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Everything posted by Tug

  1. Tug

    The Flu

    He looks a bit peaky too... (we've had one of the lads in work convinced he's getting it)
  2. Tug

    The Flu

    I'm sorry, you are a doctor and you don't know that the correct word you are looking for is FULFIL? Looks like a cut&paste off the NHS website or similar to me...
  3. I have a set of Harkila leggings that went through some pretty thick stuff last season and after a quick dip in a bucket look like a new pair ready for this season. Wore them over a set of Jahti Jakt trousers and stayed dry and warm all season.
  4. Been out doing recce's on the farm ready for harvest time and spent a few productive hours just sat in a hedge with binoculars keeping an eye on the flightlines and where the pigeon are moving. Most of them have been sticking to the clover on neighbouring farms and on the half of the farm that is now "off limits" due to the arrival of this years partridge but there are plenty moving between their roosts and the clover and have to pass over our fields of wheat. After heavy rain, some of the wheat was starting to lay a bit. Although it's only just starting to turn I nipped out with my hide and a handful of half shell deeks and set up under one of the main flightlines. It was late afternoon and most of the birds were already full from unmolested feeding on the clover. Managed to have a good hour or two with some irds dropping beautifully into my pattern. The wheat is turning nicely now. I've just ordered a rotary to add to my kit and, along with my homework and observation, should help me get some good results in a week or two...
  5. I've got a Thermos "work series" flask. I've made it up before going to work at 7.30 and not had a chance to open it all day, left it in the van overnight and still managed to burn my lips on a hot brew out of it when I got called out at 5 the next morning... It's been dropped, kicked, bounced around and not a mark on it. I've also got a Thermos s/steel food flask and it's nowhere near as good but holds less and only gets used for soup (which gets done by lunchtime). Got a huge plastic/glass Thermos one too, holds a kettle and a half of boiling water - gets taken out on big jobs only :blink:
  6. It is worrying how the internet gives the anti-everything brigade an easier way to distribute their brainwashing propaganda. It is important that we as sportsmen and responsible shooters make sure that we maintain our standards and that the industry as a whole practices self-regulation and adheres to good working practices. There are aspects of breeding and rearing that are fast being eradicated such as the use of spectacles. Conditions for reared birds are improving all the time and constant change and evolution is being driven from the inside of the sport not from outside pressure.
  7. I tend to use defenders mainly when out walking about and either plugs or defenders sat in a hide or at the clays. If I want to hear birds flapping I tend to slide the left can slightly off my ear to allow some slight sound. I intend to buy some electronic ones when finances allow for out shooing in the field and will stick to normal ones at the range (it helps to keep the laughing out).
  8. Prosecution for criminal damage anyone?
  9. Something like "you are aware that the estate owns your cottage" :( or "shut up Dad, you're drunk again"
  10. I use a Jahti Jakt Pro suit for most of my shooting (and beating). It's actually just a green colour but I top it off with my net suit when I have to cammo up (I use the net suit on it's own in summer). For £179 for jacket, trousers, fleece, thermals, cap and a fly-net (not really useful unless on a swamp) I'm very impressed with the quality and comfort. One of the lads I shoot with has the cammo version which is around the £190 mark but again is a full suit and includes some other bits too. It's warm, not too heavy, not restrictive and has seen some pretty serious downpours too.
  11. Well seeing as we're sharing: Weihrauch HW100 .177 - my primary hunting gun, also used for HFT (both times I've been!) With as much of the black shiny stuff covered up: In complete "ambush" mode: My AA S410 .22 - now my back up gun and ratter. It used to look like this in the summer, before I switched to a proper calibre for rabbits! Along with my S410, two rifles I have sold on to fund bigger and better things. AA TX200HC and a Webley FX2000.
  12. I really miss my TX200, either that or maybe HW95K. I love it when a chat goes on about "if it were for survival it'd have to be a springer because it's self contained and I wouldn't have to fill it up". Where would you get your pellets from? I'd quite happily have either my S410 (.22) or HW100 (.177) as my only gun. The HW gets used for everything other than ratting but the S410 used to be my "only" gun and I used that for absolutely everything.
  13. Tug

    out last night

    It was minus 4 the other day in Ruthin, and I was stood around on top of a hill waiting for a drive to start. Beating uphill and through brambles soon warms you up though...
  14. Tug

    out last night

    Noticed a shortage of rats on my shoot too. I'd like to think it's due to the hammering we gave them last year but I think it's due to the lack of maize mulch in the yard tempting them in. It hasn't actually been cold enough for them to seek the heat of the cowsheds yet either.
  15. Tug

    Gun maintenance

    Clean the barrel only when you notice a loss of accuracy due to fouling. After 500 pellets I'd say your barrel will actually just be running/leaded in. Wipe over with an oily rag after each use, make sure no blood or greasy fingerprints stay on the barrel or action. Use a decent grease on the hinge points and on any metal to metal load points as specified in user manual for your gun. I've only cleaned my barrel twice since having my gun and it's done thousands of pellets and still groups within a 5p piece on the zeroing range. I actually suffer a loss of accuracy after pulling through until the barrel is re-leaded.
  16. I'm glad somebody else noticed... I thought it was a bit of an achievement to be newly registered and clock up 1000+ posts
  17. I believe Blackpool Air Rifles will ship overseas. www.airgunbuyer.com
  18. That's what I wanted to hear, just need to find somewhere to put them...
  19. Ok guys, here's hoping somebody will know the answer through technical knowledge or sheer experience. Do shotgun cartridges have a shelf life? If I buy them by the 1000 (or even in 250's with stuff I use less of) and store them in an ammo locker, how long will they last? Will they be useless after a year, or will they be affected in any way? I've got the opportunity to get some cartridges at a decent price when my brothers mates all get theirs in bulk but it's pretty pointless if I've got to use them within a certain time frame. I'm not on about keeping them for years, but I don't want to be sat on boxes of ammo that are going to be duff when I come to use them.
  20. It is very common amongst Dalmatians, although can be an indicator of susceptibility to hereditary deafness...
  21. Pure luck First place I looked in, first gun I shouldered and it just felt right. Tried a few others but came back to the Beretta. Just to make you sick, that is it when I first got it home - the stripes are even more prominent after a coat of CCL Here's a couple of pictures after the oil...
  22. Tug

    gun safe

    Safe Security Services are generally the cheapest (prices are including delivery). Bear in mind that most places will charge you for delivery/postage despite the fact that the cabinets are sent out direct from Brattonsound and that it is included in the cost. (Ronnie Sunshines want £9.99 for delivery, bringing it to £108. Only £103 on SSS...) Another vote for paying the extra £10 to get the next size up, they are a tight squeeze - particularly with any large objective scopes on rifles. If you are getting an FAC don't forget you will need a separate safe/cabinet for Ammo - don't bother with the integral lockign top cabinets, the space is minimal and pretty awkward to get things in/out of.
  23. Sub to Sporting Gun Buy Shooting Times every Thursday, Sporting Shooter every month. Used to buy the airgun comics but got a little disappointed with the "reviews" which were basically along the lines of "we got sent this free so it's great". I've always said that the shooting mags lack balance - they need to realise "review" and "three page advertising feature" are two different things altogether. If you look at some of the mountain biking magazines they do "dirty dozen" type reviews where they group 12 bikes of a particular price range together and compare them giving a league table type result at the end. If the reviews were like this in the comics I might start buying again, I know the mags are dependent on the industry for backing and advertising revenue but they need a little balance and a little honesty every now and then.
  24. Tug


    HFT lads don't usually use mags as you must have your gun unloaded between lanes - the easiest way to do this is by using a single shot gun or multishot with a single shot tray fitted and hook the pellets (washed and weighed) out of your pouch. I carry my mags loaded, in the pocket of my jacket or in my kitbag. My jacket is usually in a bag or box in the boot, the kitbag has a knife and various other things in it that would give a young jobsworth PC enough to get excited about without being concerned about loaded mags. Lets face it, if the police want to find a reason to haul you in they will - that's why it is best to remain polite and cooperative and engage them in a conversation rather than trying to be a smartarse.
  25. Tug

    out tonight.

    Not many Hares in Moreton...
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