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Everything posted by ditchman

  1. Actually im starting to feel a bit sorry for her....she has had sooo much flack...i know it cant be easy for her...think Jezza appointed her because she was the only one around that appeared to show some loyalty...........its just unfortunate that when she fell out of the ugly tree...she hit every branch on the way down...
  2. Dont keep it in the dark START POSTING IT....................
  3. your poor wife...she must at her witts end with you.......you must go on some form of medication.............
  4. dont know ...corbyn has Alan partridge by his side now.. dont apologise my original thread post title was a "bit obscure".....(like me)
  5. "im sorry ...i will feel that again"................(broil......respects to cooke & moore)
  6. Good god............she has children............who by ??......................the headmaster of St Dunstans.....?
  7. It has now been revealed that Jerermy Coypue...(likes to undermine banks...see what i did there)....has said that DIANE ABBOTT is to step down as Shadow Home Sec...as she is unwell..................... i would love to have been a fly on the wall when he told her....... RING ...RING...RING...RING... "hello...Abbott here Shadow Home sec'...can i help you ?"............... "err hi there Diane....Jezza here"......... "ooohhhh helloooo big boy......are we going to win ?"........... "look Diane ...ive got to give it to you straight"............... "oooorrrhhh....i love it when you talk dirty......" "noooo....i want you to pretend to be ill......" "oh...thats a bit kinky ...even for you darling" ......big sigh.............. " look .......we aint going to win the election with you spouting off carp on sky TV..." " oohhh you can bloody talk..........................."...."who is standing in tempory for me....that white bitch from your office...........? " god you could make a great sit com about it all...................
  8. "VOTE for the ALE party".............................yup im swayed all over again............
  9. it has been reported (maybe fake news...but seems logical) that Rent-o-kill are using pictures of her to frighten rats away....
  10. When Diane Abbott starts her job as The Home Sec'...she will have to deal with the "Burka issue".....MP's will present to move a motion that Diane Abbott must wear one at all times...........
  11. well it swayed me..................until the next lot...that swayed me even more.....then i saw the Libs...and i was swayed a bit....then we went back to the first lot and i was swayed all over again...........
  12. ditchman

    Lest We Forget

    Bloody hell......................its the 6th of June.......and not a single mention of it on the news.................also believe the weather pattern today is very similar to that day,...... thanks for reminding us..............
  13. 2nd (shortwheel base )...looks ok...................might look better as a soft top........dont like the overhang over the rear window....has it a chassis...or is it monocot...with a landrover rear section welded on to it..............steel body panels ?...or aluminium........... might look better in a different colour no doubt a petrol engine...as all deseils belong to devil worshipers now ............ good ground clearance......... but at the price they will be at...they wont be carrying your chainsaws...dead bleeding animals...and dogs covered in methane smelling pond water.................
  14. proberly has at least 6 miles of electric wiring..............my defender will run without a battery...will that one ?...............
  15. bloody hell........75 eh !..................i bet you voted against the Corn Tax...who was the PM then...Wellington...........
  16. dont take up the soundproofing...........it will settle in when the tunnel warms up............
  17. Diane Abbott as home sec'............................that still makes my blood run cold just thinking about it...............what attracted Jezza to her ,anyone know.....was she a real "cracker" in them days.............or was it well before specsavers time............
  18. where is the rubber gator for the gearstick...................
  19. stop eating bugs..........................they do me summat chronic ..they do
  20. UKIP is a spent force ...they have done their job...............back to the conservatives......until they start to go soft.............................
  21. for directing light from a victorian oil lamp..?
  22. have seen and have got a lot of bugs about this year..............but the worrying thing is there are very ,,,very few swallows about flitting over the fields..................seen quite a few swifts...........well hear them anyway...but swallows no......
  23. exactly the same here....never shot a pigeon on a field of young or growing beans..........are their tastes changing.. your good lady would be more interested in Sean Bean....no doubt
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