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  1. Yeah Leupy VX111 4.5 X 14 X 50 30MM TUBE.....works really well with the Archer. 1st outing for the PBIR LD last night,love the way I could turn the brightness down for closer shots.
  2. OOPS...never mind it happens😉 In the Highseat last night watching over a bait station. Nothing happening so tried a few calls. Vixen in heat had 1 appear almost instantly but from right beside me and proceeded to sit down 15yds away...trying quietly to turn the mag down on the scope and get the lens caps off it turned it's head and stood up sharpish....yup another fox 15yds from it and a stand off ensued. 2nd fox was bigger and with hackles up and tail raised it started forward where they both ran right behind the highseat and away into the wood....well all you can do is smile, but I was hopeful the winner would return, and this it did some 10mins later, slowly making it's way closer looking for it's prize. Top of a Whinn bush meant I had to wait but eventually it cleared it and politely sat down at some 50yds...to my surprise it was a huge Vixen.
  3. They sound spot on and a very tidy return from them...Foxbox/Bait station is definitely a productive combination. Out last night in the freezing cold and all was quiet until I spotted a Fox slowly mooching down a field. Got ahead of it and got set up to wait.Yong Rabbit Distress on the FoxPro produced an immediate response...too good in fact,as it jumped onto a wall and raced in with the branches of a tree preventing a clear shot. It dropped into a gully just in front of the caller and all was quiet for a minute....which seemed a lifetime. Played call again to see it making it's way back up the field through some rushes,so again no shot. Finally it stopped in a gap side on (very nice of it)where that familiar thud resounded back. Lovely looking Vixen...
  4. There you go bumpy,made from pallets with latts to fill the gaps..then mounted onto an old caravan chassis so it can be re-positioned if and when required.
  5. Been a busy time recently on the Fox. Had 6 on one trip including 5 called on 1 stand,dropping 4 of them and going back few hours later and accounting for possibly the other in same field..Used my mate's Thermion XP50...Some piece of kit. Picked up a new permission, small pheasant shoot where it's overrun with Hares so I try to reduce it each visit as lampers are active. Had to remove 1 from around my Foxbox as it was targeting a Partridge pen the farmer has...took an hours calling but it showed eventually. Big Pheasant shoot's been quiet this year but colder weather has had a few move in. Few wary ones that with help from some of the lads on the shoot setting bait stations up for me I've managed to account for.1 in particular took 4 trips. Finally,been helping a mate on the shoot he's controlling the Fox on,1 last week and another last night before the fog stopped us.
  6. 14 to add since I last posted...Last night's Vixen before fog stopped play. Total = 584
  7. 2 last night..young Dog and young Vixen Total = 466
  8. Mate just took over the Fox control on a Pheasant shoot... Quick look after a 12hr shift. 2 stands 3 Fox...Dog and 2 Vixens. Total = 459
  9. Brace last night on a mate's permission. Total = 455
  10. Call out for Chicken Killer,1 young Dog Fox. Total = 443
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