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Everything posted by chrisjpainter

  1. The commentators were very quick to praise how we improved...but Japan were physically shot by then. We have to improve on so many areas. I reckon the biggest area is dynamism in attack, but as that's not an overnight fix, we're not going to get anywhere in this world cup. Such a poor performance
  2. It's about the only way we were going to score!
  3. A plan to really quicken the heart and set the pulse aflutter
  4. I blame my parents. Couldn't I have been born Irish, so I could enjoy some rugby?
  5. As mistakes go, that was an absolute shocker!
  6. Soooooooooo How's this one going?
  7. Will Fiji live to regret that missed pen at the death? If Australia beat Wales, it'll come down to bonus points; Australia clinging on to theirs could be critical come the final tally up.
  8. Forwards could have just sat down and had a pint in the middle. Here we go...
  9. Yeah it's improved significantly since I posted that!
  10. It's a shame the game's not delivered. It's so scrappy at the moment! Far too many handling errors from both teams.
  11. This bunker referral system's getting beyond a joke. Here's Romain Taofifenua battering a chap in the head with his forearm with driving force and only getting a yellow. I know the player is low, but at no point has he even attempted to make a legal tackle or pull out, he's just clobbered him one. There really shouldn't be mitigating circumstances if you're not trying to do anything right. And yet Curry has to sit out a couple of games for having nowhere to go in a challenge. 's
  12. 😂 I do love SEO's! they always look so enraged with everyone
  13. He refused to come back because he wouldn't tick a box? 'it's the principle of the thing' is a sad way to leave something he'd obviously got pleasure out of. It sounds like warnings are given out with good reason but don't have to mean anything in the long term - especially as there's no ban. It seems a bit of a shame for a well respected member to leave like that. My guess is pride may have made it a bigger deal than it needed to be.
  14. But a lot of these cosmetic surgeries have nothing to do with weight and everything to do with biology being considered wrong. No amount of healthy eating and exercise is going to enlarge a woman's breast size. It's not going to give fuller lips, or a more perfect nose shape. Dietary or lifestyle changes would not have given this poor girl the behind she wanted The problem is the battle between what is healthy and what they want to look like. For many, surgery's considered the only option to give them what biology could never do. It's just miserable and it has nothing to do with laziness.
  15. She was, apparently, a 'a psychological well-being practitioner at mental health charity Mind.' It's so often the case that those with mental health issues end up working for mental health charities. They're obviously able to give great insight to help others, but then you're surrounding someone with mental health issues with mental health issues constantly. Sadly it's not uncommon for it all to end badly. Pretty devastating for her family
  16. Absolutely. It's been a super start.
  17. That no armed tackle that led to the Fijian player dropping his grounding. How he got away with that, I have no idea!
  18. With any luck, that might help Curry. He's got a hearing about his on Tuesday, so England should have their ducks in order by then with their case on Curry's behalf. I missed it, but apparently the second yellow for Chile today was very similar and that stayed yellow. The WRU have properly dug themselves a hole with these decisions.
  19. Nope. He wrapped fine. His shoulders hit buttocks/hip area, but he was coming low and going lower, so his head was more thigh and the wrap was round the knees. Yellow and reviewed for possible red, but it stayed yellow.
  20. A Chilean's just been sin binned for tackling too low. It's all getting a bit complicated for tackling!
  21. Yeah. It's pretty brainless stuff from Argentina. A win here sets their tournament up nicely. But they're just not thinking!
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