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A Sick Old Man

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Everything posted by A Sick Old Man

  1. Just a thought for you all, the gasses generated by a .22 sub sonic round are all burnt within the first 12" of the barrel, so screw cutting a .22 will not render the rifle weak in any way at all. The pressure hitting the can is minimal with a sub sonic, But what if you use a high velocity .22 like a yellow jacket, then you are treading on thin ice when you use an airgun type can with these pressures. To get a moderator or a barrel proofed costs about £15, they check the proof pressure and that all the thread cutting is up to standard, and that the moderator bore is concentric with the thread ( They had a batch where the round was clipping the inside of the can) Now for £15 I would not hesitate to get a proof done, where do you draw the line with regard to proofing? Thats why they say ALL firearms WILL be proofed I guess, sorting through it all would be to complicated so they scoop the lot up and that is that.
  2. A screw on Rimfire moderator can be used on an Air rifle, if you say to an RFD that you are using a SAK say on an Air Rifle then he will sell to you with no problem. If you went and asked him for the same moderator but for a .22 Rimmy, then the RFD should insist that its proofed, and entered on your FAC. The reasoning behind this is that the moderator is being fitted to a firearm, so should be proofed. The law is a bit silly on this but thats the rule of thumb, you will have no luck whatsoever trying to buy a T8 for instance without an FAC and full proofing, that is because this moderator is for a firearm only and therefore is covered as a component part of a firearm, but not the smaller SAK, Parker Hale type. As an owner you do not have to have anything proofed at all, but when you sell it MUST all be proofed, so if you have a non proofed SAK on the end of your CZ .17HMR with no proof marks you should not sell it as part of that rifle, sell it as an air weapon only moderator.
  3. I have just got some Butler creek covers for my Pecar Berlin, I used http://www.midwayuk.com/apps/ebrowse.exe/search They were very quick on delivery and if you click on ,,,,,,,,, http://www.midwayusa.com/mediasvr.dll/tech...leItemID=492909 You can easily work out the size you need, I would not bother with the see through ones. The Pecar cost me a hundred quid and I am well pleased with it, you can not beat a bit of quality glass
  4. I have found this little dit that sums up Essex Girls to a T http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L30V5vnYHzk Well it sums up my Beer Hoover of a wife I have lived in Cornwall, Devon and Hampshire and there is no way I would ever leave the Essex Mafia.
  5. My Brother works for Exxon Mobile at Fawley, he told me they sell benzine (Petrolium spirit ) for 26p a litre and Diesel for less, and they blame the petrol companies for profiteering :yp: Crude oil extracted is subject to a government tax levy as is all crude landed from tankers, its then " Cracked " or broken down into petrol lube, and a host of other products, most of which are subject to there own tax. We pay a huge tax on any fuel used in a motor vehicle, and what really winds me up is we pay VAT on the bloomin tax We now have the dearest motor fuel in the world, a few years ago before the North sea fields dried up we produced 86% of our own crude. We are a joke They are now going to up road rent by over a hundred percent by 2010, I hate them.
  6. This film, " Southern Comfort " is a weird one to
  7. I Joined up at 16, spent eight years in the RN as a Stoker, my only regret is wasting my time in the services and not working harder. It can be a very rewarding time, but I do not envy the front line people serving at the moment, things seem a bit tough. I think it will not harm your lad, just try and advise him to get as much as he can out of the forces, All the best, Chris
  8. You are correct there, they do not require proofing, but if I were you I would proof them. It only costs £15 and they check alignment and it gives you peace of mind really. However it is an offence to sell a firearm, blah blah blah without a proof test.
  9. I Shoot on some very stony flint ground in Essex, I have two .22 rifles and a.17HMR. My advice is get a HMR on your ticket, then try as hard as you can to get a .17HMR round to bounce, I wish you luck as I have not managed to yet. Yes they are loud, but the prey does not seem to notice, I have killed four rabbits one after the other with my HMR. I use it on smaller fields where I feel the bouncing .22 round may be a problem, even if the .17 round did manage to bounce in one piece its soooooo small I would not be worried about it causing any damage. All the best
  10. I have a BRNO 3 and the mags are the same for the new CZ .22RF, try a new mag in yours to make sure it fits, any RFD will help with that. If all is ok I would try http://www.rimfiremagic.co.uk/index.htm Give them a call, I got a plastic Ten round and find it works very well, or Flea bay http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/CZ-452-22-LR-5-ROUND...1QQcmdZViewItem All the best
  11. I have read your post with interest Bob, and I am sure you are right. I do wonder why our firearm laws seem so detailed and complicated, and why we are all informed different advice from our FLO's I will still veer away from foot paths though, why court potntial trouble?
  12. I have a number of foot paths criss crossing my permission (1,700 arable) I asked my FLo (Essex) and he stated that a footpath is a public place, so therefor possession of a firearm that is not unloded and in a secure slip is an offence. I steer well clear of footpaths,
  13. I have had this same pattern on a .308 rifle, it was the scope creeping up the rifle. I had a mare of a time with my 10/22 tried eveything and what cured it was floting the barrel, if the MPI moves during constant firing I would say the barrel is kissing the woodwork somewhere.
  14. Robby I would contact your FLO and ask his advice, if you have a closed ticket you must only shoot on land that you have permission on ( Pref written permission ) And the land MUST be deemed suitable by the Police for you to use your rifle on, It takes no time to call your FLO and get his advice, and as always try to get things in writing and keep everything. Trust me when the wheel falls off you will need all this information.
  15. A Joke !!! Oh I thought he really meant it
  16. Now that was a blast from the past, remember this one on the same vien http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=U1U_87i8bFA
  17. We have the same problem over here, the farmer has placed a gas gun in the most affected field but it has still been picked. Rabbits are by far the worst pest, we have had a lot of damage. They are difficult to deal with as they are VERY shy, I will be back to ferreting this winter and hope to really sort them out. Shooting just about keeps up with the amount being bred :blink: I prefer ferrets as I dig out the worst burys, we do have a lot of rabbits that migrate from ajoining land, a right pain But as far as crops go OSR is the favorite food it seems,
  18. Traz, My brother was a VM in the REME, he hates Land Rovers with a passion. Though he did work on the series ones, my uncle is a farrier and he swears by Toyota, or UMM. He has a mobile Forge for his hot shoeing, all fitted to the back of an UMM. Good MPG but not many in this country
  19. I was having a mooch about Orsett Fen this afternoon, there were shed loads of woodies about. I have never seen so many, most of the fields are OSR and wheat, but the wind was blowing a banshee. As I unloaded the dogs back home it Hoofed it down A ton of young rabbits, I think this will be a bumper year.
  20. Try to find some 4inch hose mate, I tried 3inch and it was a bit tight for them. Trouble is its hard to find and bloody expensive to buy, Well done on the run, Chris
  21. I can not recomend one of these enough, a great little rimfire scope, its very good at low light http://www.jsramsbottom.com/cgi-bin/jsr.cg.../SM_simmons.HTM Its the Simmons Whitetail Classic 1.5-5x20 Nightview Compact Riflescope you want, 79 quid well spent.
  22. Mungler that is not even funny I have tried to get the head off a .17 round, it was very hard to remove. I stuck the head in a vice and levered the case back, very carefully You can forget a Kinetic hammer, they just will not move. If you have a few to dispose of I would drop them into an RFD mate,
  23. Point taken Big Bob, but I find the ferrets get a lot more exercise running up and down a block of flats than they do running across the floor of a mansion. I find this design suits as I have a small garden, plus you do not have to kneel down to clean the place up, which at my age is a bonus. I clean mine out every eve, just scoop the poop, and re saw dust and a wash out with bleach at the week end.
  24. Now that is a nice one, well done mate, its much the same as mine, but bigger and much better made
  25. I would NOT like to be in the way of any of that lot, what a punt gun
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