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Everything posted by mark_mjs93

  1. yep peck he will lol, and still then he has to contend with the chance of losing your lures, becuase of all the new grown weed.....
  2. give it an internet search mate, im about to do one for ya, but i doubt anyone on here will have anything like that, what you planning on using it for... i was thinking of getting a little sort of kitchen fridge to store my shot quarry in, or for my Fishing Baits mean i can buy a big box of maggots to last me a couple of weeks, instead of always going down the tackle shop...
  3. fair play ill hijack the thread lol here is my first pike caught on the friday... here she is, 3lb odd...
  4. my friend please oh please think about what you say, but heck if you wish to try then feel free, but errrrm keep things like that to your self But seriously what a dumb***, i dont go to an agricultural college, but i know some that does (a big animal fan, no animal deserves to die in her mind) she was horrified when i offered hr a slice of pepperoni pizza but still she goes to one once a week as i do to my college (i study engineering) well at her college, they had ALOT of pigeons in one of the trees and they were going absolutley ape flying around at full speed, when one smacked into the tree at full pelt and dropped, it didnt move what so ever, so the tutor went over picked it up, and it was dead (what dumbasses these pigeons are ) and he took it inside plucked it breasted it and cooked it up on a camping grill a load of the lads tried it and bloody loved it, and apparantly three or four of the girls were throwing up now that is funny, the guy is a well known shooter, and when they were scanning sheep for lambs, one dropped and started having what was like a fit (im just saying what i was told) the guy grabbed a shottie and was running over to the sheep when it got up and ran off (i wann know WHY THE HELL DID HE GRAB A SHOTTIE)... some people havent a clue mate, you know what you should do, take some rabbits in and see if they will cook them... lol now that would be a funny reaction... Happy Shooting Mark
  5. i agree about the airguns being looked down on, but seriosuly, im pretty sure that a good chunk of the shooting community started off with a little springer before moving on to shotguns and rifles ect, i mean i get really annoyed when people are like "HAHA thats no gun a blow gun has more power" i get really ****** off... but as for BASC i think they should involve us a bit more in S&C and also have BASC shooting ranges esspecially for air rifles, or like have a few Ranges around the uk that basc dont own but are associated with and then like BASC airgun members should get a discount entry, to like zeroe scopes and such... would be nice, probably doesnt sound great but heck i dont care, it is my 2 cents...
  6. 1 fair play 2 good point now i have a white dog and i think that those on here with a white dog with now colour them to camo or realtree for shooting
  7. oh that poor dog... sorry but i have to say it, i feel really sorry for it
  8. his random cries of "FISH ON" really really **** me off, i mean jesus that doubled over bend in the rod looks nothing like you have a fish on the rod, WHAT A FRIKKEN ****
  9. now you mention it robo, yh lol, i bet his costume collection is really widening now its when he starts admitting to being caught in sexual acts WITH service people that we should be really laughing, but ill get really worried when he starts talking about the sexual acts with the window cleaner :lol::lol: :lol:
  10. haha what a surprise lol.... But seriously im still bloody laughing, absolutley brilliant lol
  11. TC my fiend you deserve a bloody medal for most cringeworthy moment, now that was funny, im not even sure if im typing this write because im laughing so bloody much, so what nicknames developed from that :lol: HAHA
  12. l TC without noticing it you have finally found a remedy to the lack of hares in the uk AND a cure to the obesity level in england NOW THAT DESERVES A PINT....
  13. mate im struggling at finding a permission to shoot, and i have been looking for 8 months, in feb i almost packed it up, im an air rifle shooter, but still i was all set to pack up the gun for good, put it in the cupboard to gather dust, now i have been searching for double the time you have mate, and i have had NO LUCK what so ever, the idea is to do what i do, and then build it up, search the local area for permission knock doors, if you get rejected, WIDEN your search a bit, same thing if no luck, widen, then if no luck there, go back to the first lot of farms, offer something other than just pest control, if you have a skill (mechanic, plumber, carpenter, electrician) it will get you everywere, look for fields in particular that are getting ABSOLUTLEY SLAUGHTERED by the *******, and then offer your services, and if you have a skill and you turn up as the tractor packs up, or the farmer reverses accidentally through the front door, or the gate, you can offer help to fix it for a bit of shooting, heck even if it isnt a permanent fixture its shooting, and if you do a good job he may ask you again, and again if none of this works, ASK THE FARMER, if he hasnt got any going, ask him if he knows anyone that does need some pest control, or if he can pass your name on.... seriously mate, dont give up, with 4 shotties, hit the clays, post a plea in the gaining permissions section, DO NOT GIVE UP ok, or you can go in into the local pubs and chat to the farmers in there... dont give up mate, dont want this hobbie of ours to die anymore....! GOOD LUCK And Happy Shooting Mark
  14. my last dog had 2 ticks (that i remember anyway) the first was on the back of his neck the second on his nose between the eyes and the nose, the first on the neck, my mum touhed with a ciggy and it dropped of straight away, the second she got a cotton bud and some lighter fluid, soaked the end in lighter fluid (i think zippo fluid might work but we used the spray stuff in the aerosole can and soaked the tip in it (outside) and then almost instantly afterwards we held the bub against were the body ended against the skin, 2 seconds and it let go, then as soon as it lets go and you have it off the animal, get a surgi swab (alcohol wipe) and quickly dab the area (stops the lighter fluid getting in the wound and helps stop infection) then you leave it to just heal up (check it every day though, gently because if it scabs over and the scab isnt very thick the roughness could break it and cause infection) if you dont want to try this, seriously get a special tick remover, the swab is good because if it slips and touches skin it wont burn, but you need to protect the ferrets eyes, like cover them when you dab the swab on (it could take 2 people because no animal is fond of having its eyes covered) Happy Shooting Mark
  15. there is my first little pike.... and my ugly mug lol....
  16. whilst out fishing yesterday i had a couple of non license toss pots come over to me and start fishing n my spot and trying to nick my gear, i got ****** and told them to **** off, they got roudy about it, they, managed to tangle lines with me and i got ultimatley ****** off, and got up walked over to a near by tree took a nice thick branch in hand snapped the ****** off and went after them, my mate stopped me... then i got home last night, to notice i had lost my pair of £15 forceps, which really ****** me off. but other than that it was good...
  17. hey dude, nice catch on the 21lb carp and an 11lb river carp, nice, i have found the daddy of all pike lures, the comoran activator, its a 2 section plug, great little thing landed my beauty pike on that, ill post the piccy when i get it off my mate, but heck im just celebrating a good season finished today and making a tasty dinner a nice roast, god i love cooking, looking forward to the newseason, got sum comercials to visit durng the closed season, and i need to find a permision to shoot on lol, im getting restless now lol....
  18. cracking fish there mikee, i myself went out yesterday in search of chub down the ouse, (near were i live) and caught nothing, when i moved over to cheese paste they were HAMMERING it, i landed 3 chub i was soo happy, because i went out targetting them in particular to add to the list, as i had never caught one before, and the heaviest i had was 5lb 3oz which was good for me, i fished from 9am through till 3, and i only caught those 4, i was static, so i geuss if i had trotted i could have caught many more, but i was happy with them would post pictures but i didnt have my camera, in the evening i went down for pike with a friend and we caught ****** all, but we saw a little muntjack deer, and that was quite good, good end to the season i think, and on friday i caught my first pike, only little, but ill post the picture when my friend sends me it... Happy Shooting Mark
  19. thanks jd, and i know about the white water course (cardington canoe slalom) and i stand and whatch them for hours, its great, i live just near priory and i fish there aswell, and if you have ever heard/seen the duckmill weir by dame alice all girls school, that is the whitewater that i know a few clubs use and a couple of groups, (not quite clubs just a couple of kayakers that head up there and have a laugh in there, but i will just paddle around and explore to start with, then once i have explored and i know what were, ill start expanding that exploration, im thinking of joining a club, but im not quite sure yet, so ill get back to you on that one, and im going to do a google now on kayak shops near by and if the nearest is northhamptom is not bad because my aunty is just down the road from northhampton, im going to have a look at the pyranha's, but i was looking on the hereforshire and borders website at the Riot Kayaks >>>click<<< i was looking at the magnum but im still thinking, what do people think??? and im about to have a look at the touring kayaks, thanks JD... and markio lol i totally forgot about that pair your a cheeky sod lol, but you have made me laugh lol...
  20. i was thinking just the same shot shot, i arrived in spain last year only to hear my cousin say OH GOD i thought hmmm? i walked to their room and there was my cousin in the middle of the room bearing a huting knife in his hand and i dont mean a frikken kitchen knife, im talking about his hunting knife, the we left on the friday morning but the wednesday night he had been out shooting, and i had gone along as a bit of company (before i got my gun) and he had his knife to pawnch the bunnies and he had left it in his coat pocket, and he had worn his jacket, for the journey taken it off in the uk and stuffed it in his suitcase, and we got to spain only to notice he had it, he was ******** out, then he calmed down and at the end of the week we were in the shopping centre and saw a hunting/fishing shop so we went in to look around and he came out after buying a NEW hunting knife, no questions asked he put them in his suitcase and he got away with it, and still he swears by that knife, as it has stayed as sharp as it was the day he brought it to today and he has pawnched HUNDREDS of rabbits, and he uses it for work (he is a tree surgeon)
  21. thanks myzeneye i've had my eye on the pyranha lovley boats, used to paddle one when i was in the scouts, lovley boats, ill have a look, heck ill do my best to get one made by you (ill get in it and it'll bloody sink wont it, AND ILL BE ON THE FRIKKEN LAND!!! ) and markio, if i had a clue what the bloody hell you meant id make a wise remark but im a dopy sod so i havent a clue... JD, were abouts did you live, and do you know about the river that priory marina is on, we refer to it as "the back river", its the one that goes past the cardington lock and such, thats were i was hoping to start, because its a lovley short walk to there, i mean if i get a kayak trolley, i wont even need a car (until i go to different places) and i have always liked paddling up river, wether im knackered or not, but i phoned up my old scout master and had i chat with her today, going to be going kayaking with them may 2nd which will be good, but as i said myzeneye ill look at the pyranhas but ill see about finding a shop if i can that will let me go in and have a look at them (and if possible) sit in one to see if it is comfortable, i wont be touring or anything, it will be purely for a bit of fun, got some cool places to mess around up the river near me, and when the river festival comes around every 2 years, i can take the boat down to the duckmill weir and do slalom in the whitewater, should be fun....
  22. mate that stuff is proffesional gear, why you swapping it??? i myself havent tried fly fishing, but i prefer coarse...
  23. i was planning on chatting to my old scout master about going along one time as an extra, just to sorta go along and get some tips from dave (the instructor) and also to get used to it again, when you havent been a boat for a while you do have a bit of un-easiness and i would rather have that with an instructor about rather than just me, i geuss once i can capseyes myself and correct myself out of a capseyes i should be good, ill give the leader a ring about going along, when i left she said that if they ever needed a hand i could help out, so i geuss she will let me go down to the water with them, i mean i know what its like moving the kayaks after the session your hands are numb so they sting as you move these *******, so i geuss i can help out a whole lot in that manner lol...
  24. thanks toby, thats helpful and god that ent half creepy, the mate i was talking about, the guy who lives on the boat, he is called Toby B and he lives in bedford so thats just plain creepy lol, but if anyone can tell me if me and my friend would get in trouble for heading down the river with a kayak each and going for a paddle, obviously we will be safe, toby said when we get our boats, he will come out on his little padal boat and would carry things like throw lines and such, i have my experience and i know what im doing when it comes to kayaking, i just never did it as a hobby it was always done via the scouts... so i dont have a clue about the river thing lol....
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