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Everything posted by TONYG

  1. TONYG

    Gun lamps

    loguns are a good lamp.but no dimmer switch,have a look for a deben tracer or the like,as have brightness control and a more powerful battery,lots more hours lampin.
  2. have got both rifles in my collection,s-16s would be a better gun hands down.
  3. what would it cost to post mate
  4. TONYG

    combro cb625

    its yours mick,will pm you on bbs mate
  5. TONYG

    combro cb625

    as above perfect workin order,£30 posted 1st class.
  6. ideally you want a 1 piece mount on the springer,will hold it tighter on the dovetail,see if you can get a mount with an arrestor block fitted,as that will stop the scope creep.
  7. sounds a nice setup mate.rabbit numbers will be droppin soon then near you.
  8. i normally change filters now and then,as some rabbits on my land come weary of the red filter,and know what comes with it,so sometimes i switch to amber,or use my other lamp with a blue eye bulb,always come bag with the bag full.
  9. yeah i know i probably invented the one that got away i was just pointing out my opinion and if thats upset anyone then sorry but like i say its a head shot every time for me same here,for me has to be headshots,that way rest of the rabbit is clean,body shots tend to leave a mess of good meat,well thats if you decide to eat them.
  10. headshots only,rather have a miss than a injured quarry.
  11. TONYG

    last night

    nice shootin,what rifle you got mate,shame the hare had young ones,i cut my shootin down a bit in summer to avoid shootin pregnant game,your just takin next seasons sport.
  12. TONYG


    dont think a one piece mount will fit on the s410,as the mag is in the way,you will need 2 piece high mounts.with havin a 50mm front lense
  13. how many shots have you put through the rifle now,would of thought with a couple of tins fired,it should of calmed down,just would think with all this anti tamper and guns now being set at around 10,5 ftlb,that a company like weihrauch,would of checked the rifle before shipping.
  14. i dont think a gun would be that much over the limit,are you puttin the correct weight for the pellet in the chrono,i also had a problem some time back with high power readins on a gas ram rifle,was 17ftlb,turned out it was readin the smoke out the barrel.
  15. my lr90 was excellent on air arms field.
  16. TONYG

    Logun s-16

    for around £350-400,i would be lookin for a air arms s410,probably the only rifle you will ever need
  17. the carbine is more pointable in confined areas than the standard length,but you will get more shots from the standard length,and a few more ftlb power if you decide to go fac.
  18. how about sendin the rifle back to logun,have never had any problems before with that,as for logun not havin any monies,find that a bit hard to believe,as they have so many other companies tied up,that are all doin well.
  19. its a good deal mate,dont think you would get one much cheaper than that
  20. TONYG


    silencer off a bsa lightning would fit,and look well.or any other 15.5 mm silencer.
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