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Posts posted by Cookiemonsterandmerlin.

  1. Well boys its been a hectic couple of days as Cat reported earlier this week I have also shot my first good bag on OSR.


    I have been watching a steady flight out of a beech hanger early in morning crossing a OSR field and pitching into a row of ash trees .

    Was there first light setting up in the dark awaiting my first customer which was not long till I could see the birds lift from the hanger and push towards me .

    Struggling against the strong wind a wonderful sight they came in think and fast for only a short time till 1000hrs still dont think there where feeding just flighting out .But its looking good for the future as this field has always been a firm favorite .


    Total 62


    Todays bag on combined corn on cob truley the best crop to shot over for big big bags luckly the field will be left now till spring so no dashing before it ploughed in.


    Now the wind change is perfect for this field N/E direction ,arrived not so early around 0830 hours not a huge amount showing plenty of corvids as always.


    Still gave it a whizz whith rain being a pain I still had a steady pull till a 11 when all hell let loose ,as the rain stopped and the birds become really busy crossing in there hundreds at times .


    I would at a guess saw aroun 5k of birds travelling today.


    Todays bag 157


    And the weather looks like it could some very busy days ahead.


    Cheers OTH

  2. One thing to ad to whole debate is its no use getting a road legal quad without insurance cover average is £350 .


    I know of many owners who think because if it has got plates lights etc you can blast along the road . and for some unkown reason you can get the agrculture tax disc from the post offfice with no prove of insurance.


    Regards OTH

  3. I agree but I always think some think woodie shooting big numbers is easy and most give up if they not in the mood and cant be bother to chase them around.


    Having said that you are in a cracking area for woodies on the outskirts of birmingham.


    Chris Dawson pigeon guide is shooting 1500 a week in that area so good numbers can be shot if you can shot straight and have the perms.


    Keep at it my work is slacking off now and I will be starting to shoot more full time as off end of next week .


    Shot 186 over combined maize today but was be ploughed in as I shot boo hoo.


    Kept at OTH :good:

  4. That's the end of this thread then! :hmm:


    Might be the end of the thread but it sure will not be the end of the PW clan bashing public sector workers .


    I cannot believe this survived this long. I'd have bet on it being closed before the issue was resolved.


    Yes agree but its been a well behaved and polite IMO.


    Cheers OTH

  5. The only thing I can ad myself is if some in the days of lesser employee rights had not fought for change to all OUR employment rights ,then some of us would not enjoy paid holidays even you days off.


    Lets face it ever employer would remove your rights if they had there way so have a little think about what you would do if your employer called you into the office today and asked you to sign a contract saying some major changes to how you work .


    And yes I dont think the firefighters have a rough deal but they could do in years to come if they rollover.


    Its like the teachers and one PW members who was a teacher himself enjoying some great terms ,who thought BA workers had no right to strike etc.


    But some of the terms he himself enjoyed today was fought for by teachers in the mid 80s.


    Regards OTH

  6. You are Definately French...... intollerant, No sence of Humour, insulting, issuing idle threats with no intention of backing it up. :angry:


    Viva la france



    Classsic PW and also correct IMHO



  7. fact is you could run the fire service with less men and less cost.


    when the country has loads of money then largesse on the public services is fine.


    now we are skint these cuts are inevitable, so striking is pointless.


    Whats your line of work out of intrest


    Chers OTH

  8. There well be another talented youngster out there who could emulate George, but it is delusional to think it would definitely be in this country. We have many fine shooters, but George is the best there has ever been, so the chances of us unearthing another are very remote.


    No-one would be more pleased if we did.


    So are you saying by all chance that Digweed is one in 10 billion EG the world population.


    Cheers OTH

  9. And youve all missed the most obvious one,French Maids WITH HAIR ARMPITS:lol: :lol::good:


    Maybe going to send his aircraft carrier over full of them :angry: Happy days :innocent: some of you older gents,get the blue smarties ready :good::good::yes::yes: BB

  10. Will be late this year in most parts due to high hawthorn berrie harvest mega beech mast harvest in wiltshire maybe in some parts they will not even touch it till late march april after the top dressing worn off is my predtion for winter 2010/11.


    Cheers OTH

  11. As with all threads knocking others situations in the employment worl there a whole lot more to it than reported.


    I always try myself to do a little digging on info on subjects before posting rash comments on others work issues to get me up to speed .


    Cheers OTH

  12. I am not knocking him ,but yes he put alot of graft in but like all things it was easier and cheaper to do things in the 80s .


    I for one is not as talented as some but even if I was I could not do now what he done in the 80s as it just cost more FACT.


    The cartridges alone the fuel costs entry fee etc.


    Yes I think we need to admire our champions of the country BUT we must also try to get other top sportman into the sport.


    And to say there is not another potential Digweed waiting in the wings is nosense there will be a young boy/girl who has also Digweeds skill that could be harness ,with the correct teaching but the sad fact is in todays world you need massive amount cash,


    As sheer hard and graft in 2010 will not work its only a factor .




    Cheers OTH

  13. I always belive that if he shot 477 birds then there would have been in excess of 5000 birds feeeding on that field .


    I always record rough numbers of feeding birds and by my accounts ever time I have shot a ton bag then there was at least 1000 birds feeding.


    My own record bag I can be 100% sure I only reduced the numbers on that field by about 10%.


    Amazing bag amazing shell to kill ratio.


    Well done OTH

  14. Right boys I know nowt about deer population control etc.


    I was at the game dealer last night and what would appear to be two well qualified knowledgable stalkers who manage a large estate said that in some parts the deer population is getting out of balance.


    Due to incorrect deer stalking due to trophy and medal hunting as because of outside market pressure forces eg clients demanding a trophy or medal.


    Do you think this is correct in your part of the world.


    From a untrained not a clue on the subject OTH

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