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  1. King Ratcatcher, Carry Bag, AGS Scope, silencer. Co2 cover. Good condition. Will require co2 canister £120. Wolverhampton
  2. £100. I does now say at the end of the location but I deleted it off the original post!
  3. 6 gun cabinet with internal open top box / shelf. Double mortice locks and Two sets of keys. Measurements external 1500mm (h), 355mm (w), 260mm (depth). Internal height to shelf 1300mm (takes a 30” semi auto (not included) - see photo). Collection from Wolverhampton . £100.
  4. Repeated crop damage bills from the tenant farmers on the land over which we now shoot saw off the last shoot. They used to put down over 7000 pheasants each year on a 2500 acre estate. The last claim was for 7k which was settled at 3k.
  5. I rear about 200 each year and have always used chick crumbs but also feed them eggs to increase the protein as chick crumbs are lower than game bird crumbs
  6. You will need to feed last years wheat as fresh wheat is too strong for digestive system and will go straight thru them
  7. It's no wind up. The cock pheasant does have some black fleck markings on its breast but it is definitely a pheasant with no comb and the hens are also pheasants. The poult - chick is about the the same size as the other poults and they are 6 weeks old it's just a slightly different shape. . I wandering if a Sussex had been running with pheasants when I first bought the eggs three years ago and this is a throw back as I've never had anything like this over the past two seasons and I've hatched about 70 white pheasants from the same birds.
  8. Sorry i didn't make it clear. I over winter breeding stock and all eggs which I incubate have been collected from my own stock, i only rear pheasants and have no other fowl.
  9. I rear a few hundred pheasants including white ones for our shoot each year. One of the white ones this year is completely different from all the others I have every reared. Its stance and the way it walks and lack tail feathers make it imore like a chicken. A bit of a throw back
  10. In test until may 2015. Only filled up once since new. PCP gun sold as moved onto HMR. Comes complete with MDE Charging hose. £100.
  11. I have a mix of unrelated white, reeves, melanistic and ring neck cock and hens pheasants which i hatched in july 2013. Will they be fertile in their first season?
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