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About Cookiemonsterandmerlin.

  • Birthday 11/06/1973

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  1. It seems a shame you where BANNED looks like you knew what you was on about unlike the ESSEX boys

  2. can you play the trumpet?...................

  3. If its mental age some of the members could be in trouble EG ME Cheers Cookie
  4. Did it all of the threads where locked for fear of legal action I guess. Cheers Cookie
  5. I was called but by the time I was due the goverment had called me up for OP Telic so got the armed forces exeption. Cheers Cookie
  6. Cracking photos Doc I have seen more in my garden than on the fields with over 30 roosting in two oaks in our garden. Cookie
  7. Just run a JCB up your boundary and when they come out just say I didnt think it would matter. Cheers Cookie
  8. OK Cruz fair engough But you entered the ring of posting pictures of your dogs which can sometimes get the replies we all like ,and sometimes the comments we dont like . Do you see me crying over Mags comments over if I wanted a fat lab lurcher ETC. Also I started a seprate topic on this subject you guys entered the ring again so you have to take the rough with the smooth on comments . Once again good luck you two Cookie
  9. Have a look in my about me page

  10. Bonjour a Magwitch happy viewing

  11. Cruz I have perfomed over tha last two months rabbit clearance for a estate where I get paid for my work I have posted only a fraction of my days out but if you spin though my sporting pictures you will see I have posted about my bags ETC. Right I have only two working dogs for rabbit catching the long legged terrier is my fert dog I have worked him 5 days a week for over two months and your thoughts about him are correct his main task is to catch the rabbits within a short distance lighting take off . Part of my self employment this year has entailed 3 paid contracts for rabbit clearance . Our bedlington whippet is our and I say our as me and wife are both keen she working him on the lamp and is out 3 nights week as he is now 13 bar the hard spell in december when it was too hard for safe running. And once again trying to smooth you over has failed and despite my best polite effort you still think I am clueless on rabbit control. And pegleg you where correct in your view on my reply . Once I bid you all the best Cookie
  12. Cruz I respect your knowledge and views which is great and I have no problem with them. Nor should you mine and I dont mean to disrespect you or your dogs and nor should mine as mine is a slightly diffrent design to yours your pure running dog . I would post more picture of our bedlington wippet but pointless with a very rough coat to show his condition to you. I start this topic seprate to the sporting pictures to try and avoid comparing my dogs to others. I have diffrent views on dogs and thats that like I would never run two high speed missle on the same rabbit EG what happen when the two high speed missle clash with a impact speed of nearly 60MPH and nor let them fight over it like others do . I also take exception to your comment that I dont know what I on about with clearly my catch rate which doesnt happen overnight I like you have some knowledge on this subject. I on the other hand think you know what your on about and respect your reply. Thank you for reply and take care Cookie
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