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Everything posted by bg55599

  1. poor lady. now if they were peering through the window in to my house i would have no issue with choosing it as an appropriate time to clean my guns and check them for fit, likewise i would probably also choose this time to lay out my cartridges on my floor and sort them in to colour order... ooohh they are all blue, but best we check. dont see any harm with shooting offenders provided you used a silence weapon and make sure you clean them mess up and dispose of them in a safe manner... remember lift with your legs not with your back when putting a dead weight in to the boot of the car. Do burglers go in the recycling bin....they should be bio degradeable.
  2. and does this magical gun require a FAC. definately keep off the cheese or atleast get your self to your and your polystyrene inserts down to your local gunsmith and see if he can sort you out! so all the imaginary ducks got away then?
  3. i have a O/u betensoli that I bought the other week as a bit of an impluse buy (as i already have one!), havent had chance to use it yet but if your still looking i will sell it to you for what i paid for it.
  4. bg55599

    Driving Conditions

    in suffolk the roads are pretty good, i got called out at 7am this morning for a stand by at another bury st edmunds fire station and the roads were all good so the end bit of your journey round newmarket should be trouble free.
  5. bg55599

    "red" rant

    This seems to have opened a big can of worms!! As the lucky one who gets to drive the Big red truck with the flashy blue lights and the neee naaarr noise and come and cut you lot out when it all goes wrong Id just like to remind everyone that "we all make mistakes, this is how we learn" and hopefully both partys will have learnt alot from this. Neither partys behaviour was ideal but its all in the past now! When i trained to drive on blue lights we were taught to use time and space to our advantage. Create space for yourself by not rushing and pushing through. Even on the way to a house fire with persons reported you need to keep calm and composed. Dont let the actions of others affect your concentration and treat everyone as if they havent noticed you or are going to do something stupid... which often they do! Dont get frustrated if people are holding you up. Its better to arive in one peice 30 seconds later than not to arive at all. When i turn out as a fire appliance driver I look at it that i am driving a taxi and a toolbox. We need the passangers and the equipment to get there in one peice and if that means we have to be paitent then thats what we do!
  6. im with stour-boy... gotta be called deefa or defor. oh how about CAT. i know someone who had a cat that was called dog. so why not go the other way!!
  7. Has anyone heard of Lloyd gun makers, i have an old hammer gun and just wanted to find out a bit more about it
  8. I run a garage and have a few farmers who are good customers who have said i can shoot their land for pigeons. got some in elmswell and some towards stanton
  9. hiya, welcome, not far from me at all. I can see bury out of my window!
  10. hiya, welcome, not far from me at all. I can see bury out of my window!
  11. im trying to move across from clays to pigeons, I have got lots of land sorted and i can see plenty of bird out there munching away on the rape, how important is it to have hide/decoys to get a good days shooting in. I imagine a few shots and they will all move off if they havent already when they see you! any tips much appreciated. also what sort of hide / decoys would be best
  12. xbox 100% i have both, even with the ps3 in HD and the Xbox in normal the xbox wins hands down
  13. Think i payed £32 for 100 sporting at barrow heath and at badwell ash its normaly about £7 for 40 (£8 non members)
  14. oh and shooting grounds.... Go to alot of the shoots at badwell ash GC and have had a couple of rounds at barrow heath, but if anyone can sugust some others that are worth a look then im planning on trying a few more when it warms up
  15. How many fingers do you have? What gun or guns do you shoot? These are manadatory questions you must answer until you can officially prove you are from Suffolk. I have to ask these questions as otherwise they will only be asked by our Essex bretheren. I have 2 betensoli O/u multi choke 12 bores, one set with 1/2 & 1/4 chokes and one with 3/4 & full. then i have a Lloyd hammer gun 12 bore side by side that i use black powder cartridges in. And a bakal 410 silenced single shot. oh and a crosman phantom 22 airgun. I now have a full set of fingers and thumbs..... fully de-webbed by NHS
  16. if you still have it would you be prepared to post it?
  17. bg55599

    Right then

    I think i may be one of the few people who lost weight over christmas as the take aways and shops were shut! I am lucky and have a quick metabolism but i do eat alot of suposedly bad for you food.... 5 or so chineses a week etc... From watching family try diets etc the best tips would be: Drink plenty of water. if you feel hungry have a big drink of water and wait 20 mins before you eat. DO NOT starve yourself Dont look at it as a diet! its all psychological! Eat smaller portions and chew your food more. Avoid things like bread... that seems to make my dad pile on the lbs! try to be happy, lots of people eat cos they feel sad; and they feel sad cos they think they need to diet!
  18. cheers everyone, im astonished at how busy the site is!
  19. is that ok with nitro cartridges? may be interested if it is. can do Face to Face too as newmarkets only 20 mins from me
  20. Sorry to hear about your loss. Guns are only as dangerous as the people who are holding them. They are something that should be treated with respect as and a privalige. I feel that the application process will always be a little flawed, especialy with reguard to peoples mental health. I was refused my first shotgun certifiacate on the grounds that i posed serious risk to public safety and the peace, yet i have never been introuble with the police and have never made threats or touched another person in a violent way. I was rejected because i had chosen to attend anger managment courses. i had a partner who suffered with very bad depression and would never reason with you and wasnt very understanding, rather than get worked up by this i thought i would be responsible and try to learn some new skills so it didnt get to me, prevension is better than cure and all that.... because i had acted in a way that i felt was the most responsible way to act, they put 2 and 2 together and got it wrong in my opinion! i waited paitently for 2 years, proved to them that i wasnt the risk they thought i was and bing bang bosh.... got the liscence, No questioning there decision, just respecting it and following their guidance. The chances of someone who actualy has issues asking for help is not one that anyone can put a figue on to, often the crazys of society dont ask for help or dont identify that there is a problem. Likewise the number of guns that are not liscenced or are stolen or aquired through other means are in my opinion, the guns that pose more of a risk than the ones owned by people who follow the rules
  21. symptoms sound like the clutch. The flywheel may be worn but you will be able to see this witht he gearbox out anyway.
  22. bg55599

    pug 206

    There not a bad looking car, nor a bad drive. The pedals are a bit close together for mens feet but you will get used to it, just dont try and drive one in wellys! We see a few at work but not normaly too much greif. driveshafts can get a bit knocky but a new shaft wont be more than about £100 fitted. its french so the electrics are never spot on but there is worse you can buy out there!
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