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Everything posted by shootreview

  1. good way to check is look at the cartriges and see if any rust appearing anywhere if not then its not that bad just put them somewhere to dry for a while before you shot them again and if it still does it then its the cartriges that are naff lol
  2. depends on where they have been stored in the shop. Try google the cartriges to see if anyone else has seen the same problem.
  3. sounds like the cartriges could be a bit damp. dont worry to much about the confetti as this is a trait with fibre wads.
  4. Best thing to do is what has been said in previous posts - Contact the police, make sure you save copies of the emails as this is evidence and try not to send any emails back as most of the time they are just wanting a responce. Also could be worth contacting the email company they are sending from and reporting it to them e.g. hotmail-gmail etc.
  5. What speed is your internet coz if you have a really slow conection it will not buffer properly
  6. You will probably know this but the only way to date a Beretta is from the proof mark but this only states when the barrels went for proof so it could be later when it ended in the shop.
  7. the problem could be that the seller should have on his ticket that it was sold to rfd then the rfd has to sent notification that he got it then put it on your ticket and then send notification that he sold it to you so the rfd will prob have to report it
  8. I had a simalar issue regarding a caution when i got my sgc. I had a judge friend sign my application so i had to tell him all my history. He said i didnt have to declare the caution as it isnt classed as an offense. When the bobby came to do the checks he pulled me up on the fact i hadnt mentioned the cautions. I then told him what the judge said and he said fair enough and i got my ticket shortly after that.
  9. Make sure to write a review lol I got that many guns t add its mad. I have just started the rifles/air rifles now but im a shotgun man so i had no idea how many there was until last couple of days.
  10. Lol i missed listing that but its on now supernova
  11. easiest way probably is to use something to raise the cabinet above the skirt then you can bolt it flat
  12. as far as im aware they are the newer version and come with a lifetime warrenty as long as you send it to webley for a service ive tried one and shoot well
  13. I cant make my mind up which side im on but i do realise that most people probably dont know what BASC is. The thing that i cant understand is why would you have GUN or anything gun related on you vehicle no. plate. Mark
  14. Thats the reason me and family avoid the child themed places. Unless we fancy a bit of chicken ding of course
  15. I have never once had a complaint about my kids (must be the good parenting) and we go out nearly every weekend as my wife works very hard and its good to be able to go out and relax and spend time with the children. We visit various types of eating establishments. Most parents with young children tend to go and eat fairly early so i suppose theres a good chance if you dont wish to be anoyed by the youngsters it would be a good idea to go out a little later in the evening.
  16. Hit the nail on the head well said viper
  17. No i would remove the offending missile to stop the problem (common sense) but as for the noise making please if you know how to make a baby stop making noise let me know i could do with some sleep sometimes.
  18. like i said for the most park my children are well behaved but there isnt a chance in the world of telling a baby to behave. it has nothing to do with hoe you are brought up.
  19. Hmmm have you got children doc. I take my kids out to eat all the time and sometimes they do get a bit carried away and to be honest if anyone said anything to me i would just laugh at them and tell them im paying as much as you and if you dont like it tough. Obviously for the most part my children are well behaved but having a 13 month old baby unfortunatly he does not understand (at 21 month old its hard for them to understand) that making a noise might upset someone else. thats my opinion anyway
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