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me and my lad

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About me and my lad

  • Birthday 16/02/1969

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  • JKD

  1. me and my lad


    there's a corner shop i pass on my way to work called Singhsburys !!
  2. give these a try...CLICY CLICK i would try to avoid the cheapy ones you find on fleabay as they aint that good. just make sure you 'place' whatever your cleaning in, if you drop anything with a bit of weight into them you can break the ceramic disc quite easily if you drop something in
  3. most warranties wont cover a clutch
  4. small wheeled crosser or what about a trials bike ??
  5. did you pay by credit card ? if so you can reject the gun and your card company will recover your money for you
  6. its a vw so it will last forever
  7. the cynergy is adjustable, dont really see how it couldnt be made to fit ??
  8. loads of stuff does this when copied
  9. best way to look at it is that he's obviously grown up/mature enough to tell you what has been happening straight away. sadly in the real world 'talking to a bully' about his feelings wont really make things better. if he's confident enough to stand upto the bully, doesnt have to be in a violent way, then chances are it should die out. also a couple of months boxing should see him sorted hope you get it all sorted out
  10. have a look for it...HERE
  11. me and my lad


    we run milltek on our quattros, they sound great but get better after a 1,000 miles or so
  12. pretty certain my mates boyfriend does solar stuff. will see if i can grab a number for you, hes only up in wallasey
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