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About RossEM

  • Birthday 26/09/1982

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  • From
    Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire
  • Interests
    shooting, guitars, ale

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  1. Hello all, as above really, my house up in the Northern Isles will be available from 26th November and on through December due to a cancellation. Grumble. Accommodation is £35 per person per night - a days' shooting is an extra £50 per person which includes morning & evening goose flights and roughshooting in the day if required. This is guided but you will need your own decoys, hide etc. No minimum booking in terms of guests or days, and the place sleeps 3 + one more on the sofa if necessary. Deposits will need to be made asap in order to secure the booking. Please email me rosseuanmcivor@hotmail.com if interested, and I will send all the info through. Cheers, Ross
  2. Hello all still have some dates available for goose shooting at my place in Orkney for the coming season, please email rosseuanmcivor@hotmail.com for further info
  3. Gary I've had a look through my email account and can't find anything? PMd you
  4. Yes you can fly, but long winded, it's gatwick-aberdeen-kirkwall-sanday! Otherwise drive to scrabster or gills bay - ferry to kirkwall then connecting ferry to sanday. But well worth it when you arrive!
  5. Have now sorted a guide and we're accepting bookings - inquiries to rosseuanmcivor@hotmail.com please! Cheers, Ross
  6. Ok, what I can offer so far is: Accommodation at £35 per person per night + £50 for the cleaner - this would include all facilities of the house and land, there is 12 or so acres of rough ground with wetland and a small loch to shoot. You can of course go DIY and find goose & duck shooting off your own back. I have to say that most farmers want geese shot, end of. You would need to bring decoys and hide equipment. What I'm trying to organise is: Guided goose & duck shooting and lamping for rabbits. This would incur further charges which I'm yet to finalise, but won't be too pricey. And of course the place is available outside of the shooting season for fishing or a 'normal' holiday at the same rate - surprisingly it's really warm in August & September! Does this sound ok?
  7. I've had a couple of guys inquire as to whether they could go 'DIY', that is to say without a guide - you certainly can, I can put you in contact with a local landowner who has a huge amount of ground to shoot on. I'm speaking to him at the moment to see if it would be viable for him to 'guide' for geese, but of course there are lots of ducks, waders and rabbits too.
  8. Ok, I'm talking with a potential guide at the moment so will keep you guys updated when I have news. Anticipating starting this up next season.
  9. One of the farms I shoot includes a couple of rented fields and there's never been any question of not shooting on them. I would say maybe check with the landowner.
  10. Ok, great response!! I'm now going to organise a guide, will update this thread ASAP - thanks to all for the replies.
  11. Excellent guns, my brother has the 20 bore version. Great for clays
  12. Just putting this out there, I have a place on Orkney which we're planning on letting out for holidays. The house is on the island of Sanday, is set in 12 acres with its own lochan and surrounding marsh. This itself can produce some decent numbers of duck, geese and snipe, but there are plenty of shooting and fishing opportunities all over the island, and it's not quite as hammered as the mainland. There are thousands of greylags about, a few pinkfoot, loads of mallard, wigeon, pintail and teal, snipe, and huge numbers of rabbits. There is also loch trout fishing and sea fishing. Just trying to find out if anyone is interested before I go ahead and organise this further. Cheers, Ross
  13. Proud beard owner for about 5 years now. It's the way forward.
  14. There's no difference, in ecological terms, between the canadian goose and the grey squirrel, mink, muntjac etc. They are invasive species which do little good for the environment. For me, as a sporting prospect they have nothing in common with wild grey geese. However, they should still be treated with respect and out of personal choice I do not shoot them outside their former closed season, even for reasons of control.
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