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    Near Newport, Shropshire

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  1. Smarten up one of your lads or lasses for the shooting season. Brand New Walker and Hawkes Wax flat cap XS size will fit 56 cm circumference £7 plus postage (recorded delivery)
  2. Used but in good condition with no damage. Size - Large. Measures 25" across the armpits £30 +P&P (recorded delivery) Features: Teflon coated (Water repellant) Windproof and Breathable Taped sealed seams Two upper hand wamer pockets, moleskin lined with pocket straps Two large lower bellowed pockets Two way zip with studded storm flap Storm cuffs Moleskin collar and trimmings Inside pocket
  3. Shot over some barley last week in Shropshire. All crop still standing but dropping in on tramlines where sprayer has flattened some. Was slow to get going as had no dead birds with me and the decoys were not pulling them in. Once I had a flapper going had steady traffic for a couple of hours and finished with 24 pigeon and 7 crows
  4. Fits the Gen 3 Primos trigger sticks and any other tripod with a camera mount. You will need a Primos Trigger Stick Gen3 Camera Mount (£16 from Amazon) if you don't have one. I've had this two years and had very little use. Personally I don't get on well with it but others do rate them (see Amazon reviews). The two yokes are full adjustable postions to fit any rifle. Comes in original box and packaging. £30 including recorded delivery
  5. My first full season on the foxes. Bought a caller in August and not really had much luck with it until I started using the vixen on heat calls had 9 in last 2 weeks ... love to see them running in from range.
  6. I have just bought a Foxpro inferno and interested what calls people rate. Several areas have few/no rabbits so wondered if hare and rodent calls were likely to be better for these. I know some work sometimes but wondered what people rated as the better calls. AND my Inferno has a backlit screen but the buttons are not backlit so not visible in the dark - is this faulty ... assumed buttons would be backlit as well.
  7. Don't blame these organisations - Natural England revoked the new licences and released the new versions with no consultation with these bodies. BASC has 55000+ members, with this number they have a strong lobbying ability. They have repeatedly responded to criticise Natural Englands actions and helped in getting the licences under the Secretary of State's (Gove's) control. BASC have built a positive relationship with Gove since he took up the role and and he has responded positively to BASC's position. BASC meeting and "educating" government staff and MInisters goes largely unseen but is an important part of lobbying and could be a vital part of getting a satifactory result eventually ... but it will take time. I think BASC have done all they could in this situation. Unfortunately they have been inundated with GL queries which has reduced there ability to deal with the situation as well as getting on with the usual workload. (PS BASC member not employee!)
  8. Sorry ... hadn't seen the new forum ... wondered why quiet on this forum!
  9. Glad I got my Larsen traps out early this year. Cleared up just in time for the ban.
  10. BASC have launched a survey to have some measure of the impact of the new licence situation. Only takes 5 min and anyone giving permission to control or controlling bird pest species can submit (you don't need to be a member). Here's the link to the survey: https://www.research.net/r/BASC-GLsurvey Also Defra are requesting evidence for their review. Details here: https://www.gov.uk/government/consultations/use-of-general-licences-for-the-management-of-certain-wild-birds-a-call-for-evidence Deadline for responses is 5pm Mon 13th May. The big issue I think we need to push is that no remit for population control and this was an important benefit of people on this forum shooting pigeons and crows when not directly damaging crops. By reducing the population we reduce future crop damage. Secondary to this is all the non-lethal control methods have limited effectiveness and a large increase in cost (time and resources) for the grower. We are largely volunteers putting in many hours of unpaid work with no cost to the growers/the industry for which in return we get the chance to pursue or hobby of shooting. Please pass onto other shooters and any disgruntled farmers who want these licences sorted - the more responses from pest controllers and growers the better.
  11. As suspected many restrictions including proof of trying non lethal control and ability to identify which crop you are protecting. Pigeons cannot be shot for recreation or financial gain. One listed non lethal control is the use of recordings of pigeon alarm calls!! Maybe we can use a recording of nothing as evidence???? Can use evidence from previous years so need to take numerous photos of any crop damage. Gove has taken control so hopefully Defra can do a better job????
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