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Everything posted by DUNKS

  1. cant guess how it feels in the hand but that is truly amazing. will hide mine.
  2. Surely you cant just "bump into" a tanker the size of a small country?
  3. I read the tanker is a team of ten similar ships full of jet fuel and placed in strategic places by the USA in case of need.???
  4. You can actually phone the Birmingham proof house. I did and spoke to a very nice gent who took me right through the process.
  5. Yep the 16th. LB has invited me to put a few items on his table. My very poorly brother in law wants me to sell his collection there. Some nice guns. HW77, FWB65 and Webley senior in original box Oh and a 1920 light pattern all at low prices he just wants them gone.
  6. It will affect your insurance! Too long a story but it will.
  7. Can I respectfully ask you to Google it! Save me explaining and getting it wrong.😀
  8. Just a reminder its the Melbourne marksmans spring fayre this Sunday. Hundreds of vintage and modern airguns for sale. Doors open at 10 00 There is also a bring and buy section. Bring out those old guns.
  9. Hi can anybody tell me "I am a bit thick" why people go to extreem lengths to post utter rubbish on the Facebook pages. Some of it very cleverly done and needing skill to produce but utter lies or ****? Is there a monetary gain in some way. I use the marketplace and have had some great deals but cant help seeing the false news.
  10. DUNKS

    Old age again.

    The guy with a magnet.😃
  11. so as I see it a ban on lead shot is to protect us all from lead poisoning "right" So who in the past "when a lot more lead shot game was eaten" has suffered from this? I would say that our Royal family has consumed more game than most people and it seems to have not done them much harm. Take for instance the late Queen and her mum. Just where is the danger?
  12. DUNKS

    Old age again.

    AAAH! the pills. What would we do without the pills.
  13. DUNKS

    Old age again.

    load your own, who knows whats in it, I would not dream of cheating of course.
  14. DUNKS

    Old age again.

    Buy it! I have lots of lead.
  15. DUNKS

    VE day

    Yep 80 years since VE day, where has it all gone? I remember it well, I was eight. The huge street party where all the food folk had been hoarding came out I remember getting a good hiding for hiding under the kitchen table with the girl next door and sneaking out to nick bits of food from the tables which were being prepared. I had never seen a cherry. No more hiding under that same huge table when the air raid sirens went off. No more toting a gas mask in a cardboard box to school every day. Also looking forward to seeing my three older brothers again One in the RN did 11 Russian convoys on a Corvette, one on a carrier, also RN and being bombed to bits by the Japanese in the Pacific. My oldest brother doing something in Palestine with the RAF. To his dying day we never found out what. My old dad spent lots of nights "on watch" as a Sargent in the home guard. Most nights he would stagger home the worse for wear and bang into the blast wall the council had built in front of the house, Mum tried white washing it but as there was no street lights it made little difference. Lastly we were to get our road signs back and perhaps the iron railings round the school.
  16. DUNKS

    Old age again.

    Thank you so much but I want a SXS I have had several singles and just cant get on with them.
  17. DUNKS

    Old age again.

    I have many guns to shoot clays with, all either too heavy or blackpowder proofed only. I am after a little light .410 Thanks for the concern,😃
  18. DUNKS

    Old age again.

    Really catching up with a vengeance. Got my T Wild hammergun out for a wipe down as I do. Not shot it for a couple of years. AND I CAN HARDLY COCK IT. No strength in my hands. This gun does have strong hammer springs but a go at the clays is now out of the question. Lovely gun but not worth having lighter springs put in. So it's off to the sales section I fear. I have already sold off a couple of lovely airguns because I found them hard to cock Lighter springs was not an option.
  19. I load quite a lot of 12g black powder in new primed plastic cases and with a 75/80 grain charge and a roll over crimp. I have never had a case melt!
  20. DUNKS


    Are we all doing it wrong? My neighbour who has a real dragon of a wife cuts his daffs down flush with the ground as soon as the flowers begin to droop. She wont have the untidy stems left to die. I did warn him when he first did this perhaps ten years ago but he has done this every year since and he always has a lovely display. They are up again now and in full bloom. They seem to last pretty well too. Any comments.
  21. Terrible disgusting uncaring shooting grounds. "Cos they wont let me shoot black powder"😃.
  22. That's gonna go with a bit of a bang. Love to see both barrels going together. OK for breeching castle walls!
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