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Posts posted by Cookiemonsterandmerlin.

  1. I have shot with him and loaded for him a number of times! He is like machine he puts 100% it to his shooting game and clay... some like him some don't but one hell of a shot!!! :blink:



    16? times world number one says it all :lol:



    I would love to try and see somebody load for him in a grouse butt ,it would sure be a tight fit.


    If thats what full time clayshooting does to you in the size department,then Ill give it a miss .


    Yes he is a true great shot but as with all sports it comes down to funding and time and practice.


    Without a question there are shots in the UK that could become a Digweed or a Lewis Hamilton ,but will never reach there full because of money and time.


    Eggy could outshoot him .


    Cheers OTH

  2. I belive that in Norway you can get on the 'net and find what your neighbours, freinds etc earn, all public knowledge.


    I earn decent money but the commodity that is really precious to me is the time off, I work two weeks offshore then get three weeks off.


    So roughly you work 140ish days of the year and have 225ish days off ,out of intrest are you also entitled to holidays on top of the 3 weeks off.


    Cheers OTH

  3. exactly, the thread just stinks of people who are either bitter or jealous of other peoples situations.


    but at least some are happy with what they have, even if it isn't as much or as good as others!



    I am not bitter myself of anybodys elses income or lifestyle I was inquiztive SPELLING of others PW members icomes bracket.


    Due to some of my replies to another thread I started on charging for a days ferretting out with me,,and the charge I asked would of well and truly put me in the lower income bracket for that job if I perform if I could full time 5 days a week 52 weeks of the year which you cant ferret all year.


    Cheers OTH

  4. Then again not all coppers have to put up with $$$$


    The two I saw this afternoon spent 4 hours at a customers house having tea and cakes I know as I was repairing the windows .


    They where so called have a NAG meeting nowt to do with her being a fit 30 year old with looks to die for.


    Cheers OTH

  5. One of questions I have always pondered is that police say that they retire at 50 because it not possable to perform there duties after that age like running after bad guys etc.


    First how come it alright for a brickie to work after 50 and a whole lot more fizz than a copper.


    And looking at the two old bill I meet this afternoon they could not perform there chasing bad guys due too many pies.


    And thats a cracking wage and to be able to retire at 50 with a far penison.


    Cheers OTH

  6. Well done snozzer, it is good to get a positive feed back it makes it all worthwhile.

    I am now trying to build a hide with wheelchair access, lets hope there will be some interest in it if and when it is completed.




    Bakerboy your even trying to take cash of the wheelchair user now even I have not thought of that one what will you evil guides who take shooters out and charge get upto next to earn that mega buck income you all get:lol:


    Only joking thats a cracking thought.


    Cheers OTH

  7. Maybe when you've got '30,000 acres to shoot over' and 'connections others can only dream about' they're wondering how you're only making £50/day 'supplementing your main income' ?


    Just a thought.


    Oh, and I am semi-retired, own my own home, no mortgage, private pension but work from home as a consultant, where i keep my 3 cars, 2 competition vehicles, boat, caravan etc etc.


    Not nice when people gloat is it?


    Fair point the reason I asked this question and put a poll was it seemed that if I earned 20k a year if I let days out be it pigeons or ferretting that my income would be excessive .


    But looking at the poll I would be Mr average earner at PW as a shooting guide .


    Cheers thats for the input OTH

  8. no need to declare it for VAT purposes. you wouldnt be earning enough?


    I am self employed my income bracket is not within the VAT band but you still pay tax on your income so I would have to still declare the income be it £50 or £500 a day.


    Cheers OTH

  9. Assuming you were not intending to make ferreting/rabbiting Guiding your sole occupation, you would not be existing on £50 per day.

    The impression you gave was that it would be "on the side" and supplementing your main income.


    It would sub my summer income I would still need earn a reasonable amount .


    I would and I did say it would be insured and declared to VAT man.

    Cheers OTH

  10. Is this something to do with comments from last weeks debate?:hmm:?:hmm:??



    It could be as some gave me stick for maybe earning £50 a day minus cost .


    Yet I would not think there a load of members earning less tha £50 a day .


    Cheers OTH

  11. I think OTH intends to charge for his ferreting lessons on a sliding scale, depending on what we earn. :hmm:


    I didn't see the section on the Poll headed, "mind your own business". :hmm:


    I see your point yet when others have a view point on what a plumber charges everbody has a view .


    Your right it none of my business but it sure a diffrent thread from the other have you seen this on youtube .


    I have no way of knowing of who posted what income on the poll so why not ask.


    Regards and your top idaer I never thought of but that could be a goer in the future.


    Cheers OTH

  12. My quest for PW members incomes bracket is born from since I have joined there has been numberous topics on overcharging plumbers builders etc.


    Yet sometimes it would appear that some who have pop at others charges are on not a bad wack themselves.


    And the howler I can remember the best was the teacher who said that BA cabin crew was over paid had to many hoildays which I thought was rich and had no right to strike yet my whole education was knackered by striking teachers who fought for his salary and conditions he enjoys today.



    Cheers OTH

  13. The above is fine,but remember to check delivery notes to make sure you have got what ya man has charged you for and if any gets left over it needs to be credited back and monies paid back to you + 10%,or your paying for air :hmm:

    I now give my customers (once contract signed)a comprehensive shopping list,saves me going into vat,they get nearly same deal as me or cash sale on my account and they think i am the best as i have not over gharged them and then gone out of my way to get them a cheap deal,all this and i dont have to worry about damaged goods etc,its same with skips and scaffolds,i let customer go direct to my contract supplier and the legal bit is not me :lol::lol: ,and all i would gain is 10% profit and 100% aggro :hmm:


    Vampire are you in the trade if so what size projects do you take on,I am only intrested due to your statement about getting the customer to buy materials .


    Cheers OTH

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