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Everything posted by bg55599

  1. in what way is what i have put not a good thing to put? I would like to shoot rifles at thing that arent moving rather than at things that are. I have spoken to people about rifle clubs but im waiting to hear back from them. I know alot of land owners through work so im not aproaching people i dont know and if the land is in the right area then im available every evening give or take depending on there needs. im keeping my options quite open as its the land that seems to be the hard thing to get.
  2. pop me down for this one, im a memeber there too... also for you guys who are out that way badwell ash gun club have a shoot on next sat at 2pm. would normaly be there but im at doveridge that day on a skeet referee course.
  3. hiya everyone. Im tryign to find some land to get an FAC. I have pigeon shooting but the people whos land i shoot shotgun on already have alot of people for rabbits/ foxes etc. willing to pay if the land is in the right area....
  4. bg55599


    any pictures? are they tame?
  5. i have a hatsan 20 bore, it jammed sometimes but i have worked out why,(if you dont push the cartridges in past the point the sit at in the lower chamber when you load them, they seem to jam occasionaly) for about £350 you can get a new gun with a decent warrenty or there are laods second hand out there. they shoot really well and i have shot better rounds of sporting clays with the auto than i have with my beretta 686 with extended chokes which cost a dam sight more! What you need to think is 1. Waht are you going to use the gun for? if its going to be chucked about and get scraped and knocked then it will devalue any gun. 2. are you planning on keeping it a long time? if your going to keep it for a long time then provided it does the job resale value isnt too much of an issue. If you buy a beretta or something then it may cost you more to buy but you are unlikely to loose any money on it as they hold their value well. But more importantly buy the gun you feel most comfortable with and shoot best with. if you can have a trial with them then that should help you decide.
  6. if anyone fancys lakenheath clay target centre then im up for that......... if not theres a shoot at badwell ash gun club tomorrow at 2pm (bank hol monday). may well be some easter egg prizes for the high gun too.
  7. bg55599


    Ours love the cat food, if you leave the back door open they will charge at the cats and push them out the way, then eat the cat food in about 1/10 of the tim it would take the cat!
  8. I have a feeling i may well have been sat next to you! I did the course the same day. not a bad course at all. I will do some other CPSA courses after this one!
  9. I have a similar hammer gun but mine isnt proofed for nitro. If any one is interested in this gun I would say they are definately worth it even if its jsut to be the talking point. I shot a round of sporting clays with mine using black powder cartidges, by the end of the first stand half the club had come to look and see what it was!
  10. no probs, i have got SGC but not FAC... so in the words of dragons den... im out. sorry
  11. can it be detuned to takeit off of the FAC?
  12. are all the wheels free fo the body/debris from the myud and snow out there. what sort of car is it?
  13. coud you post some pics please
  14. you got some good score there though peter...... wish i had shot some of the rounds you have on the cpsa shoots. See you have been to a few of my local grounds recently.
  15. hiya and welcome, If your wanting to shoot clays then make sure you know the name of the clay ground your going to use and idealy make contact with them and find out some details. the Firearms officers are normaly ok unless they are very new to the job and on a mission but im sure you will be fine. just act responsibly. If they ask about rough shooting then you will have the excuse that your not too wise to things because you only plan on shooting clays at the moment. they will want to know about your home security etc and also where you plan to store cartiridges etc. (obviously seperate to the guns, idealy say i dotn plan to keep cartidges at home as i wil buy them from the clay ground!
  16. poor lady. now if they were peering through the window in to my house i would have no issue with choosing it as an appropriate time to clean my guns and check them for fit, likewise i would probably also choose this time to lay out my cartridges on my floor and sort them in to colour order... ooohh they are all blue, but best we check. dont see any harm with shooting offenders provided you used a silence weapon and make sure you clean them mess up and dispose of them in a safe manner... remember lift with your legs not with your back when putting a dead weight in to the boot of the car. Do burglers go in the recycling bin....they should be bio degradeable.
  17. and does this magical gun require a FAC. definately keep off the cheese or atleast get your self to your and your polystyrene inserts down to your local gunsmith and see if he can sort you out! so all the imaginary ducks got away then?
  18. bg55599

    Driving Conditions

    in suffolk the roads are pretty good, i got called out at 7am this morning for a stand by at another bury st edmunds fire station and the roads were all good so the end bit of your journey round newmarket should be trouble free.
  19. bg55599

    "red" rant

    This seems to have opened a big can of worms!! As the lucky one who gets to drive the Big red truck with the flashy blue lights and the neee naaarr noise and come and cut you lot out when it all goes wrong Id just like to remind everyone that "we all make mistakes, this is how we learn" and hopefully both partys will have learnt alot from this. Neither partys behaviour was ideal but its all in the past now! When i trained to drive on blue lights we were taught to use time and space to our advantage. Create space for yourself by not rushing and pushing through. Even on the way to a house fire with persons reported you need to keep calm and composed. Dont let the actions of others affect your concentration and treat everyone as if they havent noticed you or are going to do something stupid... which often they do! Dont get frustrated if people are holding you up. Its better to arive in one peice 30 seconds later than not to arive at all. When i turn out as a fire appliance driver I look at it that i am driving a taxi and a toolbox. We need the passangers and the equipment to get there in one peice and if that means we have to be paitent then thats what we do!
  20. im with stour-boy... gotta be called deefa or defor. oh how about CAT. i know someone who had a cat that was called dog. so why not go the other way!!
  21. Has anyone heard of Lloyd gun makers, i have an old hammer gun and just wanted to find out a bit more about it
  22. I run a garage and have a few farmers who are good customers who have said i can shoot their land for pigeons. got some in elmswell and some towards stanton
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