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Everything posted by sterling

  1. It won't even be close to the same thing from ebay at £30 posted, trust me the spec of lens and LED is different. I make zero profit from selling these at this price. Anyway, this thread did remind me that I've got enough new spare parts from various projects to put two more of these kits together and then that's me done as I now solely use NV. If anybody is interested - £30 posted each will take them.
  2. They're worth less than most people are charging, put it that way, but somewhere around £400 is the going rate. A search on guntrader or gunstar is the best place to start.
  3. The beauty of pastimes like shooting is that the pool is as deep or as shallow as you want it to be. No need to jump in at the deep end, just learn enough of the firearms law to stay safe and let the finer details of guns, ammo, fieldcraft and cooking develop with time. Remember there's more than one way to skin a cat, and about 500 ways to shoot it.
  4. I might send a .357 ballistic table to the FEO showing that it easily makes 1000ftlbs from a carbine and see what he thinks. Sounds like your old boy with his 44-40 knew that energy is no substitute for straight shooting though.
  5. Thanks a lot for the feedback chaps!
  6. I peeled back the curtains at 6.30am to find a dry morning already in full swing and as I was heading out to survey some young coppice, I grabbed the .243 which in the absence of a deer fence, is good medicine for the greedy blighters. So by 7.30 I was neck deep in nettles and wishing I'd brought a brushcutter instead of a rifle. Less than 20 minutes had passed though before I spotted a young muntjac buck browsing along a ride just 60 yards or so downhill to my left. A standing free-hand shot is something I rarely use when stalking but I was confident to put the home-loaded sierra varminter where it needed to go from this short range. Once I've used all of these 85gr spitzers though, I'll be looking for a harder bullet as they are just too violent on an animal that compares more to a hare than a typical deer in size. I can't help thinking that a .357 lever gun would be perfect for woodland muntjac stalking. So with "work" finished by lunchtime and a dinner party tomorrow, he's already jointed and it's time to put my feet up for a long weekend. Even though I've given the front end away, you can see from this picture that you don't get an awful lot from these diminutive deer. They still make for challenging stalking, easy carrying and good eating though.
  7. Fair point Kent. "Safe direction" in this case probably shouldn't include over the counter into a busy shop though. Anyway, I agree it's difficult sometimes and I wasn't there so I'll get off my high horse now. Simon, I still can't find the name (I just know it as the weird radio gun shop) but the gun shop is located at: 28 Comberton Hill Kidderminster Worcestershire DY10 1QN I had a chat with James at Hartlebury Shooting and he's a pleasant fella. Seems to focus on .50BMG and serious long range stuff but has a fairly good selection of standard fodder and is happy to order stock in. Nice to have a few local shops to keep eachother in order and prices some way sensible.
  8. You're right Kent and we're all human - I once nearly shot my foot off with a 12 guage while rough shooting on slippy ground and I have caught a pellet from an air rifle too. The fact remains though that a stray air rifle pellet is potentially just as lethal as a .308, so it comes down to those four cardinal rules and if we all followed them whether at home alone or in a shop full of customers, tragic accidents could be avoided. Military/police etc. are obvious exceptions to these rules. I don't mean to patronise folks here but I might as well list those rules now that I've mentioned them. If anybody's grandmother needs egg sucking lessons, I can help with that too. 1) All guns are always loaded until proven safe 2) Never let your muzzle cover anything that you are not willing to destroy 3) Keep your finger off the trigger and out of the guard until ready to shoot 4) Be sure of your target and what's beyond it
  9. Hmmm, that would look nice above the reloading bench. Is it mounted on wood or loose?
  10. Interesting replies lads Thanks for the heads-up simon. I didn't know about that shop - I'll check it out. For the local lads; there's also a perculiar little gun shop in kidderminster which is also a CB radio shop. The name escapes me but google should turn something up. They stock a load of rifles, shotguns, airguns, ammo, mods etc. The chap is wildly eccentric and made quite a mess of my FAC last time, so have a plan of escape before you go in but to my knowledge, he hasn't ever shot a customer.
  11. Hi folks, I apologise if this is ancient news around here by now, but were any of you who use bromsgrove shooting supplies aware of their accident in January and do you continue to use them? I use them pretty frequently despite some staff there being dangerously short of knowledge but I've never heard anything about this until now: http://www.birminghammail.co.uk/news/midlands-news/redditch-shopper-hurt-air-rifle-6594919 I've got to say I find that accident worrying but not too surprising after recent service there. I've whitnessed some un-nerving gun handling at the shop before and will stop using them in light of this. Why people find it so hard to follow the four cardinal rules of gun safety is beyond me.
  12. That's a slippery slope holly. If the police had a 100% successful history of correctly identifying either criminals or the actual presence of firearms, maybe. If we allow police the power to execute people without trial, we might as well stop doing a half-***** job and put together a proper list for them. In all seriousness though, we either have a police force working for the public within the law or we don't. If it's really so bad that we don't, let me carry an MP5 too and I'll protect myself thanks.
  13. This case stinks almost as bad as the Met's shooting of de Menezes. The "Facts" presented are that two officers at less than 10 yards clearly identified a pistol which was drawn from Duggan's waist band and levelled at them. One officer proceeded to fire one shot. Duggan was not instantly incapacitated and retained the pistol so was shot a second time which proved fatal. The officers immediately approached Duggan to secure the weapon which had now disappeared. It later reappeared 20 feet away, in a sock, the other side of a railing. There is a video recorded from a nearby apartment which appears to show just how miraculous their "find" was. This lawful killing verdict conveniently makes a repeat riot less likely which is one saving grace but it is also a terrible error of impunity.
  14. Having witnessed a mate's recent application process and having had chats with various office bods during my own variations etc; if nothing in your application requires further investigation, West Mercia at the moment will take about 1 week to cash cheques, 1 ~ 2 months to arrange interview, then about 3 weeks for processing. Land checks can extend this. Make sure EVERYTHING is correct on your application and take note that sometimes their website produces application documents with important sections missing such as signature boxes! Also make sure your referees are available and expecting a call. Don't be tempted to phone their office every day and don't ever give them the impression you're getting short tempered with them. I'd wager it'll take around 3 months. Get it sent off pronto then get on with your life. Checking your postbox twice a day is bad for your health!
  15. Hi all, For sale is my Night Detective NDP5 5x50 gen 1+ night vision monocular. This isn't a cheap chinese unit, it's top quality Russian gear. Excellent condition with very little use. Features built-in IR illuminator and offers impressive clarity out to 200m and good vision well beyond. With box, instructions and carry case. Reason for selling; Whilst it can't be denied that night vision is sorcery for vermin, my mates don't use it and I find it a bit lonely these days all on my tod. £115 posted
  16. Nice shooting, looks like a productive morning! Don't under-sell the .22 though, you can at least triple that range. I don't risk shooting the .22 around yards anymore though, it can start to sound like a spaghetti western; (bang... peeeeyowmmmmmmmmmmm)
  17. No flash hole? Flippin' heck that's worrying! I tried out my first reloads this morning and whilst I didn't think it was neccessary to tie a long piece of string to the trigger, I did make sure to wear safety glasses. I've got them shooting .25" at 100m (which is realistically my limit anyway) and they're only costing £8/box, so I'm happy with my set up. It'll take a while to cover the cost of the equipment but I find rifle reloading enjoyable and thankfully it's not the dark art I thought it would be. Thanks for the advice chaps - without it, I might still be hammering away with a bullet puller. Edited to add; In case you're reading this thread and wondering if it's financially worth you getting into reloading, going from Privi .243 to my own reloads will take 660 rounds to break even...
  18. All now sold - thanks lads and have a Merry Christmas!
  19. As I say, I'm not actively involved in politics but your response was interesting nonetheless. I think folks are generally disillusioned with the current system as a whole rather than UKIP as a party. In short; you've got my vote for whatever that's worth. That's a bit fierce pal. I think you'll find few people have the time in their lives to memorise party manifestos and instead, rely on what they see of the leadership in the media. I've heard a lot from Nigel Farage piping on about immigration but he seems a bit timid when pressed on concrete issues to do with the economic situation and possible remediation and yes I know there's a tenuous connection (in my opinion). Prejudice or opinion, it's a fine line. On that note, that's me out of this thread because I'm probably out of my depth and more importantly; I've got venison to marinade. Have a good Christmas
  20. Yeah they were a cracking shop with good prices too - I hope they keep producing the wildcat moderators if the shop finally folds. My last load of PPU was bought from a friend who just couldn't get on with them but I'm running dangerously low now. I can't get the 100grain to shoot well but if that's what you use, I'd get yourself over to "shooting supplies ltd" in bromsgrove, pronto. They have 80 left and who knows when another load might appear - they haven't heard from privi since placing their last order. UK custom shop has been back-ordered for nearly a year! Personally, I've decided to go shopping today and get set up with reloading. I'm tired of relying on what odds and ends local shops have in and having to re-zero all the bleedin' time!
  21. Now bear with me because I'm not a polititian or a very bright person in general, but....The trouble with UKIP is that they're just playing the marginal seats game. The only party to come from nowhere to take a general were labour because they had the full weight of the unions behind them. UKIP can't do that. What happens with a UKIP vote is that the tories lose seats to labour. Labour are pro-Europe and you end up with the opposite of what you wanted. I reckon we'll end up with Labour or another stinking coalition. The other point to bear in mind is that UKIP know just what buttons to push to score votes with regard to immigration but have a look at what their real policies are on direct issues like employment and the economy. I'll save you some time; they don't have any. So where's my vote going? UKIP, because they're marginally less of a joke than the UK Libertarian Party.
  22. Only one left now... £30 posted.
  23. Ah sod it then, it's time to get the flintlock out and head for the hills. :yp: Yeah it's becoming a pretty dire situation. I've got friends in the US who say the shelves have been virtually empty for nearly two years and what ammo they have left, they're too uncertain to use. That's obviously having a knock-on effect here and I know that US export/ UK import laws for ammo/powder have tightened too. I suppose it's a lot less hassle to remove ammunition from circulation than guns. Now, I wonder if my FEO will agree that "impending doom" is a good reason to increase my possesion allowance before it's too late.
  24. I used to buy from them but if you've been there recently, you'll know that they are steadily heading for closure. They don't stock anything these days and rather than import in bulk, they actually buy stock from other local shops in small quantities. I don't usually deal in rumours, but I honestly think there might be an ammo/components shortage looming. That's interesting Jonathan, I hadn't even thought that case length might vary that much on new brass. I've learned a lot from this thread! I've also slept on it and decided to commit to a decent reloading set up in the new year. I might even get a few mates on board and start a little reloading syndicate.
  25. That's probably why I'm avoiding jumping into rifle reloading with both feet - I already show signs of OCD.
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