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Everything posted by BRYAN3

  1. You sure its not a Freelander?
  2. BRYAN3

    IPhone 4s 16g

    Are you saying she upgraded to a new boyfriend and left the phone behind? Bryan.
  3. Hi. Does it include the handles please? Bryan.
  4. As Clakk says there is a capacitor in the devise,I have thought. My Samsung tv packed-up with capacitor plague which required replacements. The capacitors were swollen. Is it worth checking out for swelling?
  5. Received at the weekend. Thank you very much. Bryan.
  6. Funds sent. Many thanks. Bryan.
  7. Could I hae this please. Bryan.
  8. BRYAN3

    flight 370

    Well then they should be able to catch the seal with a net and a bucket of fishes.
  9. BRYAN3

    flight 370

    SO. Various nations are currently listening to pings from the black box-they think-possibly,but dotted about in 100 mile area. Could they be listening to a black box taped to the deck of a US sub? Bryan.
  10. Could it be the crankshaft pulley? I had that on a FL1 at the same time of clutch failure. I asked the garage to investigate thinking it was likely to be a dodgy exhaust bracket or something cheap. They phoned me when work started to say crankshaft pulley and only available from LR £205.00. Good luck. Bryan.
  11. Jason. If this is still available,could I have it please. I will PM you. Bryan.
  12. What are you on about? If its to do with bumping up to £13.00,its to allow for his fees on Paypal. Bryan.
  13. OK Flazz. How about £13.00 posted Paypal? Bryan.
  14. I received the disc two days ago. Thank you very much Browning. Bryan.
  15. J. I hope you manage the turbo hose change better than I did on mine. It looked dead easy in the manual but,the access through the front grill etc just didn't happen. Mine is 2001,yours might be different. I found I needed 1/4" drive sockets and flexi and uv couplings.Not much space to get good swing on rachet. They wear through prematurely on a bracket thing from constant vibration. Good luck. Bryan.
  16. They are lovely to drive and quite good off the road when they occasionally come out of the garage(from being fixed) If you get one-good luck. Bryan
  17. Hello Rob. Would you be prepared to courier the bottle for a few dollars more? You would have squeeze the air out first. Bryan.
  18. I didn't say he should keep it slipped. I said if he or anyone slipped or tripped. Bryan.
  19. Paul. I know he is only standing there,but how did he get there? When I go on game or rough shoots with up to possibly twenty guns we have to walk rough ground and obstacles between drives. Haha,you think I am anti semi-auto,you make I larf. My most used gun is a 5shot 1187. ATB Bryan.
  20. Rangey. I don't think you quite understand. If you are walking with other shooters between stands or drives or even just you and a mate walking down a field headland with double barrels broken you can see instantly if they have forgotten to unload.Its then just a matter of politely asking them to make safe. What would you think if you were out roughshooting with a Pal on the way back to your motor,through hedges and ditches,fences etc strugling with nets and decoys and everything else and then watch him take three shells out of his semi-auto.
  21. I cant see from the photo but there should be a breach flag inserted to show that its unloaded and bolt back. Its a reasurance to others to see it that way. If there is no flag folks cannot be assured its unloaded. If the bolt is back its still dangerous if he drops it or trips it could slamfire. Bryan.
  22. BRYAN3


    Hi Dunkield. I know there is nothing that you can do. Actualy,there is. Please could you resurect my posts that have been blocked. If the alledged scammer wants to he can then put his side of the story-thats only fair. Please be aware that the Norfolk Constabulary have promised to look into this,so they might want the info. ATB Bryan.
  23. BRYAN3


    Hello Mate. You say PM Teal. WHY? I have already PMed with 4 moderators. Bryan.
  24. BRYAN3


    I know the money is lost,I want him to lose His certificates if he still has them. Bryan.
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