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Posts posted by Cookiemonsterandmerlin.

  1. Some of you boys are clueless when it comes to longrange shooting be it rifles or any other weaponary .


    Yes some of you think its wrong to shot at live quarry at distance for a number of factors but most of it being skill level is below that is needed for this shooting.


    Some think its wrong to shoot at live quarry full stop for the reasons highlighted by yourselfs for longrange shots if your not prepared for the harsh fact that you may injury a animal then go knitting .

    The only clear thing we need to is try to reduce animal suffering and you some can shot beter at 500 yards than others at 100yards.


    How many shots did the sniper have at the guy I think it was 4/5 shot berfore his spotter dial his shot in for him.


    I think its a good debate but only rifle shooters with true knowledge of long range shooting can have meaningfull imput to debate .



    Cheers OTH

  2. If you go for blocks get good quality the high density ones but take you time due to weight of the blocks it maybe you can only do 3 cousres a day as they tend to sink in joints .


    10mm joints and make sure its square by measuring across from corner to corner and make then be 100% the same or it will be out of square.


    And also ad a plastercister in the muck.


    And if you dont paint the outside unibond it to stop the wet getting in to the blocks.


    Cheers OTH

  3. A very rough guide it would be 900 to 1000 brickie and it would really take two days and you would want a opo as well.


    Its def a brickie job before going ahead get a couple of quotes in .


    Here a job I done this year.




    Cheers OTH

  4. Just a quick update first of thank you for all the input good and bad,no hard feelings on the negtive replies thats what I wanted.Even though I thought some where odd .


    I have secured today another large area chalk grass downlands though pure chance meeting out dog walking.


    All lovely open warrens with no nettles etc I am still umming and rrring if to go live with my offer and for all the knockers of my idear please if I do post a ad please refrain from negtive replies on that direct thread .


    Cheers OTH

  5. Pigeonshootingoctoder2010.jpg



    great bag oth must say the dogs looked like they'd had enough :oops:

    atb dolphin


    Yes one is 13 and bit the other is 12 near the end of there working life but there faces if I leave then behind is not happy so if I can drive the truck near to setup they come with me.

    If I have to walk and the truck is out of sight they have to stay at home . :good:


    Cheers OTH

  6. One of the main arguments against paying for either shootin woodies or paying to come for a days ferretting is that both are seen vermin.


    Now if your and me are doing such a favour to farmer and there vermin would you be happy for the gamedealer to take your bags off you for free as in some eyed they are pure vermin.


    Would you still go shooting and rabbitting if this was the case ?.


    Regards OTH

  7. Just had one of best afternoons with the most testing birds so far this autumm ,a real change in the birds with cooler nights and so of foliage gone.


    One of favorite boyhood beech hangers I shot nearly ever weekend in the late eights when there was a massive beecmast harvest.The birds started on the mast from sept till april annd I never failed to shot less than 50 in that span from the same spot.


    Still back to today arrived late as we have had heavy rain showers the birds had pushed off the wheat drilling and moved onto the linseed stubble ,I think because the drilling was very muddy there was no real sign that there where on the mast until after I inspected the crops and there where jam packed with mast.


    I saw many hundreds of birds flighting from three big beech hangers and they where tracking between all afternoon.


    Shoot some cracking flighting birds and missed a fair few as well.I will be returning next weekend more dialed in as I only took cartridges and gun plus the my two hounds.


    Cheers OTH



  8. I too have read each of posts in this thread. I have no opinion to offer, only a question:


    OTH - What prompted you to put up the original post? Was it that you'd been thinking for some time, 'Hey you know what, I might just offer the benefit of all my experience and the huge tracts of land I have, to my fellow PW'ers for a small fee cos I'm a nice bloke'? or was was it, 'By 'eck every tom **** and harry seems to be coming on here and offering sport for money, I fancy a bit of that action!'


    The truth a bit of everything you said above I just nearly a year ago and I have changed my views on a number of subjects .I would have not even entertained sharing or guiding any of my land last year.

    But it very clear I have been lucky to attain land for many reasons and this is the second year of being self employed last winter was lean for me as a gardener.

    So I thought why not offer a service I like doing as a hobbie and make a little and it would be a little income from it,while inturn offering a gateway into the sport for others its very hard for newbie as most old timers do like to keep there perms to thereself the same as I use to.



    I think you'll find the reponses from folk on here, are based on their perception of your motives based on those two alternatives.


    Thats fine but I think it unfair for me and others to be tarred with a bad brush .


    In fact I will offer an opinion. I seems to me that your timing is out. The reason your getting flak is because your offer comes on the back of so many others from relatively new members to the site and this has built up a view amongst many on here that some are out just to make money from PW and nothing else.



    Yes my timming maybe out but with years subscriptons to PW and just over a 1k posts with numberous sporting pictures of a few of my bags.

    And offering my time to others though PM system I think others should do a little research of the thread starter/s before slagging them off.


    But hey its the capitalist way, right comrad!

  9. Mark still dont get the time bit I think you would struggle to find another 36 year old with the knowledge and bags of both rabbits and more so woodies than myself.


    Added this bit it would be better to spend a day with me who has shot nealry 5500 birds this year so far than a 60 year old so called time servied countryman whos only accounts for a few hundred a year.


    I have been upfront and I sure no con man otherwise I would have not aired my thoughts on the subject .


    Yes it would supplement my summer income but I would be 100% commited to my clients .


    There you go cheers anyway OTH

  10. Thanks o t h.


    You may not like em, and iam not looking for a barny.


    But offers like this come up every few months on the forum.

    bloke has loads of land he shoots,loads of posts about good days.

    sees an opening to make a few bob, try,s it on.


    A good few professionals on here, have been for a while.

    good rep,good days for the lads, no bother.

    if you intend to try to make a living out of it you have loads of competition, and will find it hard.

    if its just to supplement your income, i think you will find it harder.

    learn to walk first comes to mind.

    and dont take that the wrong way.


    Thats fine Mark


    I am after constructive thoughts like yours .


    But the only thing in your reply that puzzles me is surley the other pro guides set out on there own at some point.


    What would in your view is the diffrents between somebody like myself settting out now as opposed to them setting out how every many years ago.


    Surley they would have had a similar background to myself to be able to offer the service.


    Cheers OTH

  11. cant understand why you would want to bring kids into this discussion


    All I trying to say is some are saying its awful to expect payment for a days work eg£50.


    But some of the knockers of my idear do have children I would guess and its a pure guess bar one Iknow has a boy.

    Happly claim the £18 a week for child benefit for not doing a stroke of work for that £18 at least I would being somethink for my £18 extra income .


    Maybe its not coming accross that well on the internet.


    Cheers OTH

  12. I do find it also strange that others find it awful for a person to charge for a service like and charge £50.


    But are quite willing to bang kids out and receive child benefit £18 a week and think thats fine yet me or another charge for taking somebody out for a days feretting is awful.


    I think whats awful is I have to sub others kids some of my £50 would go back in taxes to fund them for you.



    Cheers OTH

  13. I am pleased as whole with the replies to my question.


    It has highlighted a few problems.


    The main thing is if I offered my time and effort for FREE there would be a mass of PMs from alot of PW members.


    But the whole payment thing seems to turn members opinions to I would not pay for that but I would be happy to rock over your gaff and us my land I have sort for FREE.


    So like like Lez I will select a few I have had contact with before any of posts regarding offer paid day days out.


    The offer to the few where a token of friendship .


    The main thing about charging for the days would it would a form of INCOME.


    And of course Jonny rabbits needed to be found just like pigeons still got to drive to site pay for ferret found we have 24 ferts which you would need that sort of numbers to offer quality paid days out.


    I give up good luck boys with searching for that elusive thing called permission I will jsut carry on on my todd.


    Cheers OTH

  14. We have also always had professional Guides making their services known, but I agree we have seen in recent months the emergence of the "amateur" members selling a day out.


    Surely all new guides would at first be amateurs but may have many years knowledge ,does not make them any less better .


    Crumpets you hear of many shocking storys of established guides and would you class me as a amateur guide if I did set out to offer paid days :good: .


    I think the clear reason that forums have open up the whole world to a vast track of shooters who are otherwise out of the loop of shooting world .Which I think is a good .


    All my landowners would be aware of my clients and would get money in return no diffrent from if I offered days out to mates I always tell my landowners if I got a mate coming with me as its not my land .


    Kind regards OTH

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