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silver fox 1

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Everything posted by silver fox 1

  1. I agree the problem is what the alternative
  2. 100% agree but there has been a lot of hole digging And it would seem our organisations have gone off half cocked that’s not a good either makes you wonder what next
  3. You couldn’t make this up, The only comfort we have got is it’s a voluntary ban at the moment
  4. Interesting times ahead that’s for sure. My dilemma is whether I should be funding my organisation or not, I guess this is a personal matter and I will be giving it some thought and some time for now anyway
  5. I cannot believe this Potentially our shooting organisations may have left Us wide open to attack, they don’t actually have to ban shooting now just plastic!!!
  6. Point taken, that’s pretty much what I’ve been saying all along we need to play them at their own game, in through the back door
  7. Okay so this firm of solicitors are good at what They do, do we just do nothing and watch our sport, way of life be eroded by these people?
  8. I Really hope not shooting organisations will have to make a stand sooner or later it’s their jobs on the line to
  9. Hi that’s been wild justice practice so far as well. I wonder if they are spreading their self a bit thin trying to do the general licenses Wales Scotland and England and the gamebirds as well can’t see them wanting to go to court on all these issues
  10. That seems to be wj way same thing with the last GL’s
  11. Hi I wonder how long wild justice can keep this up if they start court action against DEFRA hopefully it would prove very costly for them, Surely they only have limited funds depending on what they can crowd fund, it would be interesting to see our shooting organisations get together and suck WJ pot dry another way of skinning a cat maybe But it could prove to be costly for our shooting organisations and us as well Who’s got the teeth to call their bluff?
  12. I received the email Friday evening. It will be interesting to know how many Gamebirds are released on These sites I suspect none because of the nature of the site, seems to be it’s more to do with the 5 km buffer zone?
  13. Well that’s it they’re attacking the windowing now I can’t take any more is nothing sacred 🙄😂
  14. It’s a bit hard to do anything about things when it comes out of the blue I don’t think anybody see that coming last time although maybe we should have done It looks like Basc along with other shooting organisations are on it this time though Hindsight is a wonderful thing!!!
  15. Interesting I’ve just been on Basc website it’s under latest news headed defra holds firm on gamebird release, It doesn’t say that wild justice is challenging this but it does in the email
  16. I received an email from Basc last night saying that wild justice have put in a letter to defra threatening to take them to court over the release of Gamebirds on EU designated land with a 5 km buffer zone, Basc are saying they will go to court over this one. Looks like things should be okay for this season maybe, I wonder if this could be the beginning of the end interesting times ahead that’s for sure
  17. The only thing that I have found with these type of ear defenders they make you sweaty around the ears during the summer months. I’ve often thought about buying some cens but keep hearing the customer service is poor
  18. Peltors Sport tac Are The ones I have I’ve been using them for years use them for everything clay pigeon shooting loading and rifle shooting on the range found them really good, I did have a problem with the gunstock keep knocking them when I first started shooting but I think that was mainly down to gun mount as this doesn’t seem to be a problem anymore. I can’t comment on the others because I’ve never used them, The strange thing is I never use them when out of a night foxing never given it much thought until now. Let us know what you decide and how you get on with them regards Sf1
  19. This in a nutshell 100% agree. It would seem that these people think that they have done nothing wrong. It’s absolutely disgraceful how somebody going about their lawful business can be arrested for doing nothing wrong. But all the time nothing is being done about it this sort of thing will keep happening come on the Basc!!!
  20. All sorted thanks to dodger 👍
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