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About proTOM1

  • Birthday 20/07/1983

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    pigeon shooting and crow bashing out every week at least once

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  1. tom is unwell so sorry for any delay with anything regards shooting

  2. Im sorry ive been unwell and due a big op this week so had other things on my mind and so ive not done a lot my other half has been doing stuff for me on pw as reading and seeing te writing is hard . as said sorry for this .
  3. its the only birds ive seen on rape ,mostly seen them on acorns and beech mast but I also know of a guy shooting a good few over rape over the last few days and again the birds were eating it .
  4. Yes plenty on acorns in this part but ive also seen about 150 on some rape today and yes they are eating it as there is a patch trimmed
  5. Well again got soaked but had 43 myself and my mate had 87 called it a day and packup and yes its now dry lol
  6. well looks wet again today but my good mate has called and so we are off to a bean field for a few hours till it gets to much for us lol
  7. Well went out , got there slight drizzle then after 10 mins of being setup it started and did not stop but got worse . I picked 27 shot 31 . stu could not get them to play and only shot 2 . but there was a good 500 on when first shot went off . very wet but worth a pop.
  8. so its been raining since yesterday morning ,but im still going out no matter what ,would not normally go sit in the rain but seeing the amount of birds I saw yesterday feeding and moving over the drilling even in the rain (aswell as farmer asking me to ).least there is a good wind . So who else is heading out ??
  9. Thanks for all pms all replied to still days available !!!
  10. plenty of birds about . diy and set up days available . £40 diy and £50 setup . anyone welcome . pm for more info. 5 miles south of lincoln
  11. Still 1 spot going as been let down . all go be end of next week . so please pm if interested
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