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novice cushie shooter

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Everything posted by novice cushie shooter

  1. Most people have no knowledge of how much lodges support charities. We support prostrate scotland and SANDS.
  2. Do these scumbags ever get caught or punished, seems to be a more common thing happening now. I hope your son gets his printer and gets on an even keel mentally. Sad to hear
  3. We have a fair few and thinning them is not an issue plus i get to tie flies with the wings!
  4. Quiet day decoying,nailed this son of a gun. https://www.dropbox.com/sc/zptdtqy7fa1yrgs/AAD58SxsF-hzzv0EIwTDt0-Ya
  5. Made an easy fight of it. Fury get ko'd too! Wonder who aj fights on the 9th of july!
  6. Had the pleasure off meeting him a few times. A true gent who loved a blether.
  7. Anyone see it on more4 sunday night. Some blasts from the past. Shows how much we have changed in terms of PC, some for the better some is way over the top. The critics were well chosen to say the least!!
  8. Not going. Fancy bellshill and w mullins horses too. Am planning to go for my 40th so just 3 years to save up!!
  9. Just got an email offering a new one for 99 quid or wait till nov. No thanks youve had my money am not paying for one to replace one thats working!
  10. Theres a woodpigeon shooting group thats pretty good just now. Have a search for it when you get used to fb.
  11. I wasnt sure what they done tbh especially in more public areas etc.
  12. Yeah i was surprised to see so many supportive comments too! Seems like to many other dog owners around me they let theyre dogs off and blether for a while with no idea where there 'beloved' pet is! How long must it have been at his sheep for, you have to wonder given hes had the time to go get his gun. Shame the farmers still lost stock.
  13. No not the minion!! The rspb seem to be trying to attract political support for nature welfare. Only in scotland, wales and NI 2016 elections. I have tried to find more info as to the purpose of this wheather its to publicise the red squirrels plight or just to drum up funds / publicity. As it stands ive more chance of voting SNP!! https://www.voteforbob.co.uk/
  14. Only caught the holly fight! Was a belter. Mcgregor was getting too big for his boots. Hopefully he can come back better faster and stronger and cut out the self proclaimed hype.
  15. Yeah cant see him getting in touch either but goood on you for being pro active and getting in touch with him
  16. Feel sorry for you lindz, as a community and county is there anyway he can be ousted at a future local election or is there no support for labour or cons? The snp wont remove him as most of there mps are against hunting and shooting.
  17. He said on sky in the ring interview he thought his jaw went in the fourth rd. Doesnt explain the dire 3 rds previous. Quigg and gallacher mucked up big time, your 6-1 down with 5 to go?? Even then he only started to let punches go and didnt really go hunting a ko.
  18. I tend to fancy quigg more tho i have nothing against frampton. Looking forward to it, quigg is very good defensively and i think slightly tecnically better but frampton more explosive!
  19. Brilliant article LL. Hes certainly doing a good job of talking himself out a job!! Unfortunately there are lots of people in the indy2 bandwagon and are keen for another vote.
  20. Pretty shocking reading. All sorts must be going on in his head just now. Fingers crossed they catch those responsible.
  21. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=973321839382328&substory_index=0&id=292953904085795 For those not on faceache its mp from sutherland and caithness with bill oddy with a lacs banner against snaring and shooting. I really hope hes voted out at the next local election. Glad hes not my msp!
  22. On its own tackling eye dominance on its own requires a lot of practising and many small tweaks to technique. Ie if slightly shutting or closing an eye to counter act dominance takes a while. Its hard enough learning a new sport but try and instill patience. I am 36 and have struggled for a while and was at my wits end with my poor nae awful shooting that it was making me frustrated and close to taking some time out!! Theres great advice on here!! Good luck ps theres some good threads already so you may be able to have a trawl and take somthing positive from them.
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