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Everything posted by aister

  1. went for a look yesterday morning. too fine a day, flat calm. with hundreds of geese sitting out in front of me only 4 came my way, fired one shot and dropped one bird. pleasure to be out with the beautiful morning seeing every thing coming to life and waking up. my mate who was up the hill behind me got a goose too. while i was sitting in the half light with 7 duck decoys out in front of me about 10 yards away, i heard something hitting the duck decoys that were about 10 yards infront of me, when i peered over the stone wall that was between me and the decoys i saw to my surprise two otters one of which was havving a go at one of the decoys :o. he soon realised it wasn't a free meal. they hung around for a few minutes out in front of me and then dissapeared. it was a shame there wasn't enough light for a photo.
  2. look at http://www.bbc.co.uk/food/recipes/database/gamepie_8555.shtml this is the recipe i use and we all like it. i once did it with, venison, hare, greylag, mallard, pheasant, wigeon, teal, golden plover, woodcock, snipe and rabbit it was huge. wish i hadn't put in the hare (artic hare), i think it was an old male, you could nearly taste it on the fork before it went in your mouth other than that it went down a treat. :good:
  3. aister


    at the start of the season when the birds are in poorer condition and harder to pluck clean with the new feathers coming through, i take the breasts of. but when the birds are in better condition (usually end of october and on) i pluck the whole bird. i used to roast them but they have a tendancy to dry out, what i do now is boil them for 2 hours, stuff them and roast just long enough to cook the stuffing. if i am not using stuffing i just boil and serve. they turn out tender, moist and tasty, and the bairns love it. when i heard about boiling them first i turned my nose up at it but its all i do now. none of us like duck/goose cooked rare or pink so this fits the bill fine, you can usually cut the meat with the side of your fork its so tender. nothing better than cooking up a couple of nice clean mallard :good: mmmmmm :drool:
  4. this advert has been edited on gunwatch, the price dropped and scope added. i cant seem to edit the advert on this site!!!
  5. i have one of those horrible choke gauges purely to give me a quick and (very) rough idea of whats what at the muzzle end of a gun. when i got my sx3, just out of interest, i tried the choke gauge in the full choke and to my horror it went in to the hilt and was slack :o . i found out later that it was to do with the sx3 being back bored.
  6. mmmmmmmmmmm , i can nearly smell the bbq, sounds like a good day out, well done, :good:
  7. try the recipe i put on here a couple of days ago,it tastes very similar to braised steak. the other thing i do with goose breasts and duck breasts is soak it in milk over night and it draws the blood out if its a bit shot and it also tenderises it a bit too.
  8. i fitted a trigger kit from rimfire magic in to my cz 17 and my brno 22 and never looked back for £14 it was well worth it.
  9. this is polish recipe from the war used to cook poor cuts of beef. i tried it with goose and the wife and bairns love it. try it and let me know what you think AISTERS POLISH GOOSE. INGREDIENTS: 2-3 goose breasts, 2 large red onions, 1lb of mushrooms, 300ml of single cream (or small tub) 2 cubes of beef bovril, butter as needed, flour. DIRECTIONS: 1. cut goose breast in to 3 chunks, coat in flour and sear on both sides in very hot butter. adding butter as required. remove meat to large casserole dish. 2. dice onion and fry in butter till starting to brown and add too goose. 3. half mushrooms and fry in butter and add too goose and onions. 4. pour the cream in among the goose, onions and mushrooms, add water till it is all just covered then add the bovrill. 5. cover and bake in the oven at 165 deg C for three hours
  10. i had a double nasty 2 and used it all the time till i got a buck gardner tall timber from whistling wings :good: tidepool has them too!
  11. good stuff , if it was too easy we would soon get fed up with it. its the anticipation that i like.
  12. out for a bang again this morning but as you can see from the pic there wasn't much wind to stir up any birds, we did end up with 2 mallard so cant complain, it was a pleasure to be out on such a nice morning after the weather we have had lately
  13. it never happened to my 17 but twice now i have had to take a bullet out of my mates barrel. not sure what breed of ammo he was using. one thing i noticed when i had the 17 was i had a lot of missfires with winchester ammo, 2-3 per hundred maybe.
  14. so far i have been using 52gr hornaday a-max and 55gr nosler ballistic tips over h4198 or h4895. the most accurate load so far has been 24gr h4895 and 52gr a-max.
  15. thought we would soon find out i did wrong :lol:
  16. i might have done wrong, (we will soon find out) but all i did after buying my cz 17hmr was clean the barrel to get any factory greese/oil out of the barrel and started shooting. i wasn't told by my RFD to run it in as he did with my 30-06 and my 223.
  17. crackin pics mate , i wish we had deer of some kind here in shetland .
  18. i had two of my guns powder coated, an old side by side with some pitting and an old pump in the same sort of state, it didnt affect the soldering at all. the coating was fine for an old workhorse type of gun but not something you would do to your prize clay gun
  19. my wife has washed my prologic jacket more than once in the last few months and it is still water proof, no problems with it at all .
  20. i have had deer hunter, jahtijakt and prologic and so far i like prologic the best for warmth, dryness and comfort. the prologic jacket has a removeable fleece liner but unless another ice age comes i cant see me needing it . never tried the rivers west stuff but it does look good.
  21. after having been out on 6 or 7 night flights and seen nothing i finaly hit it right last night, had two chances and got two birds with a nice long water retrieve for the dog
  22. instead of heat try the opposite and but the barrels in the freezer, it worked for my mate who had the same trouble. he couldn't use heat because of the camo coating on the barrel.
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