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Everything posted by ditchman

  1. any famous owners...like chris packham....hitler.....mousey tung...
  2. jesus getta outa here....you will do ma ead in .. these "o" rings i am using are from Knibb's/chambers for the model "S".....i have 4 boxes of o rings ...metric imperial...and a sey of cat o rings which i wont use as they are rolled and not mold injected........... really need someone to recommend me a pellet that will fit this barrel ..................
  3. ive had it apart again.........sanded down the o ring........will try it out when the weather lifts...
  4. errrr....im starting to lose the plot here...
  5. eerr champagne socialist...........must be related to the Blair's
  6. sure as hell he wont be introducing a granny tax, cos' of his old lady......... thought it was bad enuff when that young lad married Edith Piaff..........(a few regrets there , i bet)
  7. well thats my idea as well......surprised the Beevis's have allowed this.........
  8. the barrell and crown are spot on......i now know the piston is too tight...so i will alter that first.............then try and sorce ANOTHER type of pellet...as the ones i have now i believe to be not a tight enough fit........
  9. if i modify it closer to your and figgy's post i should be on the right path ....as im seriously way out
  10. thanks for replying...........i have nice smooth travel...but it seems very tight...need about 20lbs in weight to get it moving...the accuaracy at 12m is very good...5mm groups...but the groups blow at 25m...the gunsmith says the pellets are corkscrewing .!...(dont quite understand this) but he goes onto say...when he fits a new piston ring he will rub it down and keep fitting it in the chamber until he has a nice smooth travel...................which is what you were saying.......... but i cant see the relationship between the overtight piston and cork screwing.......but i can alter the "o" ring size but rubbing it down until i get smooth travel.. its just a suck it and see exercise .............the is a lot of thought and maths that goes into tuning ...and i dont understand most of it ...only the principles..
  11. no i musnt..............i took part in a post a while ago which explained the matter...........
  12. So Teresa May will be appearing at the Annual Brighton tea and cucumber sandwich dance festival...........
  13. an ammunition box to be carried on a pack mule..?
  14. It has just been reported by the B bloody B.C......................that...............wait for it.................. Jerermy Corbyn will be appearing / speaking ...from the pyramid stage at Glastenbury.............. christ................people will think its the start of "the 2nd coming"..........
  15. its a good job they didnt come across ..........The..........................."SWAFFHAM PIDDLER"
  16. have you been awarded antique status on yer truck yet ?
  17. ......i just read that.....the english language can catch one out sometimes.. wish they would get on with the soft top rebuild...................lack of dedication there....pleasure must come before work or the wife........thats why "we" in norfolk always like to have a goat handy with gumboots you were about to have another stroke and grace pushed your hand away....
  18. im still doing injectors............ .........but NO MORE ROOF VENTS PLEASE
  19. What weight is needed to start a piston with a new lubed "o"ring..on its travel down the compression part of the bore...before the gun is assembled Airsporter/mercury/mercury "s" cheers
  20. ditchman


    im sorry , i was just getting in the spirit of things and a bit of "black humour" wafted over me.......... please take no notice of me...
  21. ditchman


    how would you get a drone to function thro' a wall of flame.... ?
  22. ditchman


    the only thing that could have saved lives in that 360deg blaze would have been a bloody ejector seat...
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