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Everything posted by chrisjpainter

  1. I'll offer similar thoughts to @strimmer_13, except I love my Husky! A 24" is a LONG bar. If you have to have that kind of reach a lot, then as Strimmer says, you're looking at a 70cc engine and they weigh more than the moon and will kill your arms after a heavy logging session. It'll also feel quite unwieldy for small stuff. The 130 has a 38cc engine, which is pretty small for anything beyond domestic use. I'd be looking at stepping up to a 50cc. I did have a relatively new 550XP, and Strimmer's right about that age of Husky, they're great when they work - if they work. But the Mk2 is a lot better and that's what I have now. It fires first time every time, whatever the weather and I find it a lot more balanced than the 261 - although that's personal preference and won't be the same for everyone. Mostly I run it with a 15" bar, but it runs an 18" nicely too and can take a 20" and still not feel too much loss of power. If you've been able to do all the jobs you have to do - albeit not terribly efficiently - with a 130, then getting anything bigger than a either the 261 or 550XP mk2 (I think the 261's a 50cc as well) would, to me, seem like overkill for a lot it.
  2. Let's hope so. I think whoever wins this has essentially got a bye to the final. We're not even close to being in this league
  3. What worries me is where this is all going for boxing. Right now it's only been half decent boxers in the ring, but at some point, an unknown with an annihilating hammer of a punch, looking to make a name for himself, is going to take a fight with a Youtuber purely to get the publicity and puts them in the hospital permanently.
  4. So far so good! We're not flamboyant, as such, but we're ticking off the basics well and that's giving us enough points.
  5. That was brutal. WHAT A GAME. Gutted for Ireland
  6. Interesting. do you think it was the right call?
  7. I missed the game. What happened with the Argentine non-red/yellow? On the text the comms were saying it should have been a red, but then the ref gave nothing at all?!
  8. What was that call on the card?! I'm baffled.
  9. Or complete the job when you got off the floor...
  10. It's one of the dafter sackings that have gone on recently - probably second only to Bournemouth getting rid of Gary O'neil. Rooney's a glamour signing that wasn't needed. His managerial style suits teams under the cosh more than a team with playoff aspirations. Time will tell, but it seems harsh on the old manager who'd done pretty well thus far
  11. Where's the fun in that? I'm thinking leave it for her to come in. blood drip trail along the hall, a bloody knife in the corridor, more pooling at the entrance to the kitchen. Then just before she can see you lie down in a nice pool of it...
  12. Oh no. Farrell's wonderful tackling ability will help out there... for five minutes before he's carded for a no arms tackle.
  13. Team news for England: Ford out. Farrell comes in at 10, Smith goes to full back; Marchant and Tuilagi at 12 and 13. A midfield as dynamic and enterprising as a wet weekend in Skegness. be prepared for more aimless kicks over the top and ponderous throwing around. Rugby World Cup: Owen Farrell replaces George Ford at fly-half for England v Fiji - BBC Sport
  14. I dreamt last night that England played really badly for the whole world cup and still won it. Well we've ticked one of those off so far...you never know!
  15. Yeah!!! Fiji were shoddy, so I'll take that! I thought Portugal would run out of gas, but they were great value for the win
  16. I don't know who to support! I want Portugal to win. But Fiji have been dire and I'd love us to play a dire, tired team in the quarters!
  17. Perfect example! This is the same species - Araneus diadematus. It's just it shows up the colours - and more importantly the cross to give it its name - much better. As below shows, they really can come in all sorts of colours, but the key to easy ID is that cross pattern - if it shows it. Like a lot of spider species, diadematus can lose the definition in their markings with age, so my guess is the OP's is an older female.
  18. Looks like a female Araneus diadematus - Garden Cross Orb weaver. These guys come in a huge range of colours, from black and white to rich orange and yellows, like yours. They're all the same species, just look very different, but the key to ID is the cross pattern at the top of the abdomen. I think you can just make it out through the blurriness of the photo! There is a chance it could be a Metellina species - common orb weaver - but the narrowness of the lines down the middle suit A.diadematus better I think.
  19. I don't think I've ever been more ashamed of a team's win. In any sport. Ever. That was utterly pathetic.
  20. We're so awful. Can we default on our quarter final? It seems harsh to put the fans through it.
  21. First thought is why kill it? Seems wholly unnecessary. Second thought is yes, it probably was a hornet, although it's late in the year for them. Next time just open a window and direct it towards it. They're pretty docile creatures and can rarely be bothered to attack in defence.
  22. That's what fishing does to you! It wasn't a stellar weekend really. It had the feel of the pieces being moved into position for the endgame. Predictable results, stage set for next week. Hope you feel better soon; I'm off fishing
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