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silver fox 1

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Everything posted by silver fox 1

  1. Maybe nothing wrong with putting it on social media maybe some information with it, something on the lines of The pigeons were really damaging the crops and the farmer asked if we could help The result we had a good day shooting This 👍.maybe being a bit selective with your photos as well Will not hurt after all it’s the way things are presented that count
  2. I’m pretty sure this doesn’t help, there were some lads around here a couple of weeks ago That shot 480 pigeons in one day Fairplay to them they haven’t done anything wrong and that was done under crop protection we had flocks of four 5000 birds and the farmer was pulling his hair out The crop damage is Massive and if something wasn’t done the farmer could lose the Field If he hasn’t already, it was all put on Social media fine if you’re a shooting man But some people just see it as a massacre without understanding what’s going on
  3. Agreed you’re 100% right, that was the point of my post it will do us no good on television arguing with anybody we need to be on television on our own platform putting our point across we don’t need to be on television debating either we need action. That’s probably the reason why Chris Packham wouldn’t go on telly with BASC just in case they they managed to get some sort of message across
  4. Yes you’re right, but we don’t need to be on television arguing with the likes of Chris Packham it wouldn’t matter what we say they wouldn’t listen anyway ( we don’t need a debate ) we need to be attacking wild justice with videos showing damage Of what crows And pigeons and vermin do and why their numbers need to be controlled, wild justice support this wild justice support that. We need to be drumming up support for what we do. And while I’m at it that’s what Ourshooting Organisations do crowdfunding isn’t it!!!
  5. Probably because he doesn’t want to give BASC or any other shooting organisation a platform to voice their opinion, clever
  6. What source did that come from, and what’s he got to be frightened off THIS 👍
  7. Yes I agree but it all takes time and money. They would have to wait for funds to be in place before they could challenge anything, maybe our shooting organisations could get some promotional videos together to help put a point across show The things Crows do to lambs pigeons do to crops at least people will be able to see the damage they do and some might think twice about sending money to wild justice
  8. Bear with me on this one, okay the way I see it is that Wild justice ( Chris Packham ) are the cause of the problem to the GL but not the root problem NE are the root of the problem because of the wording on the GL wild justice have just exploited it. So can we rely on NE to sort this mess out maybe not but think of it this way if they mess up again they will be more loopholes in the GL which probably means back to court for wild justice so my question is how long do you think wild justice can keep funding legal action it cost 30,000+ this time.More of which natural England seem to do naturally please
  9. Yes yes of course I stand corrected to be precise I would call it clay disk scaring
  10. Yes you’ve hit the nail on the head I think they don’t care about crop damage, all as they care about is what they like and what they don’t like. It’s selfish
  11. Yes you’re right that made me laugh, Hopefully commonsense will prevail and Our shooting organisations will be able to sort this mess out, it’s just annoying to sit here and watch Our shooting being eroded bit by bit.
  12. Maybe it’s the EU bit that makes things more difficult but still not impossible
  13. Point taken you’re right of course. But my way of thinking is that pigeons are becoming a pest, so I was wondering if it would be possible to remove them from the general license as far as I’m aware fox and rabbit don’t come under the general license so perhaps pigeon could be put with these
  14. Exactly why these need to be taken off the general license and treated as a pest ,if a handful of people in wild justice can stop the general license what is possible for us to do as a shooting community ?? My point being the general license is under review at the moment by natural England basc have Said the Crow license is not fit for purpose, so as these licenses are being looked at at the moment maybe we could have an input to get pigeon and Crow Removed from the general license
  15. The more I think about it it makes perfect sense pigeons should actually be treated as a pest and taken off the general license their numbers are prolific and they don’t need to be protected at the moment so maybe Chris Packham might of just done us a favour because the general licenses are being sorted out at the moment maybe gives us a platform to lobby and shooting organisations to push to get the pigeon took off the general license maybe just maybe if we all get together and get a petition going and put it into a shooting organisations we might get somewhere and Mr Packham would’ve scored an own goal has anybody thought of this and it also takes the pressure off of natural England
  16. BASC have been on to natural England saying the gl for crows it’s not fit for purpose I suspect the gl for pigeon will be of a similar line. What in my opinion should happen is pigeon should be taken off the gl and put as a pest but this probably is not going to happen, if you were to upgrade pigeon to game status for say some of the year so pigeon would be classed as game I think we would leave ourselves open to another attack as I do think game shooting will be under attack sometime soon it makes me wonder sometimes how game shooting has survived this long, I think whatever we do next needs very careful consideration and people with good knowledge of what goes on to put these measures in place
  17. Me neither it would good if I could hit the blasted things so I reckon I will be good at this pigeon scaring thing
  18. My thoughts exactly I don’t shoot pigeons For sport I shoot pigeons for Crop protection if I want Sport I go Clay pigeon shooting
  19. Yep seems reasonable to me ( i’m no solicitor though )
  20. Look at the poor little fluffy Lamb Been attacked by those big bad Birds they should be shot, some people just don’t really know what goes on in the countryside, maybe time for some more informative videos and why things are done to help get our point across
  21. Yes that’ll do it , I didn’t bother looking at the video the first time it was posted was too interested in reading what what is going on ,It’s a shame we have to justify her actions by posting stuff like this but it’s what the Antis do maybe we should start taking a leaf out of their book
  22. I quite often buy Rope bangers To put out on other fields, when I am shooting I find it helps keep the birds up this will also go on the log
  23. Exactly you could stay at home and make this up , But if the farmer has put gas guns out And Bangers in 45 gallon drums, which may or may not be possible depending on circumstance. The evidence will still be on the field
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