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  1. Well done under the circumstances. In your opinion how big a benefit is the rotary? If you hadn't used rotary and only used dead birds in pattern how many do you think you would have picked up?
  2. Kitchrat, thanks for the advice. I have also sent you a PM
  3. I'll put my best effort into it and hopefully learn something from it. I've shot all my life on clays and game and feel I can shoot them, just lacking in the field craft. You can watch all the YouTube Videos however you need to get out there! I've got a mate who's done years of pigeon shooting who is interested in a days shooting. I am sure the farmer when asked will be open to him joining me for a two pronged attack!
  4. Thanks guys for the advise. Yes I agree the most important thing is to be mobile so I can move them off and shoot. I've been on his land all today, arrived just before first light. A large flock arrived on one of his fields, immediately moved them and they flew onto the next field then moved them from this. At the other end of the block pigeons were arriving in this field so up I went and I pushed them off. Walked round the fields surrounded by trees and pushed them off either with my presence or a cartridge or two. At this stage it was 10 o'clock so I put up my hide, decoys and a couple of floaters. Sat there until 12:00 in that time I managed to shoot 4, although I felt that I needed to move hide slightly to improve things. While in the hide flocks arrived in the next field or three which I was able to move with a cartridge or two. By 12.30 in the interest of overall crop protection (rather than faffing about in the hide while they ate his other fields) it was time to go for a walk as they were starting to sit in trees on neighbouring fields. Walked right round all the fields to move them from the trees, didn't really see any on the rape until I got to the last field when a large flock rose from the corner. Watched this flock head back to the big woods about a half mile away. I waited at the edge of the block for them to return however they seemed to be gone for the day. I can't be everywhere at the same time however while walking around in the morning, getting the binocs out all day, I felt I'd kept them off the crop for pretty much all day. I would like to think that if I hadn't been there today they would of done more damage! I've just retired so I've plenty of time, hence been up there all day for the last week. (since I got this permission). The farm manager seems a real nice guy and seems to appreciate my help as he gave me a slab of cartridges on my third day up there! I'll be up there not shooting however chasing them off tomorrow and Sunday. Back up there with my gun next week!
  5. I've been reading this thread with interest. I'm very much a newbie pigeon shooter (lifetime shooting clays). I got another permission a week ago from a farmer with 7 rape fields all in one block. (approx 300 acres total) I'm in Essex. The pigeons are hitting certain areas within the rape fields hardish. All the areas close to trees and power lines are getting hit. I've been watching the fields for a good part of the day, every day over the last week. Typical situations. 1. Pigeons arrive in dribs and drabs at first light sit in trees for a bit then drop backwards and forwards feeding close to the trees. One bang and there gone for at least half a day. 2. Watched the fields for a few days spotted a flight line from the woods where they landed straight onto a field at first light. This flight line was in operation for two days now seems to have dried up or changed to different time of day. 3. Flocks of 100-200 arrive at certain times, however they don't seem to be any pattern to where they will hit and what field. 4. Today for the first time came across serious numbers. Drove up the lane at 8:15am for a recce when a large flock circled and dropped onto a corner of a field. Literally turned a corner of field blue. Jumped out of my car and flapped my arms and chased them off. A few arrived back into that field late morning to sit in the trees, there was one or two small flocks arrived back into this field mid morning although there did not seem to be a particular flight into the field or there feeding area. Being keen over the last week I've had my gun on his fields 4 days now. I've set up a hide and decoys a couple of times, no birds decoyed hence none shot. I've had more success walking around hiding myself under a tree and shooting a few that land. I've had four this way. I had a bit of success yesterday went for a walk with my gun. (windy day) Fired a shell to move a flock from the trees, this got them really flighting and they were continuously following a loop round the fields. Managed to find a flight line, hid myself behind a bush and shot 17 in an hour. QUESTIONS 1. When you have 7 rape fields together is this more difficult to shoot than one rape surrounded by other crops? My experience pigeons are jumping from field to field. Also with 7 fields it is difficult to flag off the fields I'm not shooting that day. Also farmer has flagged of all the areas hit on each field although I don't think this is working. 2. My decoying so far consists of 2 floaters and 30 decoys. SHOULD I INVEST in a Rotary. Will this be MY SAVIOR and pull in the birds from the other end of the Field? My reservation on rotary is the thought of humping the extra gear half a mile to discover it still doesn't work and I'm in the wrong place! 3. Under the circumstances are these pigeons still not hitting this fields hard enough to achieve any sort of bag decoying? 4. As far as I'm aware I'm the only person shooting these fields (previous two guys gave this up due to health). To achieve success do you need two or three shooters spread across several fields to keep them moving?
  6. I agree. I should have a day or two free this week so I'll get out and hopefully earn some trust. He's got a couple of bigger rape fields about a mile away, next to a big wood. I drove past this week and he's bagged it off so he's possibly starting to have an issue there. I presume these fields will get more pigeons due to the wood? He's got game around there so no shooting until end of season.
  7. Thanks all, for the useful tips. The farmer has several big rape fields although he has given me this one field, beside his yard 'to see how I get on'. The field is probably the smallest about 40 acres. It's also well away from his game birds! I've been watching the rape in my area (Essex) recently and pigeons have showed zero interest until this week. I checked on this field Tues morning around 8 in morning when there was frost. Pigeons were already there in two opposite corners beside a small wood. They seemed to be dropping down off the trees having a bite then popping back to digest. I did see a few arriving on what appeared a couple of flight lines. After about an hour watching something disturbed them and they were off. I checked again at different times same day....no pigeons returned. I've called by a couple of times later in week ...no pigeons. I'll get to field early morning to see if they arrive and where from. I'll report back.
  8. I've been clay shooting for years, now just starting on the pigeons. My pigeon shooting to date was on autumn drillings using decoys and a couple of floaters. I've been given this OSR field to shoot which over the last few days I've seen 50-100 birds feeding on, at first light. Assuming I'm placed correctly, will my 30-40 decoys and a couple of floaters be sufficient? I read that a rotary is pretty much essential on rape - is this true?
  10. I have been a couple of times when on holiday. They run an excellent 50 bird sporing comp every fortnight (£12). If you like the competition element much better than Westlands. I went two Westlands three or four times last year for a bit of practise however found a quarter of the traps did not work.
  11. Lovely gun. I bought a 32" barrell F3 late Sept and just love it
  12. adp - If you are interested in an 'as new' 686 Ltd 30" RH Sporter I have a gun I am selling for £1000 which is indistinguishable from new and shoot less than 1000 cartridges. I have been using a Blaser F3, 32" making the 686 Ltd surplus to requirements. If you are interested you are welcome to try the gun out as I note you are just up the road. http://forums.pigeonwatch.co.uk/forums/ind...6731&hl=686 ltd&st=0 GavG
  13. I agree. Although in the end most folk make up there own mind and ignore worthless comemts like thatB)
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