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adam f

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Everything posted by adam f

  1. She likes to play and chew with milk cartons.
  2. Any ideas chaps? My 8 month cocker is generally well behaved. She lives in the houses but semi-kennelled in the utility room. She gets plenty of family stimulation and training with me for around an hour a day. But, I've been pulling my hair out with her chewing her expensive bedding. She doesn't chew much else that she shouldn't, and I always leave her rags, toys and plastic bottles to chew but she seems to have an affection for bedding. I'm posting this as I've just got home from work to find her new £40 bedding ripped to pieces! Adam
  3. I work for the builders merchant next door and understand that the shop and the land it's on has been sold, an Aldi supermarket is going there. So not sure they went bust. Such a shame as a cracking little shop.
  4. She's now 8 months. She's my first so I've been a bit keen, but luckily she has moved at my pace. Basic training is done. She's now moving onto gun shot, rabbit pen and cold game. I've done it all myself so far but have just started having monthly lessons with a local cocker trainer to get her polished to that final stage. When I bought her I just wanted a nice pet and shooting dog, but I'm loving it so much, working tests and trails are defiantly on the cards!
  5. Thank you! Her dad is FTCH Ken of Winhocklin, her mother is out of Wetlands Spike who is out of a FTCH Maesyderwen line.
  6. Shot this photo last week, whilst out doing a spot of cold game training with my young cocker, Meg. It took a while to get a decent shot and whilst it's not perfect I was quite pleased with it. Put the Canon on continuous shooting and wound the film speed right up.
  7. I had a Nikko Nighester 6-24x56 on it for a year, and to be fair it was too big. I've now got a 6-18x50 night eater which suits it much better. As others have said a bit of magnification is really handy as the round is capable of rabbits at 200 yards, and they get pretty small at that distance!
  8. After a nice eve out Fri seeing plenty of deer and fox, I decided to try again tonight, it was a bit grey, and after 30 mins it started to rain - ill push on I thought, but alas all I saw was 1 rabbit! Truly a night for staying indoors with a beer! It got me wondering do any of you bother stalking in the rain and wind?
  9. I just started shooting Centrefire, and wondered what people do with their once fired brasses? I don't intend to get into reloading as I won't be shooting it that much and frankly don't have the time. Are they worth anything? Anyone in dorset fancy reloading them for me? :-)
  10. Thanks everyone, I've now got her Skinners field and trial which she seems to like.
  11. I've had had Meg my 6 month old cocker puppy on Royal Canin puppy vet food since I got her as she didn't like the big crunchy biscuits in the Wagg food her litter was on. the RC food is small smartie sized discs which are fairly soft. However it's £38 per 14kg and as she's a bit bigger now and has a bit of raw meat mixed in I was thinking of trying something like Skinners or Chudleys etc - ie a working dog food. But I don't really want massive rock hard biscuits just yet. Any ideas as I don't want to be buying loads of bags to try!
  12. Yes mate, baby due any day so the waiting around will end! If you fancy a spot of lamping up here on eve just let ,e know when your free
  13. Well done mate, good to see you getting out
  14. A mate of mine has a Silver Pigeon which has suffered from repeatedly getting wet and not cleaned and dried before being put away. As a result the forend has splayed open leaving a 3-5mm gap either side of the barrell where it meets the action. As her has no tools Ive offered to sort if for him. I was thinking of re-soaking the stock, clamping and then allowing it to slowly dry naturally again. Do you think water will be OK, or should I be using oil?
  15. A mate of mine has a Silver Pigeon which has suffered from repeatedly getting wet and not cleaned and dried before being put away. As a result the forend has splayed open leaving a 3-5mm gap either side of the barrell where it meets the action. As her has no tools Ive offered to sort if for him. I was thinking of re-soaking the stock, clamping and then allowing it to slowly dry naturally again. Do you think water will be OK, or should I be using oil?
  16. Im meticulous with the gun - it's only had about 300 rounds though it and gets cleaned after every box of ammo I use. Ive now had issues / missfires with both Winchester and Hornady ammo. I guess the post above says it all for me really - be careful and stay vigilant. It's a shame as I now carry a cleaning rod when I'm out in case I get a bullet stuck... and after this I'm going to be checking the barrell after each round!
  17. I like the fact that most people prefer beretta / Brownings... It keeps guns like the CG's and top end Rizzini's a bit more special in that not everyone has one! Beautiful gun!
  18. I agree! If the hmr wasn't so damn good I'd switch back to .22! I wonder what comeback I'd have with Winchester for sub-standard Ammo causing damage to my rifle and personal property?
  19. I've had 2 stuck before but the round didn't detonate properly so I slid the bolt out to find a stuck bullet.... This time I got a correct sounding detonation so didn't feel a need to check. But I guess it must have got stuck? I guess I need to be ultra cautious in future?!
  20. The previous round sounded like it went off ok but as I was just starting the zero I didn't see it hit the target so assumed I was still off target. How did the gas escape back? I thought the bolt created a gas tight seal?
  21. I was zeroing a new scope on my CZ455 Hmr last night when I had what I can only describe as a round explode in the chamber. I was using up some 1 year old 20gn Winchester hollow point ammo that I don't usually use just to get a rough zero. I chambered the round, closed the bolt and squeezed off the round only to have an ear splitting BANG ( think a 12g x3 times!) I pooped myself thinking the barrel had exploded but once I'd calmed down I checked the gun. The bolt was still closed shut. The magazine had been exploded from the rifle into the plastic bench I was shooting off and was in about a dozen pieces! I slowly opened the bolt. The rear rim off the ammo case dropped out like a small disc with a section missing. The case was jammed in the chamber but the bullet had ejected and the barrel was clear??!?! After a while I cleaned the gun and gingerly fired off a few Hornady rounds ( my usual ammo) and all was fine. The rifle is only a year old but this scared the life out of me. Any ideas what happened? Adam
  22. Thanks guys. The bullet holder came from Sportsman gun is Dorchester. http://www.sportsmanguncentre.co.uk/product/84b2648c5347cb555829015/Uncle+Mikes+Rifle+9+round+stock+shell+holders/
  23. Hi Smeky, really sorry but I had a pm from parapne within a couple of mins of posting it up. My apologies.
  24. Harris Ultralight Bipod 6-9" non-swivel type. In as new condition. £45 inc postage.
  25. Provisionally sold to Paraone pending payment
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