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A Sick Old Man

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Everything posted by A Sick Old Man

  1. I have a SAK on my .17 HMR and its just as quiet as the ASE, I have an extension placed on the end just to quiten it a bit more. I have wrapped flashing around the SAK to minimise the ping sound that can occur with alloy moderators, then fitted a short length of plastic pipe that has nylon rings fitted inside, it adds very little to the weight, looks bloody ugly but then I do not care. But is very very quiet, when I use it on my .22 its like a Silk worms ****,
  2. Good one mate, thanks for that
  3. We are running a book in work on the eventual cost, not really worth it as the true cost will be well covered up I dread to think how much that Wembley Stadium has cost, For what its worth my bet is 26.5 Billion, and I bet I am not far off the mark. It all makes me seeth with rage
  4. No No No lad, On those lumps you should be using this sort of stuff http://www.bedroompleasures.co.uk/sex-toys...CFSoMQgodwTrmgQ Slip and slide
  5. I think Coup132 meant Napier Gun Grease which is not bad stuff, it contains that VP90 gear. I apply a thin smear using a small paint brush to the lumps of my 12g, it has a bit more staying power than oil. See the link http://www.napieruk.com/airgun_products.html#clean5
  6. I Agree with that, I now have a Swarzofski and its well worth the money. Not that your Simmons is **** Kipper, it will do the job well. Bit like an Escort Van versus a Ferrari I guess I would hang on and try and get that land passed for .22 mate, you can use CB caps if you are worried about the bullet bouncing out to danger areas, but you must have .22 solid on your ticket for zeroing in order to possess them. (They have solid bullet) Most tickets just have expanding ammo only, mine has I have a very small rabbit infested field, flat as a billiard table, with a road at one end. I built a platform at the road end ten feet up a tree so as the shots are at a better angle. Just an idea for you If you are really worried then get a .17HMR. I have not managed to get a richochet off one as yet, I even tried to in a farm yard shooting off concerete toward a large grain trailer, nowt only snag is the crack of the round
  7. My mate bought a Millet scope from Hong Kong and I thought it was great for the money, it does the job and its cheap. Exactly the same scope in this country would cost ?150 but he got it for forty quid all in :blink: But they are cheap, you will not get quality without paying more than you payed for your Ruger, a good secondhand Zeiss will set you back ?300 or more. The ball as they say is in your court, just make sure what ever you buy, it must have a graticule sight picture. Good luck :blink:
  8. I find it odd that some people will put a scop as powerful as the Hubble Space Scope on a rifle that has an effective range of only 100yds, and thats on a good day. I started with a Nikko Gold Crown 4 X 40, then got a Whitetail Classic 1.5 X 6 X 20 or somethng, it was rubbish I now have a NV scope on it, but I would get a small scope and spend on the quality of glass and not the size, a small Zeiss or Swarzofski second hand will be far better than a new shiney huge green house of a thing. Snag is that quality does not come cheap A mate of mine gets his from E Bay USA and has had some real bargains, I would definatly fit a Weaver rail on your 10/22 and get the scope mounts to match. try looking at these type of stores on E Bay http://stores.ebay.co.uk/Vfirestore They are cheap but will do the job, Chris
  9. I always take the trigger out and the bolt out, I wash it all with Napier gun cleaning spray let it soak all the crud off, then give it all a good going over with a stiff bristled brush. Then clean barrel with Dewey rod and brushes, then blow off all the parts with an air duster can. I would not soak the trigger with anything to sticky as it will gum up, you can get a small bit of plate to help with bolt replacement see this link http://www.rugerfan.com/bdisassembly.html I strip the mag down once in a while, I find those air duster cans are very good for blowing out the grit that always makes then fail, I never oil the mag it just does it no good at all. I bought two Eagle mags from http://www.rimfiremagic.co.uk/new_products.html They are the dogs nuts and I have never had a jam with them, I used to put CCI high velocity in one, and subs in the other. I now only use subs in my 10/22 as I have a CZ .17HMR for long range stuff. I also put a new cocking lever spring in and that really helped with the jamming and misfeed problem, it was much stiffer than the old one. All the best, Chris
  10. I have found Winchester Subs the best, but I want to give Lapua a try one day. I would always lube your 10 / 22 bolt, Kipper. I know they get all crappy but its a fast moving part and a bit of slime will reduce wear and will give better cycling. I use Napier Grease brushed on with a small paint brush, I always use a good quality paint brush to clean and oil my rifles and shotguns, it gets in all the nooks and crannies and it is easy to leave a nice smear instead of a flood. I have a tuned trigger, rubber recoil buffer, extended mag release, and I am waiting to get a bolt lock to enable me to fire it without the bolt moving, for those very quiet moments. Its fitted with a night vision scope that I have yet to zero, I have had difficulty in mounting it, but I will get there.
  11. I have a 10/22 and they are a handy bit of kit, but if you want my advice I would go for a CZ bolt. The clack of the 10/22 bolt can be a right pain, and they DO jam no matter how clean or what ammo you use, but they are VERY light, and I do a lot of walking with it, so I love it for that. I have also found the semi auto handy a few times, Good luck Chris
  12. Have any of you tried brewing your own? I did once, just down the road from me was a chemists ( Hornchurch Essex ) that sold home brew stuff. So I thought I would have a go, they are not kits, you buy the hops, wart, yeast and cook it all up yourself. It does not take long and I made some pretty good beers, porter, bitter, old English Ale. I will have another go at it soon, I stoped due to making 5Gal batches and just drinking TOO much Its a hoot, just do not try and make them too strong, it blows the flavour out. Sick
  13. You are all missing out on the delights of Lidle beers, try Grafenwalder pure brewed BoxHead lager 65p a tube and its not at all bad, if your really down and just want to turn off from all life has thrown at you,,,,,,,, Then you must try Lidle Strong German lager in the brown cans Bloody hell its strong, my brother is a right **** tank and he only managed six cans ( ?1.00 per dose) The NHS should use it, its better and cheaper than anasthetic. Do love good old british ales though, a pint of hen in a nice pub garden Cant beat it.
  14. Bloomin Good idea that mate, I will try that. Someone told me that polystyrene rubbed on a mirror is very good, I am blowed how you carry a rifle, lamp, mirror, shooting stick and Poly, and then manage to hold all that and make the right noise
  15. If the shot gun had a rifled barrel it would no longer be a smoothed bore gun, it would be a rifle and therefore Sect 1. A single or S/S smooth bore gun, which has barrels less than 24" long from breech to tip would be Sect 1. Solid slug or other types of heavy shotgun ammo are also Sect 1, but thats all a bit heavy. It is only pumps and semi autos that have to be 40 or more inches in lenght from the heel of the stock to tip of barrel, the barrel on ALL smooth bore weapons has to be 24 or more inches long or they are sect 1. So you can have a single barrel 410, that has a barrel of exactly 24 inches, and you can shorten the stock as much as you like. It will be **** but within the law, however if it was a semi or a pump then its overall lenght must be 40 inches. YIS Sick
  16. I would give them a good home mate, I am in Essex so not far away.
  17. I use those CB Caps to do rabbits in a farmers garden, they are good to thirty meters. But they do bounce but no where near as bad as subs, if you are worried about your land re safety go for a .17 or an air rifle. .17 is bloody noisey though,
  18. Bloody hell thats an old bit of kit, very good though. just make sure you trust the RFD as getting a trusted opinion on barrel ware would be a good idea on such an old iron. takes an awful lot of rounds to ware out a .22 barrel, it only really occures on club guns where they are shot every night for years. The only other factor would be the weight of it, and getting any spares. All the best, Sick
  19. I went on the Friday and WoW it was hot, had a great day. Bloody traffic was a ****** though
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