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Everything posted by TbirdX

  1. TbirdX

    New Toy

    Let us know how it goes please. On the handling front, I took mine out on Sunday and shot the highest score I've had yet. I'm still bloody poor but it must say something about the gun, hopefully it'll inspire me to even greater scores
  2. TbirdX

    New Toy

    I'm sorry to hear that Gem. Hopefully your experience was a one off and not indicative of the gun as a rule. Only time will tell on that one however. The gun is pretty new and every report I've seen so far has been favourable bar yours. I hope the new one you have proves itself reliable Rest assured, if I have any similar problems, I'll post them up on PW.
  3. Mine is on the wall in an attached garage, someone merely visiting would never see it but it's not hidden in any other way.
  4. TbirdX

    New Toy

    Thanks fellas, I'm hoping to give it it's first outing tomorrow. On the subject of money, the wife hasn't asked how much yet. I think she definately isn't ready to deal with the answer !
  5. I have an O/U Baikal with 2 sets of barrels, picked up for £150. It's a solid gun and will probably still be breaking clays when I'm pushing up daisys!!
  6. So after weeks of forum reading, after weeks of settling on 1 Semi-Auto only to go off it for some reason shortly after, I finally went to the Gun Shop, handled all the main players and came home with a shiny new Browning Maxus G2. It just felt the best of them all. Lets hope I can shoot it as well
  7. Well in the end it made no difference. After much to'ing and fro'ing and swinging between all the current favourites, I went to the shop, swung all the candidates around and came home with a G2 Maxus
  8. Thanks for the replies fellas. As ever it seems that some like it and others don't, lol, guess I'll just have to try and handle some.
  9. TbirdX

    GCSE Results

    My eldest got 18, all at B or above ( 2 A* ) and 1 AS Level B. The daughter got 14 all B or above (7 A *) with another year to go. In pizza hut as we speak (Their choice!)
  10. Anyone fired an A400 Xplor light with and without for comparision? Is it worth paying the extra for the kick off system purely for use on clays? Do they really suffer from reciever buzz? Cheers
  11. D'oh, you sneakily put that in a different colour just to confuse me
  12. TbirdX

    CSCS card

    When are you doing it?
  13. Then what's the point in having the facility?. I fully appreciate what you are saying but I just wanted some tentative prices to compare before I get to the serious stage of spending my money. I'll have a phone around at some point.
  14. I enquired using the online contact us forms on their own websites. I've no doubt the shooting industry is feeling the squeeze as much as anyone, which is why its so puzzling that I've had no response.
  15. It seems. Or at least in the gunshop side of it judging by the amount of no responses I've had to my attempts to enquire about purchasing a new semi-auto this week. Ho-hum.
  16. Cheers for that. I'm wavering between a Fast, a Raptor, a Comfort and a Urika. I suspect it'll come down to whats around and what fits at the point of buying.
  17. Also on virgin and also having problems. Chrome does seem to work better than IE at the moment but it still falls over when it wants to.
  18. I wonder if it's an ISP thing. Outside via GPRS or HSPDA I get the pages fine but at home it's just a bit of a lottery if it'll load a page at all. I'm on Virgin here. (lucky me )
  19. I'm having trouble with the forum generally. IE9 won't display the page, Chrome does but frequently times out when accessing threads and my HTC desire can't get it either at the moment.
  20. I'm thinking about a Raptor myself, what year did the 'later' ones start please?
  21. Try Elite shooting centre, speak to Mike, he should be able to sort you out.
  22. Posted 28.5.11 Feo visit 22.6.11 Cert Arrived 29.7.11 Essex Police. Around 2 months start to finish, I'm happy with that Now then, what gun to buy.....
  23. Someones happy tonight, looks like there was 1 winner of the jackpot. Thats £166 million, give or take a bit.
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