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Everything posted by Themacclad

  1. How could it be any better !! Well done fella ................
  2. http://uk.news.yahoo.com/4/20100914/ten-th...mm-ea4616c.html
  3. this afternoon watched whole of season one on you tube ............... what had I been missing !!! Tomorrow ........... Season 2 ............... :blink:
  4. Themacclad

    butt pad

    got one of those slip over rubber but pads if your interested .............. Never used it cost £10............. you can have for same price ......... I'll pay P&P http://www.outinstyle.com/Merchant2/graphi.../RCO-4812_d.jpg
  5. Try this ...................... http://www.halifax.co.uk/sharedealing/share_dealing_home.asp
  6. Never heard of it ................. just watched an episode on you tube ................ what an excellent shout .............
  7. i'm not a plumber but it sounds like an air lock......
  8. When I were a lad ..........Had to be Merrydown ......... 7.4% ........... no messing about .......... one bottle ............ Good night Irene !
  9. welcome to the club ............. that's what we all want ........... and remove your phone number .................... tis the rules ..........
  10. Quality ............. Now on the desk top background .................
  11. Sounds like am absloute bargin for a fantastic day out, Good on you Doobz. Wish there was a Bakerboy type in the Bristol area ................
  12. Your right, current choke will do fine ............... lot of fuss about nothing ............. I like it just take choke out and shoot the threads ..........
  13. Thanks Seeker, Checked out Teague ......... and they were even more expensive ............. I think your right just use the improve cyl that already have ............ just have to try a bit harder ............ ................. :look:
  14. Been invited to a Skeet shoot at the weekend but don't have the right choke for the 11-87. I've been trawling the internet and the only site, where they are available is Midway, however the P&P is wild ............ £8.85 for a £18 item. Can anyone recommend another supplier ? Many Thanks ................
  15. Welcome Mark ................
  16. The Link appears to be broken ................
  17. Themacclad


    bbc 1 now ............ looks interesting
  18. Welcome to the club .................
  19. Quite a few people on here seems to own/rate the Air Arm 410, it's roughly im your price range depanding on spec.
  20. Do you have any pictures you can put up ? How much for cash ?
  21. It may help to show us in a better light to the doubters............. not bad for the Beeb !!
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