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Everything posted by shootreview

  1. possibly the massive influx of the children getting home from school and hitting the net. It slows the all internet down at this time of day.
  2. Thats my point it wont as the pictures have to be signed and originals posted. If it was that simple why cant you just email the info to them? Looks to me like the police could save us tax payers some money and bin the idea.
  3. they will be from automatic updates so best of leavng them or a good chance the computer wont work right at all as a lot of them are linked to others
  4. hmmm dont think it will work as you will struggle to get all the right nfo to them i.e photo and signatures.
  5. Hi Steve The security updates will be from windows. The updates are there to fix security vunerabilities in the windows xp operating system. If you remove them it could cause problems with windows so i would recomend you just ignore them. If you are having a few issues with your computer its allways recomended to do a spyware/malware scan and defrag the hard drive. A good anti malware program that i use a lot is malwarebytes and you can get it free from www.malwarebytes.org. Regards Mark
  6. Hi all Thanks for taking the time to have a look at our site. The forum is there mainly for people to suggest guns and grounds(not a chance of beating PW its the best forum on the net). Mark
  7. Hi from experiance a lot of semi's come with shims to cast them either way. Also a lot of over and under shotguns can be cast left handed by a good gunsmith. Mark
  8. MX is 2003 I think (could be wrong) after 1975 Browning use the letter codes for dates I.E. MX. Z = 1 Y = 2 X = 3 W = 4 V = 5 T = 6 R = 7 P = 8 N = 9 M = 0 / 10
  9. Brilliant hes also made a Barrett
  10. looks like the groups are fairly evenly matched to me. It should make it more interesting further down the line.
  11. yeh when i get time im going to do some instuction searching i want to build these lmao
  12. he has made a m249 that shoot elastic bands ill try find it again and post the link its nuts
  13. ill try find the instructions
  14. yeh think a trip to toys r us is in order
  15. just found this and thought it was ace take a look lego shotgun on youtube
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