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Everything posted by sterling

  1. Thanks for the info fellas! I know humane killers are to be used at close range but thinking about a situation where a wounded deer had fallen out of safe reach and it wasn't safe to discharge your stalking rifle, a well placed pistol shot might be required. I've owned pistols overseas and I know it takes practice to shoot tight groups beyond a few yards (for me anyway) Just wondered what the relevant conditions were on an FAC. I imagine it becomes even more of a gray area when Northern Ireland permits pistols and the rest of the UK doesn't - could someone from Britain compete with their humane despatch pistol over there? I might well be opening a can of worms here and I think I'd better stop thinking now...
  2. I know since 1997 this is a raw subject in the UK but... Speaking to a gent earlier who has a pistol for humane despatch of deer got me thinking - I gather a deer rifle can be zero'd on a suitable range and used on targets to maintain proficiency. Could he ligitimately take his pistol to a range to do the same? I can imagine somebody target shooting with a sec.5 pistol drawing a bit of unwanted attention!
  3. There's a clay ground I shoot at which has to stop every time a jogger comes blundering into the firing line and even more rediculous are the cyclists appearing at 30mph. Admittedly it's a right-of-way but I can't help imagining what would happen if/when somebody doesn't hear the cease-fire through their ear defenders. Well last time out decoying, sitting in the hide I hear a thunk in the woods behind me. I have a look and can't see anything so I settle back down and as I am mounting the gun for a pair of pigeons coming in from my left, I hear "alright mate" from a few feet to my right. I unload and find out that this fella has come to find the golf balls he'd been driving at the pigeons in the middle of the field. He'd apparently been driving from a hill overlooking the copse I was shooting from. He complimented how realistic my decoys looked from 200 yards away and I complimented him on his long drive. We both agreed I was lucky not to get hit and he was lucky not to get shot!
  4. It's important to note that just because the bird becomes still after your head twist, flick or whirl method, it doesn't mean that it's dead. There's every probability that it's just paralysed unless as somebody else said, you actually severed the artery. Crushing the brain is the most sure way, whether you bite it, squeeze it or use a priest...
  5. I've had composting toilets for a few years and in no particular order, here's my advice; Don't fall in! Make sure any fluid from the pit wont run downhill and contaminate anything. Ensure the chambers/pits are properly sealed because if rats get in there... Let's just say they'll bite anything dangled in front of them. :look: Don't pee in it too much, don't use too much toilet roll, just a handful of damp sawdust after every use. Make sure it's legit to build a toilet there because if the council have to remove it, you will be charged for hazmat etc.
  6. Give the Surefire EP4 or EP3 a try. I paid £16 for a pair and they were a great buy. You can still hear conversation, leaves rustling etc. but they reduce gunshots to a comfortable and safe level. They are fine for any outdoor shooting. This may sound daft, but learn how to properly fit in-ear plugs. Reach over your head, lift the ear up to straighten the canal, insert the plug. Makes a world of difference to how effective they are.
  7. You could think about writing a well considered feature letter to the local paper about the need for pest control in farming and veg production. You could even provide some way for worried locals to contact you so that you can come to some agreement about your shooting. Even vegans should appreciate that their organic veg is made economically viable to produce because somebody is controlling the associated pests without poisons (shooting). A bit of good publicity could work wonders and even secure you more shooting permissions. Alternatively, get a moderated shotgun - they are brilliant for noise sensitive areas or roost shooting in summer.
  8. Blunderbuss, that's good to know - thanks for doing some more research!
  9. From what I can see in Scottish law from The Law of the Foreshore and Sea Bed: S 1(3)(a). "Recreational purposes" is not defined but s 9 contains a list of conduct which is excluded from access rights. The list is not as comprehensive as in the draft Bill referred to in the discussion paper at para 1.14. But excluded conduct still includes hunting, shooting, fishing, using motorised vehicles or vessels (other than for disabled use) and taking away anything in or on the land for commercial purposes or for profit. So it doesn't look legal to hunt on public foreshores?
  10. Now that's interesting! A bit of research and a hunting roadtrip may be in order.
  11. After a lot of hard work finding my UK shooting permissions, I believe I'm right in thinking there is no land in the UK which is open for public hunting? Having lived in USA/Canada and enjoyed free hunting and target shooting on vast BLM and Crown Lands, I want to know if any of you are aware of any areas in Europe which have public shooting land. This isn't purely academic - I have been known to emigrate for such things.
  12. For anybody interested - I've just bought a ghost ring sight/heat shield from ATI for the mossbeg 500. It will only work on hushpowers with the short moderator (not the full-barrel models). It's a bit "tacti-cool" looking, but I'll see how I get on with it and report back.
  13. Just patterned it at 15, 20, 25 and 30 yards with eley fourlongs and extralongs by obscuring the target with the mod. POA and POI seem pretty close. Fourlongs are dismal at anything beyond 15yds, but those 18g extralongs were throwing surprisingly dense patterns out to 25ish. Thanks for the input guys. After some quite successful decoying today, I'll stick without sights for shooting birds on the wing or bolting rabbits for now and take the air rifle for anything else...
  14. Thanks a lot for the suggestions guys! I've even tried using a zip-tie on the end of the can and then use the fastener as a crude bead. Safe to say I need something better. Sound advice too - I really must pattern this gun. I might get some unapproving looks but I think I'll drill and tap for a rail and mount a red dot - I'm just worried the aluminium receiver isn't up to it. I use the gun for everything from rabbiting and roost shooting to clays and decoyed pigeons if I'm feeling really lucky. I have to admit I often reach for the 12 gauge to make up for poor shooting though. Out of interest, has anybody chrono'd those surprisingly loud "subsonic" eley extra longs? I'm sure I know a supersonic crack when I hear one...
  15. I thought fiat was a Geordie's destiny... Ok, I'm dredging the barrel a bit there, but it works and it works if you replace "Geordie's" with "Irishman's" too!
  16. Yep, their engines are made out of some sort of chocolate alloy. Start taking a fiat apart and you'll be amazed at just how poorly designed and constructed they are. It's German cars for me from now on...
  17. Brand new, never used Halfords HB063 lead acid car battery. Bought it for a 1.6 fiat which turned out to have a blown head gasket. Fits most cars up to 2ltr. Cost £67, want £40 for it. Obviously collection only.
  18. Thanks for all the interest and PM's! - I have now filled all of the available spaces. For now, I'll wish the rest of you the best of luck finding your own permission. Look for birds, knock on doors...
  19. GUN NOW SOLD! Thanks to everybody for the interest and enjoy your new gun!
  20. Not so long ago a kind PW member took me out for my first shot at pigeons before I had my own permissions and I'd like to do the same for someone else. I have an opportunity for one person to join me decoying in Hereford/Worcs area. I'm not a veteran and have a lot to learn but I'm by no means new to firearms or their safe use, so whilst I may not be able to teach you everything about decoying, I can give you the opportunity to get your new gun out and safely have a go. Decoying will be over rape on large acreage. I can't guarantee a big bag, but if you don't take some pigeons home for the pot, you'll have only your shooting to blame. So the conditions I want you to respect are: You are new to the sport and dont have ANY of your own permission! You are over 18 and can show licence + insurance (if you haven't got any, get some) You bring own shotgun + carts Reply in the thread and send me a PM. Hopefully we'll get you out shooting soon
  21. I don't know exact age, I've looked at all of the identifying numbers/ marks and can't see an obvious date. I'd go out on a limb and say early 1990's but I could be off the mark. 2.75" chambers. There are shallow scratches on the stock and yes that's the worst side. There's the odd mark on the barrels - it's not a safe queen, it's been used but well looked after, cleaned and functions flawlessly. Saying all that, it is a tidy looking gun at this price range. I can add more pics tomorrow, but I'll be honest I've got several folks wanting to view this week. I'll keep you posted though and thanks for the interest.
  22. Hi, this is my Lanber. I'm happy to answer any questions and arrange viewing. Please note: I will only conduct viewings/sale with members who have a history of activity on this forum. Thanks for looking!
  23. I've got a .410 mossberg 500 (non-ribbed barrel) with a 9" removeable hushpower fitted. For those of you successfully shooting with this setup, what are you doing for sight options? I'm not having much luck obscuring the target with the moderator - I find myself removing it a lot of the time and not surprisingly the mod doesn't suppress the shot much when I leave it at home I've considered drilling/tapping the reciever to fit a rail and mount either a red dot or ghost rings or alternatively, clamp a rail on the barrel just behind the mod and use a tall front sight. Any better ideas would be much appreciated!
  24. You can't legally drive your car on the road without supervision or a valid license. Would you definitely get caught? Would you definitely get caught taking your shotgun onto public land at night or storing it loaded under your bed or sawing it off and carrying it in your coat? Nope, laws don't prevent illegal things happening. Hey, anybody hear about that shooting in Durham?
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