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About Windknot

  • Birthday 24/06/1973

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  1. Dimensions 1515 x 407 x 346 without top shelf. Location & collection by arrangement Weston-Super-Mare just off M5 J21. Price £125 Payment by bank transfer / paid into account prior to collection please, as I am not in the UK at the moment.
  2. 500 mph? So he's using subsonics? Whodathunkit...
  3. No. Life is too short. I even use the same chokes in both barrels now. I find I can miss just as well with this setup as with any other. But cutting down on my mental workload (I have a minuscule prefrontal lobe, you see) leaves me free to swear at the dog and exchange liqueur recipes with the other Guns.
  4. Collet die right? Yup, you need to feel the love when you're squeezing them down to size.
  5. You can have a folding stock on a section 2 gun, as long as it still measures 40" with the stock folded or collapsed, if said gun can be fired in that condition.
  6. Maximum shot size for Section 2 ammo is .36" (or 9.1mm, if you prefer.)
  7. Old newspapers soaked in water makes for a good expansion medium, if a bit heavy to lug around. It also gives consistent and repeatable results i.e. my results from wet newsprint should be very similar to yours.
  8. Cracking little rifle! I used mine as walk around varminter, and it performed very well in that role. The action is a scaled down Mauser type, complete with controlled feed- a thing of beauty in its own right. Sadly mine had a badly pitted bore (the previous owner had a penchant for corrosively primed Eastern Bloc ammo and neglect) and was replaced with a Zastava M85 in .223- it was cheaper than rebarreling the Brno. If the one you are looking at has a good bore then jump on it- they don't make 'em like this anymore!
  9. Yup, skeet. My uncle, who is a bit smarter than me, I admit, got tickets for the womens beach volleyball. Go Sweden!!
  10. If you can't hit what you're aiming at it's not really HUMANE dispatch, is it?
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