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Everything posted by ellebarto

  1. I'd be interested just to try this out but you know they are £36 new?
  2. I'd definitely try to see one in operation first. Ive tried the add on route and thought it was rubbish and now trying to find something better. Expensive mistake fo rme.
  3. That was kind of my theory but it would be a dangerous and costly assumption if it were wrong!
  4. I've been struggling to find the right moderator for my HMR, which I know is a tough task but my latest test was an expensive LEI. this is great for it's size but no where near as good as the SAK I started with. I'm getting sick of variations for what is essentially a one for one swap and then someone suggested I just use the SAK moderator from my .22 for both rifles. Now thread wise they fit but I had it in mind that they were calibre specific. Well I certainly wouldn't put the LEI from the HMR on the .22. Can someone just fill me in on how this works? Can I put my .22 SAK on my HMR?
  5. Cheers mate. Would you recommend a setup or what do you have now?
  6. OK, so this is about where I got too last time I dabbled with NV. Someone gave me some advice on the forum, this time it was a dayscope adaptor for a moncale that seemed very fussy about what scope it would work with, I went out and bought it and coul dnever get even half decent results. Ive looked at the NSRV-F. It look slike it will do the short range bunny bashing I'm after but I cnat seem to find any youtube clips of it in use. Have you actually got this kit and if so can you decsribe how you use it and the results you get? As I said, happy to spend on something that works but I'm shooting bunnies at 50 yards max where I am so I dont want to go overboard!
  7. I'm in Hale but shoot around Northwich an Tarporley. I'd live to see some kit in action. As I said, dabbled but not had any decent results as yet!
  8. Is anyone in the Cheshire area with a half decent night vision setup that lets them shoot either 22 rimmy or air rifle up to at least 40 yards? If so I'd love a demo. I've looked at a few things and although bargain end of the market, I cant find anything that works properly. I'm only after bunnies and I dont mind paying decent money if I know for sure it will work but Ive had one abortive attempt at NV (dayscope adaptor monacle) and I'd love to see a working setup before I try again.
  9. But how do they hold the rifle with their little arms!
  10. I'm just floating this about for suggestions and it might seem a bit mad! I've got a permission riddled with bunnies and the landowner is desperate for me to make a serious dent in the numbers. My problem is that there are footpaths and even a campsite in the general vicinity and even the field itself undulates a bit so no one, two or even three positions give you good and safe arcs of fire along a good portion of the perimeter. Ive tried my air rifle but the land puts them just out of reach and the rifle just wouldnt be safe. I started thinking about putting some sort of raised position at the centre of the boundary, actually amongst the hedgerow. Kind of a high seat or small scaffold tower. Only 1 to 2 meters but enough to give me a more commanding field of fire. Now this is for bunnies not deer and whilst I dont mind spending a bit of cash to kit myself out to do the job, its not like I'm wild boar hunting! Anyone had a similar issue or have a suggestion?
  11. Whilst I agree the airgun is the best tool for what you describe I regularly take bunnies cleanly and accurately with my 410. I do not consider myself a top shot at all.
  12. Its all about where you shoot. My current best permission is 3 horse fields that has a road on one side and a caravan park to another albeit a few hundred yards out. It basically rules out 22 rimmie and 12g. I shoot with my air rifle during daylight and into the first hour of darkness with a scope lamp and then I walk the boundary after that with a fully moderated 410. Stopping now and then at known bunny haunts. I flick on the attached led light do and quick scan and usually pick up a few 30 yard runners to take a pop at trying to make it back to the hedgerow. I'd say its only a 35 to 40 yard killer with 3" shells. You need to be much closer for the smaller quieter shells. Ammo is also silly money but I do enjoy the sport of the last hour or two on those fields. My opinion is the air rifles only good for humane kills at a mximum of 40 yards and the 410 is a shade under that.
  13. Interesting. I have a contact in Holland who has been customising air rifles for me. He has customised a condor much in the way you did by the sounds of it but with more emphasis on controlled lower power at medium ranges balanced against shot count. I asked him to make me a rifle to fit a load of requirements and basically he said he already had it all in this rifle. He said he will fix it at 12ftlb to comply with UK law. I wonder how easy it is to get a 2nd hand air rifle at 12ftlb in by post? I hold an FAC anyway so if I ever decided t crank it up I could but like the look and feel more than anything. Even though they seem designed more for the power!
  14. I've been offerred an Airforce Condor set to 12ftlb's. They look an incredible rifle. Anyone got any first hand experience of them?
  15. Yeah thats one of my options that I'm looking at. Its a long tree line and **** law the biggest numbers of bunnies congregate at just the point that makes me ask these questions. Not really any ideal spots for an elevated position but I'll take another look at that!
  16. Cheers. Thats kind of obvious now you say it! Yeah like has been said, real world I looked at it and thought there's no way in hell a pellet, if on the off chance I fired it a touch high, would make its way through 35 yards of dense bracken but for the same reason I ruled rimfire out I couldnt get the nagging thought out of my head that it might be considered dangerous as the backstop isn't solid!
  17. I'm fairly new to air rifles having just bought one for a certain permission that runs a bit too close to a camp site to allow for a rimfire. The permisson is rammed with bunnies that have never been shot at before but I'm finding a large number of shots are falling with the camp site beyond. I'm in an open field behind horse jumps, so shooting down at a 15 degree angle. The hedge line is 30 yards away from which the bunnies are emerging. The hedge line is very dense bracken stretching for a good 35 yards with the odd hawthorn bush and small tree scattered amongst it. The camp site is a further 100 to 125 yards on from the far edge of the bracken and is set some 20 feet below the level of the field I'm shooting from. So in theory there's 185 yards between me and campers with 6 foot high and 35 yard deep bracken and they arent in my line of sight. My question, is it a risk to shoot at the foot of that bracken with a 12ftlb air rifle? Would it be a risk to up it to an FAC air rifle? Just some real time experience advice needed please?
  18. Just out of interest can I ask if anyone has ever had there rifle tested? I dont mean youve heard a mate of Fred's had it done, or so and so got done once because one pellet went over 12ftlb, I mean have you ever actually had your rifle tested? Not trying to be contentious, generally wondering what the reality of this or if its a bit of an urban myth. Not the law obviously but that they actually run checks! I have this theory they dont check unless your doing something wrong in the first place and if your doing something wrong your already in trouble. I'm new to air rifles and only bought mine because a permission wouldnt safely allow rimfire for rabbits. When my factory bought BSA's were regulated they were both running well over the legal limit, unbeknown to me!
  19. I've got a .177 multi shot and a .22 single shot with tactical stocks. I use them for bunny bashing and the odd pigeon or maggie. Accuracy wise I would say they are faultless. Both mine have been fitted with regulators so you get 80 consistant shots and there are loads of after market tweaks you can have done as necessary. If your seriously interested check out bsaog for specialst info. Originally I was all for the multishot cocking system but on relfection its rubbish. I get jams ever now and again that require serious work to resolve and I much prefer the slower but reliable single shot, which is a lot cheaper!
  20. Ah you see paypal and I can use my Credit Card which is what I wanted but I'm sure someone else will have it at that price. Cheers. Lee
  21. I guess its fair but I had in mind £45 for the bigger one and payment via paypal which by the time Ive paid the fee's will be around about £50 for me.
  22. Would you sell seperate mate and if so how much for each one, posted?
  23. Thats what I was expecting to hear straight up to be honest!
  24. Yep your exactly right. I understand what I'd need to do and as I said, its more theory than actually doing it right now. So loopy at 100 yards you think?
  25. Personally I dont see anything wrong with wanting a gun to look and feel a certain way. It's a stage I went through. I like to poke fun at the people who buy the old style lumps of wood myself. I mean, get with the times!
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