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Everything posted by NorfolkBoy

  1. Yeah but this keeps them off the streets...
  2. I once read somewhere that the average commercial jet airliner produces more pollutants during one take off than your average family car does in one year - When they stop air travel I'll chop me SUV in for a bike but not before....
  3. Like what a far out ride man.......
  4. Pretty sure that I miss 'em behind, my swing seems to stop dead for some reason
  5. Persistence obvioulsy pays off - well done
  6. Country Est What did you get her? - my GF is showing an interest having had a couple of lessons so I'm starting to thinking about the options.
  7. I remember being so inspired by the images of the R.M's yomping towars Stanley that I signed up the following year on my 16th birthday.
  8. Good point - though with the ban on smoking coming will matches be made illegal within 12 months ?
  9. Of course Monday, Tues, Wed in the NYC office, the rest of the week in the Stamford office I even worked the Saturday I flew back. Aaah the glamour of International business & travel -
  10. NorfolkBoy

    BNP Policies

    The United States of Europe is approaching - Tony Bliar will shortly be off to a premier EU job to oversee the next phase of 'unification' ...
  11. Cabelas $12.00 - 6.00 GBP http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/template...t&noImage=0
  12. !! not bad at all mate! Thanks Pin - just need to get some coaching/practice on rabbits and quartering away birds.
  13. And did you actually get any work done?
  14. Nice pics. NYPD caught a wild coyote in Central Park las year
  15. So Tom Cruise was interviewed then?
  16. I took the plunge yesterday and joined my "local" sporting clays club - its bit of a trek at 200 miles round trip but it was the closest I could find! Having only shot Trap/DTL infrequently for the last three years it was great to be confronted with a wider variety of targets All a bit different to the casual once a month Sunday morning 40 bird shoots back in deepest Norfolk - very much "golf with a shotgun" over here with stations spread over a wide area requiring a golf buggy (any excuse not to walk for these boys) and great presentations in a disused limetsone quarry. http://www.lvsclays.com/default.aspx?pageid=20 Shooting solo with claycounter set on 3 second delay was a bit distracting, requiring a slightly different technique for those 'on report' tagets Push button for 1st target gun up - bang - gun down wait for second bird -"oh b*gger" - locate controller - push button for second - gun back up - bang. Pleasantly surprised with a 70/100 and even more pleased with my F3.
  17. Terriers are one facet of Moochers NF. You will enjoy the site but beware of honest wordplay and expletives LB Thanks LB - I enjoy moving in UN-PC circles .....
  18. I'd heard it was terrier orientated - worth a look?
  19. Wonder if the Bloods/Crips have considered the West of Ireland for their next franchise location......?
  20. Does he have the matching black Merc with tinted windows?
  21. Apologies - I got it wrong....I meant wolf nipple chips http://www.mwscomp.com/movies/brian/brian-07.htm
  22. Personally speaking Pavman I'm with the Peoples Front for the Liberation of Judea
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