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Everything posted by Archie-fox

  1. Archie-fox

    gym noob

    True...but never stare at them as my gym has mirrord walls and they can see you checking them out...also watch a few YouTube videos on ronni Coleman as he has got screaming in the gym off to a fine art!!!
  2. just going to clip it on the scope for foxing and rabbiting, no night vision use...
  3. im going to order 1 today...what extras should i get with it?? do i need the spare battery?
  4. she looks great Nick...im getting a lab after my wedding so will be on the lookout in July time..i was going to get a cocker but ive fallen in love with labs again and as ive had 2 in the past im getting another. she is an absolute cracker!!! rich.
  5. I use meopta on my 223..never had any problems i also had a 6x42 on my hmr and that was Brilliant..no issues what so ever and as kent says good value for money.
  6. I'm devastated...I thought I was cool... I've just realised I'm sat on my sofa with superdry track suit bottoms on O my god!!!!
  7. Cheeky....I had some superdry shorts on in the gym this morning and I am no way a Chav!!!!
  8. 4ft deep on the farm we were going on...and the road closed on the way up there...
  9. Well done mate....will be in touch about the shoot in the next week or so...
  10. Call the police...the guy is crazy!!! If he would of tried to break my dogs leg things would have got nasty and very quick.. Nut case on the loose!!!!
  11. We have 4 wheelie bins, black blue green and gray...I put mine next to my garage out of the way but I get what you mean about people putting them in front of there house... Rich
  12. Ask him to leave...give him his notice, fix any problems and rent it out again for the currant renting value to a decent tennant
  13. Yea went out saw 1 fox but no shot as it was on a mound with a golf course behind it so no safe backstop....dropped you a pm about a call bird for the Larson trap...thanks again for yesterday was good to catch up..
  14. Depends really 40ft on pigeons 50ft on rats...but remember its only a 410 so no long range shooting as its not got the power...more of a farm yard ratter or squirrels in trees... But that's just my own opinion..
  15. Baikal hushpower for me, I have one and its really nice and quiat Rich
  16. Nothing in Manchester yet but it's on the way...
  17. Would recommend him mate...really nice prints and a decent chap as well...
  18. Just wanted to thank oscarsdad We did a trade on a couple of prints for some goose and grouse shooting...the prints arrived today and are fantastic... Thanks again Rich.
  19. sorry to say ive cancelled this day due to the fact we are expecting heavy snow over the next 24/36 hours.. will re-arange for a couple of weeks time.. Rich.
  20. I've got one you can have mate...pm me your address and il send it today Rich
  21. macc seems to be ok, its alderley park thats going to suffer..the whole of resarch and development is said to be going by 2016 and thats the main part of alderley park...
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