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Everything posted by Spaniel

  1. Spaniel


    Thank you for all the comments I have not really thought about a budget as really wanting to understand what gun would be suitable etc then I will look at saving some pennies but nothing to expensive as I already have a xtreama 2 but just fancied having a sxs which I could use for wildfowling
  2. Spaniel


    Hi I mainly do wildfowling on the foreshore with the odd bit of pheasant shooting where I use my xtreama two and silver pigeon but I fancy a side be side although I have never fired one before which models would you recommend I should look out for cheers ian
  3. I had to go to Peterborough yesterday and I seen loads of crop fields up there but I really didnt see many pigeons about
  4. As long as his mankini is in camo or realtree he will be fine
  5. Seen partridges and mallards the other day myself up on our club lake the mallards fly right over me but come September they will all be I hiding lol
  6. sounds like you had a fantastic bit of shooting and bagging 3 to 1 shot, well done Penelope
  7. I had my first shoveler I still got to add a canada and pintail to the list
  8. Well done, I have never seen pinks as we do not get them down here. But if things work out for me (work) hopefully I might get a chance on them next season
  9. Nothing the doc can do as its an old injury from climbing up a slider the wrong way at 5 years old falling off and landing on concrete ouch
  10. Ha ha Fenboy and thats me on a good night lol
  11. http:// Having one of those moments yesterday practising my duck calling at home when I noticed this. I have a perforated left ear drum and I am Right Handed Normally I hold my call in my left hand and my gun in the right hand... When I decided to use my call in my right hand the sound I got from it seems to be more higher pitch, take a look at the video first quacks with my left hand and then I swap over to my right hand, can you hear the difference. Although it feels to me that I am putting the same pressure into the call, the sound I can hear is different My hearing in my left ear is poor but in my right ear everything is very loud, great when I want to go to sleep at night I just lay on my right side...lol Just to add to the mystery when calling in with my left hand, everything is echoing in my right ear, but calling with my right hand, the echo is gone and I hear a higher pitch in my calling....weird or what ?
  12. http:// This is me practising duck calling at home. The sound isn't the best being recorded through the laptop speaker but it provides you with an idea It as taken some time to get here to be honest as I could not get the hang of it. I have to say a BIG THANK YOU to Nick Horten who as been providing me with some excellent coaching over the last few weeks. I am sure with continuous practising (daily) I can definitely keep improving upon my calling. I have been trying to use a duck call for quite a while now and just never seemed to get the hang of it...thank god Nick volunteered to provide me with some assistance and slowly I have improved upon my calling. If there is anyone who requires some assistance don't be afraid to ask for help. especially from some one as knowledgeable as Nick.
  13. Went out on Jan 11th and had my first ever Shoveler hen bird... Results came in today from the Mallard I shot back in Dec seems that it was ringed at 1 year old in 2001 up at slimbridge close to where I shot it
  14. Saturday 21st Dec Went out with Neil on the foreshore at Frampton for an evening flight. Weather was not bad and to be honest we were expecting to get a bit of shooting under the moon. It was a bit windy up there coming in straight at us, which was great but could not hear anything except the wind.... Out to my left I spotted two mallards coming across he splash my 1st shot hit them both as they were side by side, my second shot brought the Drake down with a splash, I could see the other mallard fluttering in the air so I fired my 3rd shot at it but it never came straight down, instead it turned and headed across the marsh towards the canal but at the same time it was coming down....completely lost it as the light was fading although we checked along the canal we could not see it...I bloody hate loosing a bird like that.... So had my first mallard and as it also was ringed I completed the on line form to register it etc.....other then this we did not see or hear another duck or goose all flight....hopefully back out tomorrow morning over low water.
  15. I have a feeling that it was more about you getting some free shooting rather then paying him to shoot, to be honest
  16. Very well done, you got a good few there
  17. well done Neil, it as been a pleasure accompanying you on the foreshore. Now its time to start learning to quack
  18. don't forget bird id is also very important, so worth studying up on this
  19. good luck to all this evening, im sure you will all be fine Then its boundaries and rules to learn to go for your full membership
  20. wow some serious high birds there, and some really good shooting
  21. I had this last month on my pajero, checked on line and it does recommend that you should actually use the 4x4 drive occasionally to ensure it is working correctly . I selected 4x4 mode and reversed along the street in a straight line for a short distance and the issue went away.
  22. I got a 2.8TD LWB 1994 done about 135000 and it flew through the mot this year. Yep heavy on fuel but I never purchased it as a family run around which it is at the present time. Put a full cage on top plenty of room in the back, and the family loves it. I got it for shooting and camping to be honest
  23. At Last..... Myself and neillfrbs managed to get out yesterday although it was touch and go as we got stuck behind the wide load going down the motorway.... Expecting the foreshore to be busy by the time we got there, to our surprise we were all alone. We heard the occasional wigeon calling in the distance but with no wind at all, there was nothing really moving. At one stage we could hear the geese calling but they were either out over the water or flying down the welsh coast. Neil had a couple of shots at a pair of wigeon which came over the sea wall, and I missed an opportunity for a nice over the head shot due to me looking the opposite way and not noticing the wigeon until it was over me. Then I caught sight of a duck flying out to my left towards the north of the marsh and with my only shot of the evening I bagged my first wigeon of the season. After that it was dead and we were back in the car park by 6pm.
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