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    Wildfowling, rough shooting, vermin control, fishing, cricket

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  1. If I may, I think that there needs to be a little more science before we say stop putting up nest tubes. I am not going to dig around to quote it, but nest tubes are proven to improve nesting sucess in mallard. GWCT and others have long known that a species needs 3 things to grow: food, habitat and predator control. Known as 'the three stalls'. The nest tubes enhance one specfic part (nesting habitat) of those 3 elements. For the mallard in this case to boom in number the other two parts need to compliment the nesting habitat. In this case, as you have observed crows are the predator species that need controlling. Therefore the take away from this observation should be some corvid control by whatever means are most appropriate to the situation is the nest step to boost the mallard population. By settling all three stalls in order, we can set the conditions for significant population growth. If I lived near you, I would volunteer to get after those corvids myself! It would be interesting to hear if any other crows have learnt this behaviour (hopefully not), or if you just have a few local ones that have.
  2. Congrats fenboy, give the eating a go, ive never had a bad one!
  3. I ate a breasted duck with that early in the season, not as bad as your wigeon though, at the time i attributed the rice grains to new feathers coming through! I will look out for it more now. Just trying to remember what species it was, think it was a gadwall but I cant remember... doesn't seem to have done me any harm yet. Thanks for posting that info anser2 really interesting!
  4. Great write up marsh man! Always great when things come together!!
  5. I wasn't going to get involved in this thread but... I have become so infuriated by KWCA's complete disregard for the interest of anything but themselves, their business plan, and their expansion. This in its self is not infuriating but the way they try and sell it as conservation and keeping land in shooting, not taking shooting from other clubs, you are talking on this forum as if you are starting to believe your own lies and propaganda. I voted for Alan in the basc elections, I used to like what kent were trying to achieve, I thought I shared your initial vision, but no more. Kent need to give them selves a good look in the mirror before they continue on their path. And to top it all off a solicitor is calling himself a legal expert, well that begs the question why are you still a solicitor??!! (rhetorical question) Rant over. I don't want to offend any solicitors with this post, it is a respectable career. *Not the view of clubs in fenland !!.
  6. The duck have disappeared off our patch, seen only one teal and a pair of mallard in last 2 flights! No shots fired, but there are plenty of geese about.
  7. I'd say its good practise to use a slip on a public right of way, but NOT a legal requirement. I do some land law at uni so it would be pretty embarrassing if this is wrong! (wildfowlingmad, 2014)
  8. Nice video, this forum is keeping my going as im currently trapped 3 1/2 hours away from my shooting until mid-December!! Couple of beautiful shots at the end too! thanks for posting!
  9. couple of days ago had Canada goose burgers, recipe is from DU in America. Would recommend highly! http://www.ducks.org/hunting/recipes/goose-burgers
  10. I've been warned before about steel shot in the birds rusting if you leave them to long, anyone think there's anything in that?. I usually leave them for 2 or 3 days (except early season). If the ducks have been eating grain/seeds that's fine, if they smell a bit fishy (due to diet) probably better not to let it taint the meat.
  11. Give the lad a break! When using an area shooting weapon like a shotgun you can never guarantee a clean kill at any range. It is all down to probability and yes at 30 yards the probability is high but its not 100% no matter how good your gun/cart/choke/ability. It happens. It sucks. you have to move on and learn lessons. I've learnt over the years to try and disregard the body (which can be hard!) and just go for head/neck shots, which really does restrict your range. rather than go for the big shot sizes that punch through the bird I select a 3 shot to maximise the chance of a head shot (denser pattern). Many wildfowlers will disagree with this but it works for me.
  12. saw and heard the fist pinks of the year over the wash yesterday, great to hear the call again, although not on the marsh! Always gets something inside of me going when your hear that wink wink. Hopefully get a few in the bag around Christmas time with a bit of luck!
  13. +1 an unbelievably good bit of kit!
  14. I think I have my worst case of goose fever yet! Watched all of Chris Greens wildfowling dvds in 3 days!! The dog is even more exited I think, good luck everyone!! And the boss gave me a day off happy days!
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