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Everything posted by activeviii

  1. To tell the truth on the breading i dont know. the mum is a full time picking up dog and the father is a gamekepper from wales. i will know all the right answers once the paperwork cmes from the KC. any left.no chance. the wife was just lucky as she found the add on the internet just as it was placed. we phoned straight away and popped over the next day. by that time 2 had gone but we still had the pick as we wanted a dog and not a bitch. whilst we were there the breaders phone was just rings from people asking about them by the next day all had been taken. I have seen an advert on a forum of late for cocker pups if its any good to you.
  2. Teague came home today. He is so good so far its unreal. he knows where his bed is and just goes and climbs in when hes tired. sniffs and whines when he wants to be busy. just waiting for the KC paperwork but to me and the wife it doesn't really matter as he is a working pet and not a show type. I'll try and keep this post updated every 2 weeks with a new photo so to compere his looks and size. his paws are massive as well kind regards Phil
  3. PM'ed 1/2 and 1/4 inve+ extended. one of each
  4. I live in gloucester. Im a lonely mid week shooter but with limited land at the moment. shoot season so no shotties on one permission, air guns only.
  5. thaks a good price as well. or maybe i shouldnt say that.hehe I pick my 8 week old up on friday, from a local bitch. westbury-on-severn. the bread was saying how qick they went and that eveyone was after black dogs. we were first to go see and when we were there she had about ten calls for them. i bought it for my wife......until its old enough to start with the training.hehe good luck with your sales, that is if you still have any left. best pigeon and bushing dogs ever regards Phil.
  6. have a look around for a nice bit of ebony. nice and dark but once sanded back and polished it will look like it should be there.
  7. what a fantastic idea. I have a pair of goggles kicking around and a few meters or APG netting so i go play i tink. thanks for that. Phil.
  8. Thanks Nick. top man to deal with. regards Phil.
  9. green one with big black ****? maplins 20mm QB 1.25A 10 PK GJ91Y £1.79 make sure there either QB-quick blow or F-fast blow...not T-time delay. they will be 240v but dont worry about it as they will blow if wired wrong hope that helps Phil
  10. right thats it.im not happy................i want a refund my wife said im not allowed to use it in the house with the speaker plugged in and the vixen call going. ok i said............so i turned the vixen call off then put it on top of the kitchen unit and pressed the dog fox and went out..lol. then again..can i have 10 more...........she's not talking to me now.lol... thanks again Phil.
  11. yep got it to day Rob payment cleared my ac**** to you today as well. thank you. right wheres that lamp here charlie charlie charlie. Mmmm charlie dymocks pointers
  12. I haope he has more than one as i paid for it on friday last week sasha. I'll phone you regards Phil. **edit All sorted. I should ask before posting.lol. catch you laters. **
  13. Yep taken Nick. I have left a phone message for you earier and pm'ed back this afternoon regards our pm's. I'll meet you half way as its easier for you as well. regards Phil.
  14. yep please. any help very muchy needy. Pup comes home on the 18th at 4pm. wife is like a kid a chrimbo.
  15. Thank you lurcherboy your a very nice man sending me a DVD. That was a thanks in advance for and cocker DVD that with to me shared as i need all the help i can with this puppy. kind regards Phil.
  16. Bit like me then.lol. not good. Mine will be here as well in 2 weeks. I can drink goats milk and it is not to bad to tell the truth so could i give pup it or just stick with water and bakers puppy food.
  17. what part of glous? Mine was 6 weeks, churchdown so i come under cheltenham. so what you buying.where from?
  18. I can bring the air rifle along. just sit in the edges for a few hours will dant then a little
  19. was that £70 plus vat plus paying your local hearing centre as well. or was that £82.25 all in? Im looking for some thing better than plain old arm defenders.
  20. I had to look where your from then as this is the same setup... on the side of the bypass outside town..but in gloucester.
  21. I know what i paid for mine and it was fair price with out a bottle. To give you a little better idea on prices i would pop over to airarms forum and have a look in the sales.
  22. I havent seen one alive either. I found it on the floor...........onest gov....
  23. Out playing with the blackies today. I popped one and it was like the photos below. i have had a few like it but only a few feathers on the others but this one had i bit more on it and i had the camera so took a piccie. One flew by that had pure white wings and a white stip on the belly. looked with the binos as i couldn't believe it. anyone else seen them like this or had the magpie been sleeping around.
  24. Show cocker type. working type. give us a photo. we love photos. give it a go, you have nothing really to lose. the dog would still like the stimulation of one on one i guess. but i know nothing as im asking questions on how to as well.lol.
  25. WHAT!!! thats a womens job...lol....................only joking, i use to just say as work in stead.lmao. Great advice gents. all a little different but all saying the same thing so spot on. I will go get the crate out now and wash and disinfect it. then off to the antique shop for a tick tock. if it dont work i could always hide it in the kids room, that will wake the ******* up. I have one photo of when Teague was a very little one.snoopy comes to mind but a friend said sweep out of sooty and sweep.
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