was told to use that....comes from the oil industry, i was also planning to use waxoyl, and not forgetting to run pipecleaners thro the 3 weepholes......
  2. Does the skin come with the tabs partially bent, so all you have to do is lay the frame on after priming etc ?
  3. cheers ole partner......got that in one...i apreciate you getting back......let you know how i get on thanks again ditchman
  4. Skin...£62.00 Door...£ 456.00 The skin is just fitted onto the frame as far as i can see with the bend shut tabs....
  5. Have any of you ever changed a door skin on a defender....it looks straightforward.....advice ?
  6. cheers you boys, will keep you posted and take some before and after pics , if the weather clears up ditchman
  7. what size roller did you use ? did it leave an "orange peel effect" (which is fine) or a smoothe finish....
  8. arrrrr that reminds me of the thread i read............he use " a roller" !!!!!!!! would love to see a pic
  9. There was a thread about 18 mths ago about hand painting a vehicle with a new generation of paints, im not looking for a show room finish, but a clean semi gloss or vinal finish on my landy, just havnt the cash to get it sprayed....any of you had any experience with painting a landy other than kharki, and what do i need to watch out for and rough cost of materials.......... ditchman
  10. been watching the peas around here as well, just a cople of bare patches near the wood and thats it ! only saw birds on them when it was drilled and thats it.........we will be out there early doors the morning after the night it was harvested.............
  11. yeah , it dosnt last very long. but whilst it does it is great going......where i shoot we dont have that many birds during the year so any little thing you can do to enhance you chance of success is needed, but shooting over laid cereals always works where we are, 53 is my best day on cereals and that was steady all day...ive been shooting pigeons for well over 40 years and have never done the ton, its just down to where we are i suppose, its just really nice to get out with the dog and not be cold, and watch the world go by...............
  12. used these once, and never again, spent half the day trying to balance the wings to get them to go around, the wind has to be just right for them to even think about working....sorry not impressed with them......
  13. often when ive been watching pigeons landing in a small area of laid corn they sometimes can be very akward and ungainly about it, where the corn on the edge of the laid crop is it is at an angle, (not quite gone down) birds sometimes land on this and they use their wings to steady themselves, i give a few half hearted flaps as if the bird is balancing and trying to push down the half laid crop........you know how well a pricked bird on the ground draws more birds before you can send the dog out....well its sort of has the same effect, hope that explains things regards
  14. Dont use too many deeks on the flattened corn,,,,less is more the flapper ay an angle with the extention will do the trick.....let us know how it goes regards
  15. Been out the last couple of days, and with all this rain and wind, i have seen something that i havnt seen for years, all the rain and squally wind has started to put the wheat and barley down in loads of small patches in the fields, mostly near the hedges in small patches, where the wind has been swirling around, when the crops start to ripen off i for one will be out there with just 4 or 5 deeks and a flapper put at an angle with the cereal tucked underneath it, and ennnnjoyyyy........ive always had really good shooting on laid corn but these last few years there hasnt been much of it about....then we have the stubble shooting to look forward to......... i will pack up a really good lunch box a couple of beers the dog and make a whole day of it........
  16. totally agree with that....i much prefer to shoot birds that have been pulled close because of a flapper in the pattern, rather than birds that are about to land, the best part of pigeon shooting is to find out that the pattern and flapper or rotary you have set out for that day, pulls birds in to be presented to the gun, i generally find that only 1 in 6/7 are actully commited to landing, and the fun is controlling your excitment to let a bird go past you and knowing or hoping that it will make a second pass from behind. Shooting over a rotary on a current feeding area is a totally different kettle of fish, if the birds have a mind to , they just drop out of the sky into the decoys...sort of like a feeding frenzy !
  17. i had a dodgey batch of cartridges once, 1 out of every 12 or so miss fired, not pleased as i was game shooting, got them from the local gun dealer, the cartridges were Hull and not cheap, as it happened i was working in Hull and i went along with the rest of the case...couldnt have been treated better, they took my gun apart and checked it then test fired the rest of the batch and some of them miss fired, they then checked their records and found out that the cases and primers came ready assembled from France, they were worried that they had received a bad batch, their checks showed that the batch had been tested, any way they patted me on the head and sent me away with 2 free slabs of cartridges....fresh ones off the line........................the upshot of all this is later i found out that 1. the cartridges were over 2 years old, and 2. the local gun dealer stores his ammunition on a cold damp concrete floor, other people complained of miss fires fron there as well....dont go there no more !!
  18. My mate has a variety of expensive o/u's but the one he uses most is a Lanber, he bought it new and stripped the woodwork and used Purdey rubbing oil on it for 2 weeks, it looks a treat, a really good quality basic no-nonsence all round 28" barrel gun, im a s/s man, but i do like the llanber it handles very similar to a s/s in weight and pointability.........
  19. what do you shoot with....over/under...or side/side ?
  20. Have any of you boys had ,made, used a homemade knife that has been cold forged from 01 tool steel..........your opinions please...
  21. When i started buying and using "sprockers" they were always sold to me on the understanding they were "crossbreeds"...i used to pay £100-£130.00 for them...now they are going for £300-£350.00 a piece !...the none shooting fraternity has been responsible for this, all to do with having the right "fashion accessorie"
  22. Have to do the same sums for "Preparation H"
  23. nice pic, nice dog, nice car.............
  24. webley mk 3 produced 1946-1975 regards ditchman
  25. I have got a "Henley"..folding seat from macro's cheapn shop...its got a big side pocket 18"x12" on the left and a fold up table on the right, i painted all the aluminium black green and brown, and the nylon is a dark green ...its nice and light and i put a carrying strap on it....i have tried swivel seats but they make my back stiff after a while... Will Garfit has it right he has a 1950's swivel secertary chair, they are a bit heavy so i suspect he has several of then dotted over his place
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