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  1. Not sure who will be on it, but the compromising material he collected on behalf of his masters will have come in very handy these past couple of months....
  2. treetree

    How long

    You sure about that? I'd read that if the UK became involved in a conflict with the intensity of the last few months in Ukraine that it would have run out of munitions in a week.
  3. treetree

    How long

    What, the Russian army which seems bogged down in the East of Ukraine is going to suddenly steam roll across Europe, while fighting a proper war against NATO?
  4. treetree

    How long

    I'm confused then. Are you suggesting that we continue to fund and arm the Ukraine to throw more men into the meat grinder for an unachievable objective, or are you advocating for a negotiated settlement?
  5. treetree

    How long

    Not for me to expect anything, but I do know that talks are better than war. Are you expecting Ukraine to retake the Crimea?
  6. treetree

    How long

    Maybe a negotiated settlement if Zelensky hadn't been talked out of talks with the promise of support and weapons. Where are we now, over a year in? We are normally the first (tanks and cruise missiles). There is nothing to say others will follow. I just heard that the depleted uranium tipped munitions we supplied all just got blow up anyway. Not sure if trie yet...
  7. treetree

    How long

    It is a disgrace that we a being slowly dragged into to a war with Russia without any serious debate in Parliament. We are going to end up horribly exposed as being the only nation supplying the more 'serious' weaponry. We spent decades rightfully worried about a nuclear conflict during a 'cold' war, now we're in the middle of a 'hot' one and everyone is ignoring the possibility of it happening. Does anyone imagine for a moment that Biden would risk a direct conflict with Russia to come to our aid should the unthinkable happen? Our politicians, especially Sunak, Ellwood and Wallace need to realise that what is in Ukraine's best national interest isn't in ours.
  8. An excellent point; politicians should be directly affected by the decisions they make. They should have to fight in the wars they get us into, use the NHS , be reliant on the same public transport and send their kids to the same schools. We might suddenly see these things start working.
  9. Just been quoted £240 for mine. Used as family car. The best car I've ever owned. Chuck dogs, fishing gear, camping gear, bikes in no problem. I'd only ever get rid of it for a 'proper' van, and even then I'd think twice.
  10. When Trump first took office we heard lots of "Let's hope he doesn't start World War III" and yet he was the only recent president not to have become embroiled in a serious military conflict. Biden is on the brink of *actually* setting off WWIII and there's not so much as a peep.
  11. What do you do for a living? Are you likely to see your wages stagnate or drop with the arrival of tens of thousands of low skilled workers? Or is that just for the already poorest in society to put up with? There would be no net economic benefit of allowing them to work. By the time the social costs are factored in we are still worse off. But if you fancy housing a few and providing work for them then fill your boots.
  12. Let the lot of them cry off through "solidarity" then the BBC might realise you don't need to pay goodness know how many millions just for people to watch match highlights.
  13. I do it regularly in the sea, and I also take cold showers (for the most part). I've never been in and then regretted it afterwards. Good to see it gaining in popularity, as it should help the push back against the disgusting way the water companies treat our rivers and seas The sight of those super expensive dressing gowns (Dry robe things) that many see as a prerequisite is a bit irritating. Get back into it OP, it'll only do you good.
  14. This. Its a wholly unnecessary escalation that we should all be concerned about, that was not debated in parliament. The tank addition will either work so well that Putin will have to escalate his response or these tanks will take losses that will leave the big NATO layers scrambling to save face.
  15. CrimeBodge's other videos are all worth a watch. Self taught expert on ensuring the police don't abuse their powers.
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