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Posts posted by Cookiemonsterandmerlin.

  1. sorry fella don't need another lab but would love to see a pic of a foxred one as i have never seen one you never know i may fall in love hope they all go to good homes and if you get a chance a pic would be great




    Here you go dave Merlin he is now 13 and bit and has lost some of his oringnal dark fox red that he was when younger.


    Kind regards OTH



  2. Hi Over the hill,

    Whats the green plastic stool in your pics mate looks like the perfect seat for me :good:





    Ian its a garden kneeler its perfect for many reasons first as a shooting stool light you can also turn it upside down and kneel to shoot if as is the case sometimes you cant get the perfect spot due to ground conditions.


    It helps to be comfortable it helps you cartridge to kill raio if your happy and I maybe one reach the dizzy heights of Eggy ???


    Kind regards OTH

  3. OTH have you ever thought about getting into developing property? I can see myself doing both gardening and house maintance and that combined with the risk of buying selling property for profit seems rather an exciting prospect.


    I am not from a well off family if your family is good on the money side then this is what I would have done .


    I set out self employed to make more money and quality time for myself but it comes with a price in the early years .


    Without a question if you or your family has money it becomes easier to earn money but it can also damp your vision and goals as you dont need to be susessfull as there is alway money to fall back on.


    Regards OTH

  4. I f your still at home I guess its a fine time to start min outgoings like morgage etc.


    Still I would go with the armed forces for a 7 years.


    While doing that training for tree surgeon is a poss as its cost alot of cash for average person .


    It also takes time to learn correctly there is alot doing it and there is a big diffrents between and a tree surgeon and a arborist .


    The first is only taught really how to climb and chop them down where a arborist is genrally more skilled in tree knowledge etc.


    I started fully self employed last year is the best thing I have done I started purley garden work being trainning for tree work as added string to my bow.


    But I secure more work for household maintance than garden work the two things to insure is be well know for the right reasons in your planned bussiness area very hard to start when they not got a clue who you are.


    Second alway do a top notch job if there are any problems with the job fixed dont bodge it and run .


    And alway the very best of luck whatever you do OTH

  5. seems to me that oth doesnt like his status as the king of all pigeon shooters being challenged. and i have looked in on this forum for a long time without actually joining. i remember oth writing a topic about showing compassion in the winter as numbers will plummet, then what does he do, he went out and shot hundreds in the spring and summer! now thats compassion! he also posted other topics questioning whether pigeon numbers were down and **** like that. didnt take him long to get these theories out of his head


    I am no king never claimed to be either just enjoying shooting ,I have done all the above nowt wrong with that .


    What is and was wrong is shooting staving birds shooting strong healthy birds any any time of year in the name crop protection is what it all about for while maintaing control over numbers and maintaning a good population managment is the key word.


    Yes I have shot birds in the spring and summer mainly on laid crops and peas in the pod one of vital crop protection times.


    I have had the chance to shoot good numbers but have let them get on with from time to time.


    Whats wrong with questioning if I or others have overshot pigeons I think it a healthy thing to do for any of us.


    Sorry you feel the way you do about myself .


    Also when you use my name please PUT SIR before OTH


    Welcome back Micheal I hope I have spelt it right this time BM


    Kind regards OTH

  6. [ works from home, he is within driving distance from me and in an early meeting showed me a picture of his prized Rolls Royce Corniche sitting on his driveway. In the end I told him that I was coming up to visit him and see his prized Rolls Royce in person - we got paid the week after.


    Dont make the same mistake ME with prized series 3 on the driveway.


    Kind regards OTH

  7. Is that meant to be coilin willock with two LLs not one so if your so famous what is your name :look:


    Also I had forum memeber question my bags story did it make me get all uptight no I just kept on posting and found some geninue nice members got a guy I met at hodnet who going to join me over the next month or so for some decoying and for me to pass on some of my knowlegde .You could do the same .

    So dont let this put you off posting .


    Kind regards OTH

  8. is you young ones have a lot to learn.


    Yes we have


    I will take the hint and refrain from visiting this forum again


    Please dont we are all only asking a few questions to improve our knowledge of the humble woodie .


    I am not questioning your use of 7.5s there are very good at close range birds sat on the ground.


    Kind regards OTH

  9. So if you know digweed whats your real name :look:


    All your comments are fair IMO till you get to the cartridge to kill ratio bit that is truly wild or truly world class .


    I have no reason to disbelive you or belive you the only way any of us can judge is by the comments posted by members of PW and your carridge to kill ratios is truly amazing and I take my hat off to you if its true.


    To call me a forum moron is strong from a member claiming the cartridge to kill ratio of a GOD .


    Also spinning back though some of your old posts it seems hard to belive a shooting guy like yourself would be shooting the numbers claimed driving around in gold GTI.


    You would need some truck to carry all the woodies .


    Still if it true I will take on the chin and one of lifes leasons if its not it only you kidding yourself.


    Kind regards OTH


    Record bag 561 over beans in 8 hours ADDED THIS BIT FOR EGGY MY BAG IS TRUE NOT IN MY HEAD

  10. There is some truth in your story I belive like shooters trying to kill birds regularly at distance does not help the shell to kill ratio.


    I am along with some on here vikdaz protom etc kill alot of birds regulary total to date from 1st jan to end of sept roughly 4500 with a spell in august of over 800 in under 3 weeks.


    But I am trying to find if your claim of 500 to 532 shots is to be admired or laughed at.


    I am a fair shot and kill 80 out of 100 birds some days I can kill your claimed cartridge to kill ratio but over over three days in row :look: .


    And you may have alot of experiance but after 2 good days to forget a to take a good sum of cartridges of the third day :yes: .


    Also I am trying to think how many times a field can be shot so hard 3 days in row with the numbers claimed I would think the biggest bag would have accured of the first day not the thrid :hmm: .


    Still this thread could be like the 700 bird bag claimed by one PW memeber when the picture come to light it shoed rougly 200 birds with a picture from half a mile away.


    Here so picture of some good nights over august.


    Kind regards keep at and where you from in the country.










    And this is very small selection of my bags this summer as I dont always post every bag I get .

  11. Try Sporting shooter ............ £5 for 5 issues ............ can't go wrong !!


    Yes thats a good price but it a box of 25 shells which can be a morning out having far more fun than reading adverts.


    I think there is not a whole lot to be learned from mags for shooters like myself who have all the gear needed and knowledge ,there not alot the authors can teach myself as I have probley shot more pigeons than they have.


    Kind regards OTH

  12. Given up buying mags the cost now at roughly £4 a go is amazing when x across many years.


    Its full of the same old faces claiming there great etc .


    The truth be known you will learn more about shooting fishing etc from old bob in the pub or on PW forum than some colourful overpriced mag.


    Regards OTH

  13. me and 't family used to live in a soggy cardboard box in 't middle o road...


    upside wa that me mam used 't make blackest black puddins in 't world.... even the white bits were black.....


    we used 't dream o moving 't auld septic tank down by 't sewage works....


    me da used 't work 26 hours a day down 't pit....and pay 't boss privelege for doing so.....and we were grateful




    Is that still the same for all you up north move to sunny south.



  14. I am only 36 but we never had central heating just a raburn in the kitchen for cooking and open fire in the front room .


    Use to have ice on the inside of my bedroom window and the standard 16 blankets coats etc on the bed.


    The strange thing is this is only 20 or so years ago yet we have moved on so quickly .


    Kind regards OTH

  15. Well again i had a few hours over rape and shot 41 and picked 38 and looked at a few of the birds crops well 10 of them 2 had wheat , 3 had nothing in and 1 had a few acorns and berrys and 4 had rape . Also spotted another field this afternoon with good numbers on when i was feeding so 1 for another day :blush:


    So fair to say its could be 50/50 chance that they are gleaning the wheat/or acorns or other foodstuffs in the area from the field rather than solely feeding on the OSR .


    I think its more case of pulling birds to deeks on a field of OSR that are mooching around the area rather than birds feeding purley on OSR I maybe wrong .


    Kind regards OTH

  16. Just reading through the thread...does anyone seriously disagree with the point that the principal function of child benefit is to assist people who are on the breadline? A couple of people seem to think it's a trust fund?



    Spot on I cant belive my thoughts have been attacked so hard by some on here who clearly dont need to keep there child in food and clothing to a reasonable standard.


    Yes some do seem to see it as a trust fund on us and I am not a wind up RJ just straight talk to point type and as always some dont like .


    Regards OTH

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