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novice cushie shooter

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Everything posted by novice cushie shooter

  1. Ah right. We have 6 of your 510's diesels. Best we have had! Cant mind the servicing boys name, sure hes from the west of scotland.
  2. Do you work in scotland?? Briggs servicing man never away from my work!!
  3. I dont mind him tbh in fact his stock has raised a bit. His acheivements have not been highlighted enough imo. Am sure i read somwhere he gives a % of break bonus to charity so i cant criticise him as the more he wins more for charities!
  4. Sorry but due to a shift change i cant make sunday. I hope to meet up with you all next time. Thanks gordon
  5. Its testing to say the least! Well worth the hassle tho!
  6. Woke up early to brave the weather, i planned on decoying and using my new ff5 as have been champing at the bit to use it for the last week!! It was not to be however as the blizzard conditions meant the birds were not flighting instead staying cosy in the firs! Decided to go for a wander to stir them up and shot one to use on the ff5! https://www.dropbox.com/s/ngjpj26mgf3ikqb/DSC_0182.JPG?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/fyn5m0t7ngw314u/DSC_0183.JPG?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/jv1k3u6vyrmhhid/DSC_0184.JPG?dl=0
  7. I know it could have been different but i look back and have a laugh with her about it rather than what could have possibly happened. Am sure a woman got killed by a falling pheasant breaking her neck a long time ago. Its a lesson that you should always have your wits about you and be aware.
  8. There were pickers up about 40 yards behind the gun line who send dogs for wounded birds either as the drive is happening or some mark where it has landed and send dogs for them when the drive is over! No row started its a good question to somone not experienced driven shooting.
  9. I hope the link works i have been struggling to post pics and vids for a while, We had a let day at a local estate before the season ended, my eldest who is 7 was champing to come out with us so to make it interesting i gave her the go pro. Sooo 1st drive i only go and shoot one in front that lands on her head!! She seen the funny side eventually. Needless to say i was in hysterics for a wee while!! https://www.dropbox.com/s/00l5o9d6kwibmkj/D47B1D5AE4F212FFAC1FED747B6F6784.mp4?dl=0
  10. Great footage from j mcg. Mr carries skill levels and consistency are outstanding and is a remarkable shot!the smoothness of his mount and swing. I would be thouroghly embarrased standing on a peg next to him me shooting 30/40 yarders and cursing missing the easy ones!!
  11. Edinburgh am afraid! Long way for a game!!
  12. I used to play and loved it but struggle to get folk to play against
  13. Scotland very poor which was dissapionting. A good england defence wasnt tested enough for me.
  14. France to win championship. scotland to beat england today.
  15. Brand new doesnt fit my gun. Sporter model 23mm. £17 posted pm for pic if needed. Thanks gordon
  16. As it stands am in! May bring my old man if thats ok.(he doesnt do computers)!!!
  17. I need one for a flapper, a1 decoys want £40 anyone know of anywhere uk based cheaper? Had a look and couldnt find anyone
  18. Look at the paid shooting section and go back a few pages am sure some was offered last summer.
  19. What a strange season, not one day in 14 days shooting did i stay dry very annoying but it is what you make it. I also had the pleasure of standing beside my old man as he shot his first ever right and left at pheasants which no ammount of rain and wind can wash away. Looking forward to dry weather...spain anyone
  20. I have found said thread on said forum!! There are a fair few on there that hate each other. I am friends with one posting on it and can explain later. Pm sent
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